Legal Intern at Astute Attorneys

Post- Legal Intern (2 Positions)

Key responsibilities
- Research and prepare the client’s case and ensure the client is kept informed in a timely
and appropriate manner.
- Review contracts or any other documentation, advise clients and assess legal implications that need to be brought to the executive firm’s attention.
- Prepare, review and modify contractual instruments to assist and support various business activities.
- Maintain and update a written record of clients’ cases and status of cases.
- Assess evidence and evaluate the strength of a client’s case.
- Liaise with relevant government departments, registries, private and community sector bodies.
- File pleadings and follow up on the status of cases at the relevant courts and tribunals.
- Follow up on pending matters at the government departments and registries.
- Prepare legal opinion, written statements etc.
- Prepare and advise on the necessary checklist to be adopted to ensure information is submitted on time.
- Any other assignments as may be assigned to you.

Academic and professional qualifications

- LLB undergraduate degree or Diploma in Law

- At least one year experience in a law firm, with a proven track record.

Additional skills
- Strong communication and managerial skills.
- Hard working with an ability to meet deadlines.
- Demonstrate knowledge of law and ability to adopt and learn new skills.
- Smart and resourceful.

The position will attract a competitive salary package. Applicants are invited to submit their application letters and resume via e-mail

Deadline is on 10th February 2016 at 5.00pm
Legal Intern at Astute Attorneys Legal Intern at Astute Attorneys Reviewed by Unknown on 2:41:00 AM Rating: 5
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