Road Infrastructure and related Capacity Building Specialists

Job Reference Number


Job Type

International Development Assistance/Emerging Markets



Job Location


Job Summary

​Seeking applications from individual experts to establish a pre-qualified registration list of highly qualified and experienced consultants.

Key Responsibilities

​Recent DFID (UKAID) support for the transport sector in developing countries has included two programmes focused on applied research in the area of low-volume rural roads and transport services. Between 2004 and 2009, DFID supported the South East Asia Community Access Project (SEACAP) in Vietnam, Cambodia and Laos. This was followed by DFID support to the Africa Community Access Project (AFCAP phase 1) between 2008 and 2014. Building on the success of these two programmes, in 2014 DFID initiated support to a second phase of support to AFCAP and new support for similar applied research focused on South Asia (ASCAP). These two programmes are managed under the overall umbrella of the Research in Community Access Partnership (ReCAP). ReCAP will operate in the following geographical areas: Africa Region (East and South), Africa Region (West) and Asia Region.
The Research for Community Access Partnership (ReCAP), managed by Cardno Emerging Markets (UK) Ltd, is seeking applications from individual experts to establish a pre-qualified registration list of highly qualified and experienced consultants through framework individual contracts in the following fields/thematic areas: a) Road Infrastructure and related Capacity Building specialists; and b) Transport services and related issues (including road safety, gender and associated capacity building). ReCAP will deliver a program of projects and activities between 2015 and 2020.  It will enter into Framework contracts with successful individual applicants initially through to 31 July 2017, with an option to extend by mutually agreement up to the full life of ReCAP.
This application process is open to individuals who meet the criteria detailed in the application documentation, for any one (or more) of the sub-themes under each specific thematic area particular to the applicant's region of experience. Locally based (national) individuals and women are encouraged to apply. This application process is open to all nationalities.
Full set of application documents are available at Interested Individual experts can download the full set of application documents here:Invitation for applications_final.pdf

Other Requirements

​All submissions must be received by no later than 5:00pm UK time on 04th December 2015.  Responses and all queries should be submitted directly to

Cardno Emerging Markets is an Equal Opportunity Employer and is committed to Child Protection.

Employee Benefits


Road Infrastructure and related Capacity Building Specialists Road Infrastructure and related Capacity Building Specialists Reviewed by Unknown on 5:07:00 AM Rating: 5
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