Senior Medical Specialist (Emergency Medicine Department)

Requirements : Holder of three or more years Postgraduate degree (M.Med) in either Surgery or Anesthesia (Candidates holding M. Med degrees in other fields registered with the Medical Council of Tanganyika may apply if they have at least 3 years of critical care, casualty, or emergency unit clinical experience). Must have worked as a specialist Medical Doctor for not less than 4 years Must have published not less than two research papers in area of specialization, one as the principal author

Job Description : To provide clinical supervision to intern, registrar, and resident physicians in the unit To set performance targets for interns, registrar, and resident physicians in the unit To monitor and evaluate all aspects of intern and registrar physician job performance To monitor and evaluate clinical performance of resident physicians To oversee staff and operations in the Emergency Medicine Department operating theatre To oversee the evaluation and triage of urgent cases to the Emergency Medicine Department operating theatre To assist in the development and implementation of clinical protocols for use in the Emergency Medicine Department and the EMD operating theatre To supervise patients case presentations and participate in other staff training activities, which may include didactic presentations, workshops, and daily clinical rounds. To supervise and appraise staff and identify development and training needs. To plan, implement and supervise research and issue reports accordingly. To review inputs for, and coordinate preparation of periodic reports To perform any other duty assigned from time to time by the supervisor.

Apply To : Executive Director

Full Address : Executive Director Muhimbili National Hospital P.O BOX 65000 Dar es Salaam.

Closing Date : 31/Aug/2012

Senior Medical Specialist (Emergency Medicine Department) Senior Medical Specialist (Emergency Medicine Department) Reviewed by Unknown on 10:11:00 AM Rating: 5

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