Medical Attendant For Operating Theatre: 10 Positions

The Aga Khan Health Service, Tanzania is an agency of the Aga Khan Development Network, committed to providing quality health care to Patients and promoting health sciences education.
With this ongoing mandate, The Aga Khan Health Services Tanzania (AKHST) has embarked on a major expansion that will see the development of tertiary-level services, educational and quality initiatives.
We require additional enthusiastic and qualified candidates who are committed to patient and family-centered care.

C- Medical Attendant For Operating
Theatre: 10 Positions

Academic Qualifications:
Secondary education (Form IV).
At least 1 to 2 years Auxiliary training course recognized by Ministry of Health.


Interested candidates for any of the above positions should submit applications, include CV and other relevant documents to hr@ ; with a CC to

or applications may be dropped off at the Human
Resources Department, Aga Khan Hospital, P.O Box 2289 Dar es Salaam. Application
Medical Attendant For Operating Theatre: 10 Positions Medical Attendant For Operating Theatre: 10 Positions Reviewed by Unknown on 2:22:00 AM Rating: 5
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