ADMINISTRATIVE POSITIONS AT Ardhi University January 2016

Ardhi University has vacant positions in the Academic, Administrative and Technical cadres. The University subscribes to the policy of an equal opportunity employer and therefore invites applications from candidates who are interested to work in a thriving University environment and have the requisite skills, Qualifications and experience for various positions as indicated below;

1. Office Assistant (1 Post)
Required Qualifications: Holder of Form IV Certificate with passes in English and Kiswahili plus ICT skills.
After receiving appropriate orientation an Office Assistant will be assigned duties as per specific requirements of the area of deployment.
2. Administrative Officer II (1 Post)
Required Qualifications: Holder of First Degree/Advanced Diploma in Public Administration/ Management/Sociology/Human Resources Management/Labour Law or any other related field with working experience of at least three years in a similar position plus ICT skills.
i) Deals with general office administration with minimum supervision in any section falling under personnel and administration functions.
ii) Performs any other related duties as may be assigned by one’s reporting officer.
3. Survey Technician II (1Post)
Required Qualifications: Holder of Form IV/VI Certificate with Diploma/City and Guilds II/Higher National Certificate in Land Surveying / Geomatics plus ICT skills; OR holder of form IV/VI Certificate with Certificate in Land Surveying / Geomatics/Instrumentation and working experience of at least three years in a similar position plus ICT skills
i) Carries out specified tasks under supervision.
ii) Assists senior staff in relevant fields of operations.
iii) Performs any other related duties as may be assigned by one’s reporting officer.
4. Library Assistant I (1 Post)
Required Qualifications: Holder of Form IV/VI Certificate with Diploma in Library and Information Studies and working experience of at least three years in a similar position plus ICT skills; OR holder of Form IV/VI Certificate with Certificate in Library Studies/successful completion of Certificate Library Examinations and working experience of at least five years in a similar position plus ICT skills.
i) Carries out routine professional duties.
ii) Assists in processing added copies and continuations.
iii) Assists in maintaining public and staff catalogues.
iv) Ensures proper shelving of books and periodicals.
v) Assists in coping catalogues with CIP data.
vi) Assists in handling inter library loans-gifts and exchanges.
vii) Assists in manual operations in various sections of the library.
viii) Lends out and receipt of books.
ix) Performs any other related duties as may be assigned by one’s reporting officer.
5. Personal Secretary II (1 Post)
Required Qualifications: Holder of Form IV/VI Certificate with passes inEnglish and Kiswahili plus Diploma in Secretarial Studies from a
recognised institution and Shorthand/Hatimkato 100/120 w.p.m., typing
50 w.p.m, tabulation and manuscript
stage III with working experience of at least three years in a similar position.
i) Follows – up outstanding replies.
ii) Coordinates office requirements.
iii) Keeps diary of events and appointments.
iv) Ensures that the respective office is punctually open.
v) Performs any other related duties as may be assigned by one’s reporting officer.
6. Accountant Assistant II ( 1 Post)
Required Qualifications: Holder of Form IV/VI Certificate with NABE III/ATEC II/Diploma in Accountancy/Module A and B and working experience of at least three years in a similar position plus ICT skills.
i) Prepares payment reports, schedules and lists of various expenditure.
ii) Maintains vote book and various registers e.g. debtor, impress creditors, etc.
iii) Receives and pays out cash and cheques.
iv) Maintains accounting records.
v) Performs any other related duties as may be assigned by one’s reporting officer.
7. Insurance Manager (1 Post)
i. Required Qualifications: Holder of Diploma in Insurance or a Diploma in Business Field plus a Certificate in Insurance or any other recognized professional Insurance qualifications. AND 5 years post qualification experience in the Insurance Industry, 3 years of which should have been in managerial or executive position.
i. To run a department for handling Insurance business at Ardhi University.
ii. To develop competitive quotes, to prompt of documents promptly, and proper
advice at the time of claims.
iii. To maintain follow-ups of claims of their prompt settlement by Insurance.
iv. To develop and nurse relationship with clients through, physical visits and various communication platform.
v. To enhance public awareness of the Agency through various communication strategies.
vi. To build support with Institutions in Tanzania in order to have their Insurance routed through ARU’S Insurance Agency.
vii. To maintain an accurate and complete customer database and networking with construction firms in order to solicit business on engineering for ARU’S
Insurance Agency.
Duty Station for all advertised posts is Dar es salaam
Remuneration: According to Government Salary Scales.
1. All academic awards should be from recognized Universities and Institutions.
2. All applicants for academic posts should indicate in their application letter the name of the School to which they are applying.
3. All applicants with certificates from foreign Universities should have the certificates verified by the Tanzania Commission for Universities (TCU)
4. Applicants who are currently employed by Public Institutions should channel their applications through their employers.
5. All applicants must submit signed application letters accompanied with the following:
i) Copies of relevant academic and professional certificates;
ii) Three names and complete addresses of referees;
iii) Current CV
6. Age limit: Not above 45 years
7. Applications should reach the University by using the address below not later than 8th February, 2016.
8. Only short-listed applicants will be contacted.
9. Details of the available vacancies, specializations, qualifications, duties and responsibilities of the advertised vacancies can be obtained from Ardhi University Website and Public Service Recruitment Secretariat (PSRS) Website.
Interested applicants should submit their applications to the undersigned:
The Deputy Vice Chancellor,
(Planning, Finance and Administration)
Ardhi University,
P.O. Box 35176, Dar es Salaam.

ADMINISTRATIVE POSITIONS AT Ardhi University January 2016 ADMINISTRATIVE POSITIONS AT Ardhi University January 2016 Reviewed by Unknown on 2:51:00 AM Rating: 5
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