Regional Education Specialist

Job Ref


Job Category

Education, International Development

Job Profile

The DFID-funded Education Quality Improvement Programme in Tanzania (EQUIP-T) aims to support 36 districts in their efforts to produce a better quality of primary education for more than two million children in over 3700 primary schools.

The Regional Education Specialist will support the Regional Team Leader and Technical Leader Specialists in facilitating, co-ordinating and supporting key stakeholders to improve planning, delivery and monitoring of education at community, school, district and regional levels.

Job Description

Responsible for:
  • Supporting the development of capacity building activities of community, school, district and regional education managers in the areas of teacher development, school leadership, planning and management, community participation and data management and use.
  • Coordinating and supporting the regional management and training of implementing partners
  • Contributing to the writing of various reports, articles and other forms of communication
  • Ensuring technical information flow among Regional teams and partners
  • Supporting the regional assessments and baseline studies to prepare background information and data for design of the programme
  • Generating support for the programme and develop strategic alliances through leading effective advocacy efforts at all levels
  • Communicating success, lessons learnt, programme best practice and evidence of impact
  • Ensuring a gender-positive and quality-oriented perspective is mainstreamed and gender sensitive language is used in all programme communications

Candidate Specification

Knowledge, essential competencies, skills and qualifications:
  • Degree in education, development or a related field
  • Relevant experience in development, including education reform, teacher training, literacy, grants management, research and community mobilization
  • Experience and proven ability to build and maintain relationships with government counterparts and other stakeholders
  • Knowledge of using data, administration and communication tools for development
  • Proven ability to work across geographic and cultural boundaries
  • Excellent communication skills and fluency in English and Kiswahili
Regional Education Specialist Regional Education Specialist Reviewed by Unknown on 10:05:00 AM Rating: 5
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