Web Editor/Online Communications Officer (Kenya)

The World Bank’s Africa Region—which has approximately 1600 members of staff , 60% of which are based in more than 38 offices on the continent—is committed to helping African clients realize their development potential, with a focus on growth, impact on the poor, inclusiveness and employment generation.

The mission of Africa Strategic Communications Department (AFRSC) is to enhance the impact of the World Bank's development assistance and quality of debate around development issues in Africa through strategic and effective communications. This includes fostering better communications within Africa countries and partner countries between policy makers and internal stakeholders as well as outreach by the World Bank to civil society in the Africa region, part 1 constituencies, and regional organizations. AFRSC also works with other Bank communications colleagues to reach audiences outside Africa that influence Africa progress. The region’s website is an integral part of the communications and outreach effort. It informs the world of who we are and what we do, raises awareness of development issues, and shares development knowledge with our clients. In addition, the site builds the Bank’s global brand by ensuring transparency in our policies, programs, and projects.

AFRSC seeks an enthusiastic and talented online professional to head a “web hub” being established in Kenya to improve the Bank’s ability to share knowledge and engage with key audiences in Kenya , Tanzania, Burundi, Uganda, Eritrea, Rwanda, Somalia, Ethiopia, South Sudan, and Sudan
The Online Communications Officer position, based in Nairobi, will coordinate a full range of online activities and ensure the sites meet the highest quality standards. Principle duties include conceptualizing and producing new content in line with the regional communications strategy, overseeing time-bound campaigns, and coordinating online responses to development issues related to both the assigned countries and the region as a whole, including the use of social media tools. The position reports to the AFRSC Manager in Washington, who supervises and oversees the work program of the region’s communications team.

Note: If the selected candidate is a current Bank Group staff member with a Regular or Open-Ended appointment, s/he will retain his/her Regular or Open-Ended appointment. All others will be offered a 3 year renewable term appointment.

Note: If the selected candidate is a current Bank Group staff member with a Regular or Open-Ended appointment, s/he will retain his/her Regular or Open-Ended appointment. All others will be offered a 3 year term appointment.

The Kenya Country Hub Online Communications Officer plays a strong content coordination and project management role in the day-to-day operation of the hub’s sites, as well as coordinating with to the AFR Communications Team. Among the principal responsibilities of the position are:
Ensuring that the sites within the hub are operated in alignment with appropriate vice-presidential and corporate priorities, as well as with the Bank’s web-related policies.
Preparing and maintaining web editorial calendars in coordination with the AFR web team and country office communications staff.
Planning and integrating the use of social media and other audience engagement tools as part of the regional strategy.
Working closely with regional and country office staff in conceptualizing and writing content or commissioning specific content to be written by online writers or staff elsewhere in Bank.
Facilitating and coordinating the presentation of country-specific content, including design of country-by-country editorial calendars, regular monitoring of content for quality and timeliness, and on-going communications with individual country offices and across the region to foster audience engagement.
Conceptualizing and commissioning multimedia content to support web outreach.
Applying editorial processes and approval workflows in the Bank’s web content management system, as well as reviewing, editing and writing content for publication.
Providing guidance to country office staff engaged in web publishing.
Managing translation of content between English and other languages as appropriate.
Reviewing and monitoring sites for quality and timeliness, as well as for compliance with Bank information management procedures and practices.
Developing and leading implementation of online campaigns (content marketing) to target key audiences, and measuring success in achieving them.
Establishing key performance indicators and reviewing web metrics reports; sharing results and recommendations with appropriate management and staff.
Engaging in user research and determining audience needs; acting on audience feedback.
The Kenya Country Hub Online Communications Officer supports the AFR web team in raising the visibility and improving the structure of country and regional online communications by:
Translating regional strategic objectives into an online communication action plans, including detailed editorial calendars for each assigned country.
Implementing the plans using social media, multimedia, and other tools where relevant.
Identifying opportunities to use existing and emerging online tools; providing support and one-to-one training for country office staff in the use of current and emerging online communication channels.
Participating in related web governance groups to represent the views of the region and countries in the hub, sharing knowledge, and ensuring good practices.
Advocating and articulating proposals and ideas to improve the Banks’ website for countries in the hub.

Master’s or bachelor’s degree in Communications, International Relations/Public Affairs, Journalism, Marketing, Political Science or other related disciplines, with a minimum of 5 years (with master’s) or 10 years (with bachelor’s) of relevant experience.
A minimum of five years experience in writing and/or editing for the web.
Proven writing and editing skills, with a strong command of English and the ability to convey complex ideas in a creative, clear, direct, and lively style.
Knowledge and applied work experience in social media principles and Web 2.0 technologies sufficient to execute, lead or advise others in assuring that online communication and audience engagement tools and channels are fully leveraged.
Ability to initiate and manage a continuing editorial process and to conceptualize and execute the online packaging of content.
Strong diplomatic, interpersonal, and team skills; demonstrated client orientation; sensitized in working in a diverse and multicultural environment.
An in-depth understanding and problem-solving approach to project management as it relates to complex, multifunctional projects.
Ability to leverage online communication tools and methodologies (such as online monitoring, web analytics, or other online measurement tools) and to lead research efforts that identify and map project stakeholders or intended audiences, and to develop and analyze online communications performance indicators.
Ability to prioritize, work well under pressure and capably handle/juggle multiple tasks within tight deadlines. Experience working with cross-functional teams.
In-depth knowledge of international trends and political/economic issues related to development.
Experience producing for the web and a basic working knowledge of software packages for page formatting, image management, videos, and content preparation (HTML, Photoshop, and similar software preferred).
Experience in search engine optimization and online marketing.
Web Editor/Online Communications Officer (Kenya) Web Editor/Online Communications Officer (Kenya) Reviewed by Unknown on 2:21:00 AM Rating: 5

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