Electricity Regulatory Authority Jobs Dec 2012

Introduction: The Vision of ERA is “A well developed and sustainable electricity industry that meets the national and regional demand”. And the Mission is “Regulating the electricity industry for efficient and reliable supply at equitable prices.” ERA emphasizes the following core values/ guiding principles (i) Stakeholder Satisfaction (ii) Professionalism (iii) Integrity, Transparency & Accountability (iv) Team work (v) Equal & Fair Opportunity (vi) Sustainability.

Registry/Information Officer

Unit/Section: Information and Registry.
Supervisor Title: Manager, Legal Services
Job Purpose
Maintenance of Registry and all Official Authority Documents.
Support the Director Legal Services in the custodial role of key and vital records of ERA
Ensure proper maintenance of all institutional records in accordance with the Information Act and other relevant policies and procedures of the Organisation
Ensure a completeness of all ERA records and access only to Authorised persons and advise Management on good retention procedures
Ensure that ERA’s records policy remains up-to date in line with the evolving laws and regulations and the needs of the organisation
Key Duties/Responsibilities :
Development and administration of Records Management Policies, Records and Retention Schedules, Records Management Disaster Preparedness and Recovery Plan and a vital records Management program.
Setting up and management of information registry and records center.
Digitization of all out going letters, Licenses, Permits and agreements etc.
Regular and periodic security grading of all records in line with the registry procedures developed.
Recording and entry of new (Internal and External) correspondences received on a daily basis and maintain a record database in the Incoming mail register
Filing of correspondences, reports and documents on respective files.
Indexing files in the registry and records center.
Opening and Closing of files in the registry
Compilation of Authority Papers and Minutes in one bound Book
Participating in the Drafting of Library policies by Consultants.
Soliciting for materials through user requests, through purchase, and institutional networks and donations.
Assist users of the library identify the required Information.
Oversee the computerization of the registry
Finance/ Assets:
Ensure prudent & transparent utilization of resources disbursed to this Department for official use only.
Resource Mobilization:
Spearhead the development of the annual work plan & budget for the unit.
Any other official duties: As may be reasonably assigned by the Chief Executive Officer
Key Results Areas
Completeness and Security of ERA records.
Appropriate Records management policies and procedures
A computerized Registry
An efficient system of record keeping and retrieval
Liaison with users on an efficient flow of information within the organization.
Prompt advice on enabling ERA adopt appropriate technologies in records management
Educational Requirements:
An Honours Degree Library and Information Sciences from a recognised University.
Any relevant Postgraduate Qualification from a recognised institution will be an added advantage
A certificate/diploma in computerized library information database management or related area.
Knowledgeable about the electricity supply industry in Uganda.
Good communication, Analytical and interpersonal skills.
Proficiency in relevant computer packages
Related Job Experience/Additional Skills
Working experience in a reputable organization 3 of which should be specific to information and registry services
Should be result oriented, team player with a high degree of professionalism.
Ability to operate under strict deadlines, long hours and cope with work related pressure
Ability to keep confidential information
Should be at least 30 years old.
Manager Human Resource
Manager, Human Resource & Administration Contract Length: 5 years
Unit/Section: Human Resource & Administration
Supervisor Title: Director, Financial & Administrative Services
Job Purpose
To ensure a conducive work environment that attracts and retains high caliber and competent staff in ERA To facilitate the development, updating and guide overall implementation of various Human Resource and Administrative policies, strategies, systems and procedures to facilitate the realization of the Authority objectives. To ensure that appropriate staffs are recruited, selected, and placed within the Authority in tandem with the policies, procedures and in line with the Terms and conditions of service. To develop and maintain an effective facilities’ management system that ensures ERA’s facilities, equipment and other related assets are in sound operating conditions at all times and serving the organization’s objectives.
Key Duties/Responsibilities :
Reviewing Human Resource & Administration policies and systems and advising on any necessary changes. Identifying the institutional skills gaps and making appropriate plans for intervention through training, development and or recruitment. Developing a staff development plan. Coordinating the organization’s performance management system in light of the established strategic objectives and values of the organization. Play a leading role in the recruitment process, induction and development cycle of the ERA staff in light of the strategic and staff development plans. Responsible for smooth and conducive employee relations in light of the ERA staff ethics and code of conduct and terms and conditions of service. Ensure that staff welfare, health and safety procedures are effectively implemented and monitored for compliance. Ensure that the ERA medical scheme and guidelines thereof is maintained and remains relevant for the changing organizational circumstances. Provide advice to enable ERA remain complaint at all times with the relevant provisions of the Labor Act and best practice in HR and Administration. Preparation of monthly and quarterly facilities management reports.
Finance/ Assets:
Management of Assets on behalf of ERA to ensure safety and cleanliness Ensure that resources (financial + physical assets) entrusted to you are utilized in a prudent and transparent manner.
Public Relations:
Represents the Section HR and Administration in Management meetings
Staff Responsibility:
Coordinate the staff performance management process throughout the ERA.
Any other official duties:
As may be reasonably assigned by the Director, Finance & Administration.
Key Results Areas
Develop, update and guide overall implementation of various Human Resource and Administrative policies, strategies, systems and procedures to facilitate the realization of Authority objectives. Manage and coordinate Organizational Development and Change Management in line with the corporate strategy. Develop, manage and coordinate the performance management process and instill a performance culture. Initiate design and effect appropriate recruitment, selection, and placement policies and procedures in line with the Terms and conditions of service. Develop and implement cost effective fleet management, asset management, procurement management systems and procedures that support the realization of strategic objectives. Develop and monitor the implementation of the Section of Administration and Human Resource Business Plans and Budgets. Develop need based management and leadership development programmes in line with the Authority strategy and objectives Monitor and enforce standards of service delivery for outsourced/contracted providers.
Educational Requirements:
A Master’s Degree from a recognized University in Public Administration, Management, Public Policy & Administration or Human Resource Management** An Honors Degree from a recognized University , in Public Administration, Management, Public Policy & Administration, Human Resource Management, Psychology or related discipline**
**At least one of the two above should be in Human Resource Management Desirable:Knowledgeable about the electricity supply industry in Uganda
Proficiency in relevant computer packages. Should have good analytical skills. Should have good leadership skills.
Should have good interpersonal skills.
Related Job Experience/Additional Skills
Should be a strategic thinker, should be able to comprehend technical reports A confident individual that can enlist confidence of other staff Very good communication, negotiation and interpersonal skills A team player and system oriented that works with minimal supervision. Should have at least five (5) years working experience in a reputable organization at a senior level in HR & Administration Should be computer literate with good knowledge of relevant HR software Ability to maintain confidential information Should be at least 32 years of age
Legal Officer
Section/Unit: Legal Services
Supervisor Title: Manager, Legal Services
Job Purpose
Review licensee applications and legal documentation for granting permits and licences.
Carry out due diligence of licensees to ascertain the validity of their legal documentation.
Draft licensing documentation in line with the Authority’s licensing terms, conditions and guidelines.
Liaise and follow-up with the licence applicants to ensure completeness of documentation submission in applying for permits and licences by ERA.
Key Duties/Responsibilities :
Support to the formulation of licensing policy and procedures for the regulation of the electricity industry
Be a central point of receiving and dispensing all statutory/licensing notices, complaints and directives
Drafting and or reviewing of all contracts and agreements where ERA is a party.
Coordinate with other departments with respect to ERA processes for the review of applications and issuing of license
Carry out research and provide technical input to design and review of licensing and subsidiary regulations on a continuous basis as need arises.
Monitor licensee operations and work in liaison with the Consumer Affairs staff to enforce legal compliance of all licensees.
Co-ordinate the work of the Licensing and Projects task team in regard to new projects/applications
Review licences for appropriateness of conditions and related obligations before issuance processes.
Finance/ Assets:
Support the Manager, Legal Services in administration of resources disbursed to the Department.
Public Relations:
Play a supportive and liaison role with Permit and License applicants
Any other official duties: As may be reasonably assigned to you by the Manager, Legal Services
Key Results Areas
Efficient handling of Permit and License applications
Effective guidance to and provision of necessary information to applicants
Effective representation of ERA in legal matters/negotiations/dispute resolution procedures
Develop and Implement legal risk management and control systems
Educational Requirements:
At least an Honors Degree in Law.
Should have a Post Graduate Diploma in Law from the Law Development Center and
Professional qualification like ICSA/from similar bodies and or Masters in Law, will be an added advantage
Enrolled as advocate with a valid practicing certificate
Should be result oriented with very good communication and interpersonal skills.
Should have good research & analytical skills
Ability to work with minimal supervision and result oriented in a dynamic and challenging environment
Related Job Experience/Additional Skills
Post enrollment experience of at least Three (3) years’ with a reputable organization/Law firm with demonstrable experience in contentious an non-contentious dispute resolution experience
Should be at least 25 years of age
Consumer Affairs Officer
Advocacy and Awareness Contract Length: 5 years
Unit/Section: Consumer Affairs
Supervisor Title: Manager, Consumer Affairs
Job Purpose
To coordinate and implement consumer education and advocacy programs aimed at Promoting Consumer Learning, Participation and Trust.
Key Duties/Responsibilities :
Consumer Relations
Initiate consumer education content development through internal consultations, by use of documents, industry reports and stakeholder consultation material etc.
Develop and implement consumer awareness and education activities in line with the agreed work plan.
Follow up on matters of consumer concerns raised through various mediums and update the immediate supervisor for appropriate action.
Build the Electricity Consumer Committees (ECC) capacity to meet agreed objectives. This includes working with the committees to develop work plans, developing & managing budgets, and reporting.
Organize and facilitate training and workshops for ECCs and other identified key persons.
Develop work plans and regular reports to the head of the Unit as determined by agreed plans and objectives
Work with the Communications Officer (CO) to design and produce information, education/communication materials on advocacy.
Write and contribute content on consumer Affairs to the ERA Bi-annual Newsletter.
Advocacy & Awareness Roles.
Liaise with the CO and team to develop and implement a consumer empowerment and Advocacy Plan
Identify and develop issues on advocacy campaigning and communication related to consumers affairs and stakeholder interests.
Respond to partner request/queries on key consumer Affairs and advocacy issues on a reactive basis
Design and produce information, education/communication materials on advocacy.
Networking with peers to develop best practices, contacts and key players.
Share learning and experiences on best practices on electricity consumer protection and engagement in the country and region.
Working with the Principal Economist in charge of Research, carry out surveys and report on key advocacy issues that should programmatic be included in the review of ERA’s strategic planning.
Develop or sustain regular communication and meetings with key civil society and community contacts to feed into ERA’s consumer advocacy work.
Finance/ Assets:
Ensure that resources entrusted to you are utilized in a prudent and transparent manner.
Staff Responsibility: Supervision of the Consumer Affairs Officer
Any other official duties: As may be reasonably assigned by the Consumer Affairs Manager
Key Results Areas
Awareness promotion and the coordination of and delivery of agreed plans or strategies within the team
Preparing programs to enhance electricity consumer awareness
Maintenance of contacts with consumer organizations and civil society organizations
Execution of sector surveys with internal and external audience analysis to identify consumer needs/ demands in the sector.
Educational Requirements:
An honours Degree in Arts, Business Administration, Social Sciences or Mass Communication.
Post Graduate diploma or certificate- mass communication/Journalism/marketing would be an added advantage.
A Master’s Degree in a relevant field will be an added advantage
Knowledgeable about the electricity supply industry in Uganda
Skills in media development and management
Good communication, analytical and interpersonal skills Proficiency in relevant computer packages
Related Job Experience/Additional Skills
At least 4 years working in a large organization in a consumer affairs related field
Should be result oriented, team player with a high degree of professionalism.
Very good interpersonal skills, highly professional and performance oriented
Should be at least 28 years of old.

Contact/How to apply: 
Detailed Curriculum Vitae including copies of relevant certificates
Address (including daytime telephone, fax or e-mail) of the applicant
Address (including daytime telephone, fax or e-mail) of three Referees
Addressed to:
Applicants who do not meet the stipulated minimum requirements need not apply.
N. B. Members of the Electricity Regulatory Authority or Staff of ERA Secretariat shall not be accepted as referees. Canvassing or any attempt thereof will lead to immediate disqualification. ERA is an equal opportunities employer.

Closing date: 
December 3, 2012 - 5pm
Electricity Regulatory Authority Jobs Dec 2012 Electricity Regulatory Authority Jobs Dec 2012 Reviewed by Unknown on 12:08:00 AM Rating: 5
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