African Development Bank Vacancies Feb 2012

  • Position title: Chauffeur - Bureau National de la République Centrafrique
  • Grade: GSL- 3
  • Position N°: NA
  • Reference: ADB/12/019
  • Publication date: 01/02/2012
  • Closing date: 28/02/2012



Duties and responsibilities

Sous la supervision générale du Représentant Résident, le titulaire assume entre autres, les fonctions et responsabilités suivantes:

  • Conduire le Représentant Résident, les membres des missions en visite au bureau national et les délégations officielles en mission ;
  • Accueillir les fonctionnaires de la Banque à l’aéroport et leur faciliter les formalités d’immigration et de douanes ;
  • Assurer l'entretien quotidien du véhicule qui lui est attribué (vérification de l’huile, de l’eau, de la batterie les freins, des pneus etc.);
  • Effectuer les petites réparations et veiller à ce que les grosses réparations soient portées à la connaissance du Représentant Résident et suivre leur exécution ;
  • Veiller à la propreté du véhicule, tenir le registre des déplacements officiels, du kilométrage quotidien, de la consommation d’essence, des vidanges, des graissages, etc. ;
  • Veiller à ce que les formalités prévues dans les dispositions réglementaires soient remplies en cas d’accident ;
  • Exercer d’autres fonctions selon les besoins de service.

Selection Criteria

  • Doit avoir au moins le diplôme du Baccalauréat (BAC) et être détenteur d'un permis de conduire valide pour toutes catégories ;
  • Avoir au minimum une expérience confirmée d’au moins cinq (5) ans en tant que chauffeur dans une organisation renommée;
  • Doit avoir de bons antécédents de conduite, être courtois, être discret, capable d’effectuer des petites réparations automobiles et prendre de l’initiative ;
  • Doit connaître le code de la route et bien connaître les grandes villes du pays, en particulier Bangui. Doit posséder de bonnes qualités de relations interpersonnelles et de communication. Etre présentable, avoir une bonne maîtrise de la langue française (écrit & oral). La connaissance pratique de l’anglais serait un atout.

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Chauffeur - Bureau National de la République Centrafrique (87 KB)

  • Position title: Assistant IT - Bureau National de la République Centrafrique
  • Grade: GSL- 8
  • Position N°: NA
  • Reference: ADB/12/017
  • Publication date: 01/02/2012
  • Closing date: 28/02/2012



Duties and responsibilities

Sous la supervision du Représentant Résident, le/la titulaire devra entre autres, assumer les responsabilités suivantes :

  • Assurer une assistance technique aux responsables des installations, de l’entretien et du support pour le réseau grande distance (WAN) du bureau national comprenant notamment la transmission de la voix, la transmission des données et la vidéoconférence ;
  • Assurer l’exploitation et la maintenance du système de télécommunication par satellite (VSAT) et du système informatique et fournir les services d’appui et d’assistance au personnel du bureau national. Il doit être disponible sur appel 24 heures par jour, 7 jours par semaine ;
  • Assurer la gestion et l’entretien des équipements électriques et mécaniques tels que le système de télécommunication par satellite (VSAT) et le système de secours pour garantir la continuité de service (UPS) ;
  • Assurer la résolution des problèmes éventuels rencontrés avec les équipements et les logiciels informatiques (hardware et software) du bureau national. Retourner les équipements défectueux aux fournisseurs pour leur réparation et pour le service après-vente ;
  • Apporter des réponses aux questions et aux problèmes posés par les utilisateurs du système de télécommunication et des équipements informatiques, afin de mettre en place, de développer et de renforcer le fonctionnement, l'efficacité et la qualité des produits et/ou services fournis au bureau national et à l’extérieur du bureau ;
  • Etablir les statistiques sur les appels des utilisateurs concernant la transmission de la voix, du fax, des données et de la vidéoconférence à travers la connexion par le VSAT ;
  • Fournir une assistance technique au personnel du bureau national, en coordination avec le responsable de la maintenance et de l’installation au siège de la Banque et s’occuper du réseau grande distance (WAN) comprenant la transmission de la voix, des données et de la vidéoconférence ;
  • Favoriser et entretenir un environnement de travail sain et adéquat, permettre aux membres du personnel de prendre les précautions nécessaires pour se protéger contre les objets dangereux, les produits chimiques nocifs, etc.

Selection Criteria

Le/la titulaire doit avoir au minimum un diplôme de niveau maitrise en Informatique, en Electronique ou en Télécommunications avec des connaissances en informatique ou en électronique ou dans les domaines connexes ;

Un diplôme ou une formation professionnelle qualifiante dans le domaine des télécommunications, de l’informatique ou des logiciels en rapport au domaine des télécommunications et de l’informatique est un atout ;

  • Il/Elle devra justifier d’un minimum de six (6) années d'expérience dans les télécommunications ou dans l’informatique et dans un poste similaire;
  • Il/Elle doit avoir la maîtrise des logiciels standards utilisés par la Banque tels que Word, Excel, Microsoft Outlook, Access et Power Point. La connaissance de SAP R/3 sera un avantage ;
  • Il/elle doit écrire, parler et communiquer couramment en français et/ou en anglais et être capable de travailler dans l’autre langue.

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Assistant IT - Bureau National de la République Centrafrique (88 KB)

  • Position title: Secrétaire/Réceptionniste - Bureau National de la République Centrafrique
  • Grade: GSL- 5
  • Position N°: NA
  • Reference: ADB/12/018
  • Publication date: 01/02/2012
  • Closing date: 28/02/2012



Duties and responsibilities

Sous la direction générale du Représentant Résident et fonctionnelle des experts pays/secteur, le/la secrétaire sera chargé de:

  • Prendre les rendez-vous des experts et des autres membres du personnel du bureau et tenir à jour leurs emplois du temps ;
  • Recevoir les visiteurs et répondre à leurs questions avec tacts et discrétion ;
  • Préparer les documents d’information utilisés par les experts dans les missions officielles et à l’occasion des réunions spéciales ;
  • S’occuper des questions de protocole des visiteurs des autres experts et des visiteurs du bureau;
  • Organiser les réunions des experts; Assister la/le secrétaire du Représentant Résident dans la coordination des réceptions officielles données par le représentant ;
  • Participer aux réunions avec le personnel, prendre des notes et rédiger les comptes rendus en cas d’absence de la/ le secrétaire du Représentant Résident ;
  • Effectuer les traductions non officielles et faire office d’interprète pour les experts et les autres membres du bureau;
  • Rédiger les correspondances qui ne portent pas sur les questions de fond et en assurer le suivi ;
  • Gérer le courrier entrant et sortant des experts et les communications téléphoniques du bureau ;
  • Tenir un système d'archivage approprié; et traiter les rapports des missions des experts ; Veiller à la qualité des documents requérant l'approbation et/ou la signature des experts et des autres membres du personnel;
  • Rédiger et finaliser les projets de courriers dans un éventail de domaines, pour le compte des experts et préparer les procès-verbaux des réunions des experts;
  • Assumer d’autres tâches selon les nécessités de service.

Selection Criteria

  • Etre titulaire au minimum d’une licence (BAC + 3) ou d’une maitrise (BAC + 4) en gestion administrative, assistance de direction ou « HND » ou « Pitmans » ou « RSA »pour les candidats ayant étudié dans le système anglophone ;
  • Un diplôme additionnel d’administration de bureau est un avantage comparatif ;
  • Avoir au minimum quatre (4) années d'expérience dans le domaine du secrétariat et de l'administration ;
  • Etre parfaitement bilingue aussi bien à l’oral et à l’écrit ; Avoir la maîtrise des logiciels standards utilisés par la Banque tels que Word, Excel, Access et Power Point. La connaissance de SAP R /3 sera un avantage.

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Secrétaire/Réceptionniste - Bureau National de la République Centrafrique (92 KB)

  • Position title: Spécialiste en développement social - Bureau National de la République Centrafrique
  • Grade: LP- 5
  • Position N°: NA
  • Reference: ADB/12/022
  • Publication date: 01/02/2012
  • Closing date: 28/02/2012



Duties and responsibilities

Sous la supervision du Représentant Résident, et en consultation avec les Chefs de Division du Département de Développement Humain ainsi qu’avec les tasks managers (chargés de projets) au Siège de la Banque, le/la Spécialiste en Développement Social assumera les fonctions et responsabilités suivantes :

  • Contribuer à la préparation et l’évaluation des stratégies et politiques concernant le développement des secteurs sociaux, à savoir notamment : la santé, l’éducation, la population, le genre, etc.;
  • Participer à la préparation des termes de référence et au suivi des études sectorielles intéressant les secteurs sociaux et contribuer à la rédaction, à l’examen et à la revue des rapports d’études ;
  • Participer aux missions d’identification, de préparation et d’évaluation des projets/programmes des secteurs sociaux ou toutes autres opérations ayant un volet social ;
  • Apporter son expertise lors de l'examen des rapports d'évaluation des offres reçus à l’issue des appels d’offres et effectuer l'évaluation des propositions techniques et financières pour les marchés relatifs à l'exécution des projets/programmes sociaux ;
  • Conseiller et apporter son expertise aux responsables des agences d'exécution des projets sur les questions et les priorités des secteurs sociaux, les aspects techniques des projets et les règles et procédures de la Banque, notamment en matière d'acquisition des biens, travaux et services et des procédures de décaissement ;
  • Participer aux missions de lancement, de supervision, de revue à mi-parcours, de revue du portefeuille et d’achèvement des projets/programmes sociaux et contribuer à l’élaboration des rapports ;
  • Assurer le suivi des recommandations formulées à l’issue des missions de supervision, de revue à mi-parcours, de revue de portefeuille et d'audit des comptes des projets/programmes sociaux, en accordant l'attention voulue au suivi/évaluation des projets ;
  • Contribuer au renforcement de la coordination et au dialogue avec les autres partenaires techniques et financiers qui interviennent sur les projets/programmes des secteurs sociaux ; représenter la Banque dans les séminaires, conférences et ateliers nationaux et participer aux rencontres et réunions des bailleurs de fonds, qui permettront de guider le Représentant Résident et la Direction de la Banque sur les questions stratégiques dans les secteurs sociaux;
  • Contribuer au suivi et à l’évaluation de l’impact des projets sur le développement économique et social en République Centrafricaine en coordination avec la Direction nationale des affaires sociales et les structures de planification des départements techniques;
  • Rassembler, analyser et transmettre au siège les informations et documents sectoriels pertinents.
  • Assurer toute autre tâche pertinente jugée nécessaire dans le secteur du développement humai.

Selection Criteria

  • Au moins un DESS, DEA ou équivalent en Sciences sociales, économie, développement social, les sciences de l’éducation et de la santé, l’économie sociale, la planification des secteurs sociaux, l’analyse de la pauvreté.
  • Le candidat doit avoir au minimum 5 années d'expérience professionnelle de préférence dans une institution financière multilatérale ou dans une organisation analogue.
  • Une expérience dans la préparation, l’évaluation et la gestion de l’exécution des projets financés par les donateurs sera un avantage.
  • Il/Elle doit avoir la maîtrise des logiciels standards utilisés à la Banque (Word, Excel, Outlook, Power-Point).
  • La connaissance du logiciel COSTAB et la maîtrise du SAP sont un avantage.
  • Le candidat doit posséder des capacités d'organisation, de planification, de conception, de recherche et d’analyse.
  • Il/Elle doit avoir l’aptitude à communiquer efficacement en français ou en anglais, avec une bonne connaissance de l'autre langue.

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Spécialiste en développement social - Bureau National de la République Centrafrique (99 KB)

  • Position title: Ingénieur Transport - Bureau National de la République Centrafrique
  • Grade: LP 5
  • Position N°: NA
  • Reference: ADB/12/021
  • Publication date: 01/02/2012
  • Closing date: 28/02/2012



Duties and responsibilities

Sous la supervision technique du chef de Division OIT.1 et la supervision administrative du Représentant Résident, le/la titulaire sera en charge de toutes les activités liées à la gestion de projets et l’administration de prêt en relation avec le développement de l’infrastructure des transports du portefeuille du Groupe de la Banque telles que définies dans les fonctions et responsabilités des Bureaux nationaux, y compris la coordination de programmes connexes devra entre autres, assumer les responsabilités suivantes :

  • Contribuer à la préparation et à l’évaluation des politiques et stratégies du secteur du transport de concert avec les organismes publics, les partenaires au développement et d'autres parties prenantes
  • Participer aux missions d’identification, de préparation et d’évaluation des projets/programmes d’infrastructures de transports et aux études effectuées par la Banque dans ce secteur et contribuer à la rédaction et à la revue des rapports ;
  • Participer aux missions de lancement, de supervision, de revue à mi-parcours des projets, d’achèvement de projet du secteur des transports et de revue de portefeuille et contribuer à l’élaboration des rapports ;
  • Appuyer en conseils et en expertise les responsables des organes d’exécution sur les questions et les priorités du secteur des transports, les aspects techniques des projets et les règles et procédures de la Banque, notamment en matière d’acquisition de biens et services, de procédure de décaissement ;
  • Apporter son expertise lors de l’examen des rapports d’évaluation des offres et mener l’évaluation des propositions techniques et financières pour les contrats liés à l’exécution des projets ;
  • Assurer le suivi des recommandations formulées dans les rapports de supervision, de revue à mi-parcours, de revue de portefeuille et d’audit en accordant l’attention voulue au suivi/évaluation des projets ;
  • Effectuer un travail analytique et sectoriel pour informer et appuyer en aval l'intervention de la Banque dans la conception des projets et programmes du secteur du transport ;
  • Collaborer avec d'autres partenaires au développement en vue de l’harmonisation des approches, du partage des expériences, et de l’amélioration permanente des pratiques, et intégrer les engagements de la politique sectorielle du transport dans la gestion des projets ;
  • Préparer les fiches de projet de transports identifiés avec les emprunteurs en vue de leur inclusion dans le pipeline de projet.

Selection Criteria

  • Être titulaire d'un DEA/DESS ou d’un diplôme équivalent dans une discipline liée au transport telle que la planification/génie des transports, ou en économie du transport et justifier en plus d'une formation en politique publique ou en administration publique;
  • De préférence au moins cinq (5) années d'expérience professionnelle pertinente en politique et stratégie du transport, développement institutionnel et gouvernance sectorielle, réformes sectorielles, privatisation/ participation du secteur privé;
  • Avoir une expérience avérée dans la formulation des politiques et stratégies du transport, des programmes de développement du secteur du transport et la mise en œuvre des réformes du secteur du transport, notamment des réformes juridiques, réglementaires, institutionnelles, ainsi qu’en matière de privatisation;
  • Capacité à conduire un dialogue sectoriel sur les questions liées à la politique générale du transport (réforme du secteur public, de la finance publique, de la participation du secteur privé et de la réglementation) et de la capacité analytique d'intégrer des aspects politiques et de développement institutionnel dans un large éventail de questions liées au secteur du transport;
  • Avoir une bonne maîtrise des méthodologies et techniques d'analyse, de planification et de programmation, du secteur du transport, de la réglementation des tarifs, économique et de la sécurité, ainsi que des questions de gouvernance sectorielle et des impacts du changement climatique;
  • Aptitude avérée à conduire un groupe d’experts pour une exécution des projets et une mise en œuvre des programmes de manière efficace;
  • Être capable d’utiliser le système ERP, de préférence le système SAP et les logiciels standards de MS Office (Word, Excel, Access et PowerPoint);
  • Avoir de grandes capacités à négocier et à communiquer oralement et par écrit en anglais ou en français avec une connaissance pratique de l'autre langue.

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Ingénieur Transport - Bureau National de la République Centrafrique (90 KB)

  • Position title: Senior Procurement Specialist (Based in the East Africa Regional Service Center) - Procurement and Fiduciary Services Department
  • Grade: PL- 5
  • Position N°: NA
  • Reference: ADB12/14
  • Publication date: 31/01/2012
  • Closing date: 01/03/2012


The Procurement and Fiduciary Services Department reports to the Vice President, Country and Regional Program & Policy (ORVP). The Department supports the Sector Departments in project cycle activities and in monitoring compliance in fiduciary services related to the financial management of projects and program on the one hand, and procurement activities on the other. In addition, the Department is responsible for engaging in framing financial management and procurement policies, guidelines, rules and generating statistics relating to procurement, and maintaining the Bank database for consultants. It is also expected to contribute to analytical and diagnostic work in the continent; to review financial management and procurement capacities in the countries; and to recommend measures for capacity improvement. The Department is also mandated to provide training to the Borrowers and to Bank staff on financial management and procurement issues. The Procurement Services division (ORPF.1) ensures the implementation of the procurement policy and strategy of the Bank and is also expected to conduct analytical and diagnostic work in RMCs (Regional Member Countries); to review procurement capacities and to suggest measures for capacity improvement. It has an increasing country presence through a growing network of 25 field offices.

Duties and responsibilities

The Senior Procurement Specialist (SPS) will be located in the East Africa Regional Service Center (Nairobi - Kenya) and work as a technical staff of the Procurement and Fiduciary Services Department receiving all guidance and support on procurement matters/issues from the Regional Procurement Coordinator (RPC) or the Division Manager ORPF.1. The SPS will be supervised administratively by the Regional Director. The SPS shall supervise the work of the local Procurement Officers (LPOs) and Local Procurement Assistants (LPAs) and will assist in the procurement aspects of the overall projects portfolio in countries within the region. This will include, but is not limited to: (i) Providing technical guidance at the Field Offices in the procurement activities of assigned projects and programs within the framework of the Bank’s policies and guidelines; (ii) assessing the adequacy of project procurement arrangements; (iii) capacity building to improve borrowers' procurement systems; and (iv) participating in launching and supervision of Bank funded-projects with a special focus on compliance with the Bank procurement rules, regulations, policies, procedures, audit recommendations and other fiduciary requirements. In collaboration with the LPOs and LPAs the SPS will have the following specific duties and responsibilities:

  • Supervise the receipt, review and approval of all tender related documents requiring the Bank’s “No Objection”, “Approval” or “Action” under the Rules and Procedures of the Bank; monitor practical aspects by assisting the Projects’ Task Managers to supervise the procurement activities carried out by Borrowers throughout the project cycle.
  • Receive and process procurement documents within his or her authorized level or forward them to the Regional Procurement Coordinator as appropriate with background information for their review and action.
  • When required, review Borrowers’ procurement procedure, documents and/or contracts that are subjected to the Bank’s post review procedure to determine compliance with the Bank’s Procurement Rules and Procedure and make appropriate recommendations based on the findings.
  • Advice Borrowers, Suppliers, entrepreneurs, Consultants and Contractors on all aspects related to the procurement of goods and services under Bank Group funded project.
  • Participate in Preparation and Appraisal missions for specific projects with a view to assisting Borrowers and Sector Department Staff to define the most appropriate modalities for procurement.
  • During the project/program preparation cycle missions, assessing the adequacy and effectiveness of the procurement capacity at the Executing Agencies and Project Implementation Units.
  • Prepare the procurement chapter in the Project Appraisal Report.
  • Participate in the project/program Launching Mission to assist the project/program team in developing capacity building of the Executing Agency in the area of procurement.
  • Review and/or draft, under the technical supervision of the RPC, procurement chapters/sections for a variety of project lending documents taking into account the economy and efficiency of procurement and acceleration of appropriate disbursement.
  • Carry out supervision work to ensure that projects procurement management systems are functioning appropriately, including the review of periodic interim procurement reports for the Regional Procurement Coordinator clearance.
  • Under the guidance of the RPC, make significant contributions in evaluating and developing improvements to borrowers’ procurement regulations/practices, including influencing the design, reform and establishment of national and sub-national public procurement systems and strengthening of institutional capacity within borrower entities.
  • Participate in project discussions and contributes to the preparation and revision of procurement plans and implementation schedules or monitoring systems.
  • Under the guidance of the Regional Procurement Coordinator, assist in the coordination of activities with other Development Partners regarding harmonization of policies on procurement at country level.
  • Assist Task Teams and ORPF in monitoring the implementation of agreed action plans for the Country Procurement Assessment Reviews, and provide technical advice to Governments in the implementation of reform actions.
  • Participate in designing and delivery of tailored training to the Executing Agency (EA) and Bank staff to develop skills in procurement in accordance with AfDB procurement Rules and Guidelines.
  • Supervise, mentoring and coaching of countries’ procurement staff.
  • Undertake other procurement related activities that may be required by ORPF.

Selection Criteria

  • At least a Master’s degree (or its university equivalent) in a relevant discipline, e.g. Engineering, Architecture, Procurement, Law, Management, Commerce or a related field.
  • Preferably a minimum of 5 years of relevant professional experience in the formulation and implementation of procurement-specific policies, programs and projects in African or other developing countries.
  • Proven familiarity with and experience in the practice of procurement of goods and works and the acquisition of consultancy services under donor funding conditions.
  • Ability to understand and conceptualize the complex problems of procurement of goods, works and services.
  • Competence in the use of Bank standard software (Word, Excel, Access, MS-Project, and PowerPoint); knowledge of SAP desirable.
  • Ability to communicate and write effectively in English and/or French, with a good working knowledge of the other language.

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Senior Procurement Specialist (Based in the East Africa Regional Service Center) - Procurement and Fiduciary Services Department (69 KB)

  • Position title: Principal Resource Mobilization Officer - Resource Mobilization and Allocation Unit
  • Grade: PL-4
  • Position N°: NA
  • Reference: ADB/12/15
  • Publication date: 31/01/2012
  • Closing date: 01/03/2012


The African Development Bank (AfDB) is the continent’s leading development institution focused on promoting economic development and poverty reduction. The Bank intervenes in a number of selected areas where Africa is facing complex development challenges. It lends directly to the public and private sectors through a variety of instruments, provides grants to eligible low income countries and, provides advisory services to African governments and Pan-African agencies. In recent years, the Bank has increasingly played an advocacy role for the continent internationally. Core operational priorities include infrastructure, governance, regional integration, engagement in fragile states, the private sector and higher education and skills development. The Bank’s has enhanced its African presence through a growing network of field offices (currently 28). The Vice Presidency for Country and Regional Programs and Policy (ORVP) is responsible for regional programs, procurement, policy, resource mobilization and partnerships. The Resource Mobilization and Allocation Unit (ORMU) of ORVP leads the Bank’s resource mobilization activities and is responsible for major fund raising initiatives including for the African Development Fund (ADF), coordination/preparation of all relevant documentation to support resource mobilization, management of the Nigerian Trust Fund (NTF) and monitoring funds allocation and debt-related initiatives (notably HIPC and MDRI).

Duties and responsibilities

The Officers report to the Unit Head, Resource Mobilization and Allocation. Core responsibilities include:

  • Resource mobilization: provide analyses for building strategic options for raising resources; contribute to the consultation and negotiation process for selected funds, including ADF replenishment consultation meetings; and liaise with operational departments on these issues; Task manager for the Nigerian Trust Fund;
  • Resource allocation: coordinate the annual process of allocating funds to low income countries, implement the process for monitoring resource utilization; contribute to the preparation of progress reports for ADF Mid-Term Review; and analyze implementation, including possible policy revisions, and the Bank Group’s positioning within the global aid architecture;
  • Debt management and related issues: coordinate and contribute to the implementation of debt–related initiatives such as HIPC and MDRI, develop new initiatives in debt management capacity and non-concessional borrowing policy;
  • Knowledge development and networking: participate in the organization of regular internal and external outreach events for the benefit of staff and other stakeholders to explain the activities of the different funds and key drivers of the allocation system; propose new policies guiding resource utilization as required; participate in key Multilateral Development Bank (MDB) Meetings, working groups on Debt and Performance Based Allocation, and important donor and international meetings; contribute to effective collaboration with other departments and complexes on economic and sector work.
  • General management and supervision: elaborate objectives, develop work programs and execute them; ensure that deadlines are met and that outputs reach the highest technical standards; manage junior staff throughout the year and contribute to their personal and professional development;

Selection Criteria

  • Minimum a Master’s degree in economics, quantitative methods, modeling techniques or other relevant fields;
  • Preferably a minimum of six (6) years of relevant experience; solid grounding in the use of quantitative methods; and understanding of both public and private sector perspectives would be an asset;
  • Fully established operational track record in achieving results;
  • Experience in the management of major replenishment exercises;
  • A good track record in fund-raising with international, public and private sector sources;
  • Familiarity with debt related issues and debt management strategies;
  • Proven ability to provide sound advice on how to articulate policy issues, set priorities and identify tradeoffs;
  • Demonstrated ability to work across institutional boundaries with various teams, build and lead a team of professional staff, and utilise talent and the expertise of team members productively;
  • Demonstrated ability to produce high quality work on short notice, take prudent risks and make timely decisions;
  • Superior written and verbal communication skills in English and/or French (with a working-knowledge of the other language).
  • High degree of discretion and tact in dealing with internal and external clients and stakeholders at all levels;
  • Competence in the use of Bank standard software (Word, Excel, Access, PowerPoint).

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Principal Resource Mobilization Officer - Resource Mobilization and Allocation Unit (51 KB)

  • Position title: Principal Health Economist - Health
  • Grade: PL- 4
  • Position N°: NA
  • Reference: ADB/12/13
  • Publication date: 27/01/2012
  • Closing date: 26/02/2012



Duties and responsibilities

  • Formulate and propose Bank’s Country Assistance Strategies for the Health sector in collaboration with the health team in general and in particular with those involved already and financing and in health economics activities in particular, by:
    • conducting analyses of the health situation of a country and analyzing health systems and health financing constraints, collecting and analyzing demographic data, disease patterns, human, material and infrastructure resources, as well as health financing and equity indicators;
    • recommending health sector studies/projects/programmes to be included in the lending programme for each country, particularly in the areas of medical education, e-health, governance and health insurance
    • leading Economic and Sector Work (ESWs) to inform country dialogue and policies including public expenditures reviews, Public Expenditure Tracking Surveys (PETS), evidence based costing and budgeting exercises (MBB), community of practices related to Health financing issues (COP) and other economic analyses;
    • preparing terms of reference and supervise health financing and other economic studies in the health sector and assist borrowers in recruiting consultants, reviewing and approving reports,
    • initiating and maintaining a high level policy dialogue with borrowers and other agencies involved in the health sector;
    • advising Governments/Bank Management on proposed health sector strategies and policies and future operational plans,
  • Initiate and conduct missions to:
    • identify, prepare, appraise and launch health projects/programmes for Bank-financing including Health insurance interventions;
    • - conduct financial and economic analysis underpinning health projects and provide recommendations regarding the amounts, terms and conditions of the loan;
  • Conduct technical supervision of on-going health projects/programmes by:
    • monitoring the achievements of Bank funded programs
    • conduct analysis of Bank’ project economic and financial performance including cost- effectiveness, cost benefit and benefit incidence analysis
    • preparing and monitoring portfolio performance reports for the Health sector;
  • Identify and coordinate the needs for co-financing health projects/programmes and initiate proposals for funding by:
    • operationalizing an integrated approach to sustainable development, taking into account cross-cutting issues i.e. poverty, environment, population, gender and institutional development,
    • monitoring and reviewing health sector aid programmes of other donor agencies in each specific regional member country and determining financing gaps,
    • representing the Bank/Department at national and international health related meetings;
  • Perform other related administrative or technical duties as required by the Manager or Director on health related issues; attending Working Group, Loans Committee, Loan Negotiations and Board meetings; and guiding and assisting lower-graded staff in the same or related functions.

Selection Criteria

  • At least a Master’s Degree in Economics with concentration in Health Economics and or Economics of Service Delivery
  • At least Six (06) years relevant experience in conducting economic and financial analysis of projects and programs,
  • Strong analytical and quantitative skills as demonstrated by the production and or contribution to analytical reports/ publications,
  • Experience in analysis of health policies in developing countries, particularly in Africa;
  • Very good knowledge of STATA or equivalent statistical package as well as the standard software used in the Bank (Word, Excel, etc.);
  • Ability to communicate and write effectively in English and/or French, with good working knowledge of the other language.

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Principal Health Economist - Health (80 KB)

  • Position title: Division Manager - Results Reporting Division
  • Grade: PL-2
  • Position N°: NA
  • Reference: ADB/12/009
  • Publication date: 27/01/2012
  • Closing date: 16/02/2012


The African Development Bank (the Bank) is a leading development institution on the continent, focused on promoting economic development and poverty reduction. It engages with the full range and complexity of development challenges in Africa. It has integrated operations, lending directly to the public and private sectors through a variety of instruments. It also provides advisory services and has an increasing country presence through a growing network of 27 field offices. The Office of the Chief Operating Officer (COO) is charged with improving coherence and coordination across the Bank’s complexes, ensuring strategic priorities are reflected in resources allocation, enhancing monitoring and management of performance, and strengthening the focus on results. Within the COO’s Office, the Quality Assurance and Results Department (ORQR) seeks to improve the quality and the development impact of the Bank’s operations. This includes promoting a stronger focus on delivering development results, but also on reporting results and demonstrating the impact of Bank’s operations on people’s lives.

Duties and responsibilities

The Division Manager will work under the general supervision of the Director ORQR. Core responsibilities include:

  • Determining the objectives of the Division and establishing the work programme;
  • Monitoring implementation of the Division’s work programme and introducing changes where necessary to ensure that work objectives are met;
  • Leading Bank-wide work for consolidating and updating the Bank Group’s Results Measurement Framework and implementing Bank policies to collect core sector indicators;
  • Advising the Director ORQR and COO on improving the Bank’s performance in key areas of the Bank’s Results Measurement Fraemwork.
  • Leading Bank-wide work for preparing and publishing the Bank's flagship publications on development effectiveness: the Annual Development Effectiveness Review, the Sector Briefs, and the Country Briefs;
  • Coordinating Bank-wide efforts for mainstreaming aid effectiveness principles into the Bank’s operations, as well as the Bank’s engagement in international discussions on development effectiveness;
  • Contributing to corporate efforts to develop formats, guidelines, policies, and systems (including a Bank-wide Results Reporting System) to strengthen the Bank’s capacity to report on and disseminate results throughout the project cycle;
  • Leading the Bank dialogue with other multilateral development banks with regards to mutual accountability frameworks, reporting on results, and other high-level corporate initiatives;
  • Conceptualising, in coordination with the relevant departments, initiatives to upgrade the Bank’s practices on communicating results to a wider audience, from Parliamentarians, to civil-society organisations, and the public at large.

Selection Criteria

  • Minimum of a master’s degree in public administration, economics, development evaluation, strategic communication, international relations or a related field;
  • Preferably a minimum of eight (8) years of relevant experience and with a good mix of corporate and field level assignments;
  • Established track record of assisting both internal and external clients to improve their capacity to deliver, monitor, and communicate development results;
  • Strong interpersonal skills, with a proven ability to build consensus among different stakeholders, create effective networks across institutional boundaries, and lead teams in a multicultural environment;
  • Dynamic, achievement-focused leader and manager with an established performance record;
  • Demonstrated skills to combine strategic thinking with a good understanding on how to translate ideas into products in a participatory manner, navigating the shortest institutional way possible;
  • Superior written and oral communication skills in English and/or French with a working knowledge of the other language.

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Division Manager - Results Reporting Division (68 KB)

  • Position title: Director, Compliance Review and Mediation Unit (CRMU)
  • Grade: EL5
  • Position N°: NA
  • Reference: ADB/12/011
  • Publication date: 27/01/2012
  • Closing date: 21/02/2012


The Independent Review Mechanism has been established for the purpose of providing people likely to be adversely affected by a project financed by the African Development Bank, the African Development Fund, the Nigeria Trust Fund and other Special Funds administered by the Bank with an independent mechanism through which they can request the African Development Bank Group to comply with all its own policies and procedures.

The Independent Review Mechanism (IRM) combines compliance review and problem-solving functions to be undertaken in accordance with the established Operating Rules and Procedures for the mechanism. The Compliance Review and Mediation Unit (CRMU), which administers the IRM, is the first point of contact with the Requestors (Complainants). The CRMU Director, with the assistance of professional and support staff, assesses and registers requests, facilitates problem-solving exercises, undertakes outreach activities and administers the Roster of Experts consisting of three external experts appointed by the Boards of Directors on a 5 year non-renewable term. Upon the authorization by the President or the Boards of Directors, the IRM Experts will form Compliance Review Panels to undertake independent compliance reviews of projects.

The Director is expected to have thorough knowledge of and experience in handling complex environmental and socio-economic problems related to development projects and ensuring compliance with institutional policies and procedures. S/he shall be able to work independently from the Bank’s management and have relevant administrative experience from international organizations and good leadership skills in managing people, budgets and external relations. The Director reports administratively to the President of the Bank Group, and functionally to the Boards of Directors for projects approved by the Boards and to the President for projects under consideration for financing by the Bank Group

Duties and responsibilities

The major responsibilities of the Director CRMU include::

  • General administration of the CRMU, including staff, budgets, external relations and arranging for the selection of members to the Roster of Experts who upon the recommendation of the President will be appointed by the Boards of Directors;
  • Receiving and assessing whether or not the requests (complaints) fall within the mandate of the IRM, and if found admissible register the requests in the Register of Requests, which is available on-line under ;
  • For requests registered for problem solving, together with CRMU staff, and in complex cases with external assistance from mediators, undertaking problem solving exercises by using different techniques such as independent fact finding, mediation, conciliation and dialogue facilitation, including use of best customary practices;
  • For requests registered for compliance review, together with the members of the IRM Roster of Experts undertaking eligibility assessment of requests and making recommendations to the President or the Boards as the case may be of whether or not a compliance review is warranted; If a recommendation of a compliance review is accepted by the President or the Boards, the compliance review will be undertaken by a Review Panel comprising the IRM Experts, while CRMU will provide administrative and technical support to the Panel;
  • Monitoring the implementation of agreed action resulting from problem solving exercises or compliance reviews;
  • Undertaking outreach activities to sensitize Bank staff, project affected people and civil society organizations on the Independent Review Mechanism;
  • Preparing reports related to the different functions of the IRM, including ensuring that the reports are translated to the official languages of the Bank and distributed to the President, the Boards, the requestors and other relevant parties as defined in the IRM Operating Rules and Procedures (available in the website;
  • In consultation with the IRM Experts, preparing annual reports describing the activities of the IRM and lessons learned including identifiable trends and challenges relating to the activities of the Bank Group that have emerged from the IRM’s problem solving exercises and compliance reviews;
  • Cooperating and coordinating with other multilateral development banks and financing institutions with similar independent review mechanism on co-financed projects under review or problem solving by the IRM;

Selection Criteria

  • At least a Master’s degree in law, social science, anthropology, sociology, development, environment, or related humanities field or a combination of related or equivalent studies/degrees;
  • At least ten (10) years of relevant professional experience in environmental and social development, conflict resolution and consensus building especially in settling human and social problems in developing countries, preferably from Africa;
  • Experience in applying relevant public participation, social policies and other relevant policies in development of projects, such as environmental conservation and resettlement of people, and a keen interest in ensuring compliance with environmental and socio-economic policies;
  • Familiar with the objectives and functions of multilateral development banks and financing institutions;
  • Ability to make sound, impartial, fair and independent judgment;
  • Strong interpersonal skills and ability to carry out effective dialogue with stakeholders, including government officials, project affected people, civil society organizations, and Bank managers and staff;
  • Competence in the use of other Bank standard software applications (Word, Access and PowerPoint), SAP desirable.
  • Proficiency in English and/or French, with a working knowledge of the other language;
  • Applicants for this position shall not have worked for the Bank Group in any capacity two (2) years prior to being appointed. The appointment will be made by the President of the Bank Group with the concurrence of the Boards of Directors. The term of the Director is five (5) years, renewable only once for a similar period but not exceeding the retirement age of the Bank.

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Director, Compliance Review and Mediation Unit (CRMU) (89 KB)

  • Position title: Agriculture Expert - Field Office in Tanzania
  • Grade: NA
  • Position N°: NA
  • Reference: NA
  • Publication date: 26/01/2012
  • Closing date: 27/02/2012


Under the supervision of the Resident Representative, and working in consultation with the Division Managers in the Agriculture and Agro-industry Department, and Task Managers at Headquarters, the incumbent will generally perform the functions of the Country Office and any such other responsibilities as may be assigned to him/her.

Duties and responsibilities

  • Undertake analytical work in agriculture sector with a view to determining its level of priority in the country’s development program, and advise Management on how to ensure sustainability of benefits of Bank financed agricultural projects and programs in Tanzania;
  • Contribute to the Preparation of Country Strategy Paper, with particular reference to agriculture and rural development;
  • Formulate, evaluate and supervise projects, lending proposals, feasibility studies and sector work;
  • Provide inputs in the review of tender evaluation reports and undertake the evaluation of technical and financial proposals for contracts relating to project implementation;
  • Participate in the Agricultural Sector Working Group activities and related donor-coordination meetings, sector wide approaches, on the basis of which to advise the Resident Representative and Management on policy issues in the sector;
  • Assist where required in the development of the Bank’s policies, procedures and guidelines, and ensure their application;
  • Serve as a technical specialist in his/her discipline and anchor for multi-disciplinary identification, preparation, appraisal, launching, monitoring and follow-up, supervision, and completion of agriculture sector missions; contribute to the preparation of Portfolio Review Reports;
  • Provide expert advice and guidance to officials of executing agencies on sector issues and priorities, technical aspects of projects, and the Bank rules and procedures, including those for the procurement of goods and services;
  • Assist the Bank in its training programme;
  • Provide active support to government in facilitating loans/grants effectiveness;
  • Assist country officials and implementing agencies carrying out procurement and disbursement activities in accordance with the Bank Group rules and procedures
  • Assist government and implementation agencies in utilization of revolving funds and in preparation of quarterly progress reports and annual audit reports; and
  • Participate in other technical tasks assigned by the Resident Representative and the Division Managers in the Agriculture and Agro-industry Department;
  • Perform other duties requested by the Resident Representative and the management.

Selection Criteria

  • The incumbent should possess a Masters degree in Agriculture, Agricultural Economics or related field, and at least five years of professional experience in program/project design and management, broad knowledge of all agriculture sub-sectors, and with specific experience in implementation and management of donor funded projects in an African setting;
  • Previous experience working in multi-lateral financial institutions or similar large organisations, and performing such roles as project preparing, appraising, supervising or implementing donor funded projects;
  • Full understanding of the principles of project cycle and project implementation as applicable in the regional member countries (RMCs) is required for portfolio management;
  • Proven planning and organizational skills. Strong conceptual and research/analytical skills, with ability to think strategically and rapidly analyze and integrate diverse information from varied sources into conclusions and recommendations; excellent oral and writing skills;
  • In-depth knowledge of social, political and development issues in the country;
  • Proven ability to interact competently with the staff of government and donor agencies on issues relating to aid coordination;
  • Competence in the use of COSTAB and other Bank standard software (Word, Excel, Access, MS Projects and PowerPoint);
  • Ability to communicate and write effectively in English, with knowledge of French an advantage.

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Agriculture Expert - Field Office in Tanzania (100 KB)

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To apply for this position, you need to be national of one of AfDB member countries.

  • Submitted by: Youssouf Mohamed, Chef de division, CHRM1
  • Approved by: Gemina Archer-Davies, Director CHRM
African Development Bank Vacancies Feb 2012 African Development Bank Vacancies Feb 2012 Reviewed by Unknown on 2:47:00 AM Rating: 5

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