Sector Specialist Mentors - IS4D Phase 2

Job Reference Number


Job Type

International Development Assistance/Emerging Markets



Job Location


Job Summary

​By just about any measure of infrastructure coverage, African countries are lagging behind their developing country counterparts elsewhere in the world.  The World Bank estimates that US$93 billion per year is needed to close Africa’s infrastructure gap and the International Energy Agency predicts that $300 billion is needed in the energy sector alone to achieve universal power access by 2030. Meanwhile, in publishing the African Mining Vision in 2009, the African Union articulated the importance of harnessing the continent’s natural resource endowment as a means of accelerating development, highlighting the critical role of infrastructure therein.

In this context, the Australian Department of Foreign Affairs and Trade (DFAT) launched an Infrastructure Skills for Development (IS4D) program in 2015 to build public sector capacity to plan and oversee the delivery of priority PIDA infrastructure projects.  Drawing on lessons from the initial phase of IS4D, a second phase is scheduled for 2016.

IS4D2 will select key multi country corridors in which there are good prospects to accelerate momentum of key PIDA infrastructure projects and make a substantial strategic impact on participating agencies and their personnel.  Initial intake will be limited to approximately 35 public sector professionals selected on a competitive basis against clear criteria.  The PIDA projects that will likely be supported through the program include those in the rail, road and port transport sectors and the transmission component of power sector infrastructure.  Although final project selection and location remain to be confirmed, these projects are likely to consolidate the work undertaken in the first phase of IS4D, working primarily within the East African Community (EAC) and Southern African Development Community ( SADC) Regional Economic Community locations.​

Key Responsibilities

​AAPF are seeking applications for sector specialist mentors who will support the participants over the life of the IS4D in  four key areas – (a) providing technical advice and information relating to the “soft and technical” challenges of their “work based project” (b) facilitating “action learning sessions” with their peer group (learning sets) to support participants to reflect and develop new approaches to overcoming their work based project challenges (c) monitoring each participants progress in attaining new competencies and skills as outlined in each participants agreed learning program and (d) collaborating with AAPF program managers to deliver a content enrichment component of the program involving all or any of (i) specialised supplement short courses, (ii) experiential visitation programming or (iii)short term work-based immersion placements.
Specific responsibilities and reporting:
During the initial workshop (approx. 12 days)
Work with each assigned individual participant; in consultation with the RTO, and;

On a Monthly basis (3.5 days per month)
Undertake regular (minimum monthly) technical support meetings (dialogue and discussions) with each participant on progress of the work based project and provide support – via advice, contacts, suggestions, on line resources.

Provide recommendations to AAPF on possible immersion secondments for individuals or experiential visits for the learning set – (7 days) + (3 days planning)

Provide recommendations on additional customised training that the learning set may require, and possible workshops and technical forums that they could attend (5 days) + (4 days planning) – if approved prepare a TOR for the training and accompany the learning set on training / workshop. 

Final workshop (7 days) – Support RTO to undertake a Training Needs Assessment, to ascertain each participant progress against learning contract, and participate in “graduation” ceremony  

Final report (3.5 days) - In collaboration with the RTO - provide an end of IS4D report for each participant in the mentors learning set

Other Requirements

Selection Criteria:
Applications will be assessed in accordance with the following criteria:  
15 or more years of relevant work experience  preferably in major infrastructure in road, rail or energy sector 

Direct experience within the public sector or indirect experience as a result of working on behalf of public sector clientele – including:
(i) Leadership experience in public or private Project management of infrastructure projects in relevant sector
(ii) Working with  Multiple stakeholders and complex projects structures
(iii) Leader projects in pre-feasibility and  feasibility phases of project preparation in relevant sector 
Direct experience with PIDA and/or Presidential Infrastructure Champion Initiative (PICI) projects.
Knowledge of the African context essential. 
Communication and facilitation skills 
Transferring knowledge and skills to individuals – (previous mentoring experience (formal or informal) would be essential  
An ability to support participants to develop their own solutions and ideas through structured “action learning” facilitation sessions – including 
(i) translating complex theoretical concepts into work based practical applications
(ii) understanding different learning styles and how best to support learning activities
(iii) communicating  clearly within a cross cultural setting and with participants for whom English may be a second language
(iv) providing feedback in a manner that empowers individuals and encourages them to continue 
Personal Characteristics - demonstrate
(i)  A manner that engenders trust and confidence
(ii) Warm, engaging and compassionate personal
(iii) High level of energy with a positive `can do' attitude

Application Process
To successfully apply for the Sector Specialist Mentor positions applicants must submit:
1.   CV of no more than 6 pages stating clearly your preferred sector(s) for mentoring – transport, rail, port or power;
2..  Two (2) page summary of how previous experience matches key selection criteria and would support the objectives of the role and the program;
3.   Details of membership in professional associations, if any;
4.   Details, including proficiency, of languages spoken; and,
5.   Provide name and contact details of two (2) current referees who can be contacted to attest to your personal and professional attributes.
Failure to submit all the requested documentation may lead to the rejection of application.
The full Terms of Reference can be located here: Terms of Reference

Employee Benefits

​The terms and conditions of these positions are determined by DFAT’s policies and procedures as set out in the ‘Adviser Remuneration Framework’ (ARF). This position has been classified as D4.


Applicants will be short-listed for interview on the basis of an assessment of their CV for selection Criteria 1 and 2, Technical Skills, and Communication and Facilitation Skills, respectively.
Applicants who are shortlisted for interview should anticipate extended interviews to assess all selection criteria, including the third selection criteria, Personal Characteristics. 

Candidates should anticipate comprehensive reference checks to assess suitability to be engaged as a mentor. Cardno reserves the right to ask for additional referees.

Applications should be submitted at by no later than Friday 29th January 2016, 5pm South African time.  Any questions with regards to these applications can also be directed to

Cardno Emerging Markets is an equal opportunity employer and is committed to child protection.

Further information about the AAPF is available at

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