Statoil Tanzania has re-launched the Heroes of Tomorrow Business Competition (HoT) which aims at promoting entrepreneurship among the youth. The Heroes of Tomorrow Business Competition was first launched by Statoil Tanzania in September 2014 and has been a great success so far. In the first edition, over 500 business ideas were received from youth in Mtwara region and an overall winner was awarded.
Heroes of Tomorrow Competition 2015 invites youth from the aged between 18 and 25 from Lindi and Mtwara regions to share their business ideas which are to be transformed into business plans.
The youth in Mtwara and Lindi can obtain the forms included in the Competition brochure from Stella Maris University, Mtwara Regional Library, VETA, Naliendele Agricultural College, Tanzania Institute of Accounts and Utumishi College.
The best 40 ideas will be selected to attend training and coaching on how to develop a business plan from their ideas.The submitted business plans will be judged to obtain the 10 finalists. These will present their business plans to the jury and the jury will select and interview the best five participants before announcing the winner at a final event in Dar es Salaam on April 14, 2016.
2016 Heroes of Tomorrow Entrepreneurship Challenge
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