National AGOA Strategy Consultant IN Tanzania

DAI is an international development company. For more than 45 years, we have worked on the frontlines of international development, tackling fundamental social and economic development problems caused by inefficient markets, ineffective governance, and instability. Currently, DAI is delivering results that matter in some 80 countries. Our development solutions turn ideas into impact by bringing together fresh combinations of expertise and innovation across multiple disciplines. Our clients include international development agencies, international lending institutions, private corporations and philanthropies, and national governments.
National AGOA Strategy Consultant - Tanzania
Location: Sub-Saharan Africa
Location: Tanzania
Job Code: 2372
Project Background
The East Africa Trade and Investment Hub (EATIH) project is intended to spur inclusive economic growth by promoting an enabling environment for trade and investment and increasing East African trade and investment, particularly to and from the United States. The project will build upon prior investments to increase regional trade competitiveness and reduce poverty. Included in EATIH's mandate is assisting countries in the region to develop National AGOA Strategies.
Position Background and Purpose
The purpose of the task is to engage national stakeholders to obtain their input and ownership of the Draft National AGOA Strategy and, ultimately, produce a strategy that is validated and acceptable to both, the private sector and the Government of Tanzania.
Scope of National AGOA Strategy
The task will cover all aspects of engaging stakeholders in dialogue to get their opinion, input and buy-in on the draft AGOA Strategy. The aim is to ensure that all issues that matter most are captured and addressed in the strategy. The underlying principle for this task is that stakeholders must have a chance to influence the decision-making process and the final product. The process will differentiate stakeholder engagement from communications processes that seek to issue a message or influence groups to agree with a decision that is already made. Accordingly the Ministry will identify and provide a list of key stakeholders to be engaged in the dialogue.
Besides its broader role, the Ministry of Trade and Industry (MoTI) is responsible for operationalizing international trade agreements. It is also the lead ministry for all export-related initiatives, although close collaboration is undertaken with other Government Bodies. Its mission is 'To create an enabling environment for sustainable growth of industry, Trade, Marketing and SME sectors through effective policies and strategies, private sector participation, entrepreneurship development, and facilitating diversification of production, services and markets thereby creating employment, generating income and improving Quality of life'. The Ministry with the support of the consultant will;
  • Define criteria for identifying and prioritizing stakeholders and select an engagement mechanism
  • Be in charge of communication with selected stakeholders and determine logistics for the engagement
  • Conduct the engagement, ensuring equitable stakeholder contribution
  • Identify opportunities from feedback and determine actions, revisit goals and plan next steps for follow-up and future engagement
National AGOA Strategy Consultant IN Tanzania National AGOA Strategy Consultant IN Tanzania Reviewed by Unknown on 3:00:00 AM Rating: 5
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