Call for Research concepts in Gender Mainstreaming in Rural Transport - ReCAP

Job Reference Number


Job Type

International Development Assistance/Emerging Markets



Job Location


Job Summary

​Following on from the Gender Mainstreaming discussion facilitated on GATNET during November-December 2015, The Research for Community Access Partnership (ReCAP) is pleased to publish a call for research concepts from researchers and practitioners to further explore aspects that will contribute to the key research areas.

Key Responsibilities

​ReCAP is interested in supporting an understanding of Gender Mainstreaming among those within the ReCAP community and beyond who are able to influence policy and practice in Africa and Asia (particularly in ReCAP partner countries). Individuals or organisations in Africa and Asia can submit research concepts, independently or in collaboration with other individuals or organisations in Africa, Asia or the rest of the world.


Other Requirements

Employee Benefits


​Interested organisations or individuals can request the full ‘Call for research concepts’ document which provides details of the envisaged research theme and submission procedures’ by sending an e-mail to  with copy, stating the project reference No.GEN2044B on the e-mail subject.

All submissions of research concepts should provide the information specified in the ‘Call for research concepts’ document and must be received by no later than 22nd February 2016, 17:00 UK time

Cardno Emerging Markets is an Equal Opportunity Employer and is committed to Child Protection.
Further information about the ReCAP please visit

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