Technical Assistance for Establishing the Securities Market Institutional Framework for the Republic of Burundi

PROJECT: EAC Financial Sector Development and Regionalization Project

TITLE: UPDATE - Technical Assistance For Establishing the Securities Market Institutional Framework For the Republic Of Burundi


Project ID: P121611

Borrower/Bid No: EAC-FSDRP I /REOI/008/13

Request for Expression of Interest

This notice was originally published on 8 October 2013 and was updated on 9 October 2013 modifying the address below.

1. Project information: 

Grant No:H6410
Project Implementing Agency (PIA): EAC SECRETARIAT
Expression of Interest number: EAC-FSDRP I /REOI/008/13 

2. Introduction

The East African Community (EAC) Secretariat has received a Grant from the International Development Association (IDA) in the amount of USD 16 million for financing the EAC Financial Sector Development and Regionalization Project I (EAC - FSDRPI) to support the development of the financial sector through the establishment of a single market in financial services among EAC Partner States. The EAC-FSDRP I Project Management wishes to hire a consultant to establish the institutional framework that will facilitate the emergence of a securities industry.

3. Objective of the assignment

The objective of this assignment is to establish the institutional framework that will enable and facilitate the commencement of a capital markets industry in Burundi.

4. Required competencies

The individual consultant must have a deep knowledge of the capital markets industry. She/He must have the following qualifications. Specifically the consultant shall be an individual with the following competencies:

a. Master's Degree in finance, economics, development studies or any related field.
b. Over eight (8) years senior management experience gained in securities and financial markets environment in the developing world.
c. Expertise in strategic planning and management.
d. In depth knowledge of capital markets issues and trends at national, regional and international levels and in-depth understanding of financial instruments, products and services and international best practices.
e. Strong leadership, team building and organizational skills.
f. Excellent oral, written communication and presentation skills.
g. Proficiency in Information Technology.
h. Fluency in both written and spoken English and French.

Interested individual consultants are requested to provide information indicating their professional capabilities and relevant experience (description of similar assignments by showing the name of assignment, value, duration, etc…).

5. Submission of the Expression of Interest

The deadline for the submission of expressions of Interest is on October 24th, 2013. Expressions of Interest clearly marked EXPRESSIONS OF INTEREST FOR TECHNICAL ASSISTANCE FOR ESTABLISHING THE SECURITIES MARKET INSTITUTIONAL FRAMEWORK FOR THE REPUBLIC OF BURUNDI" shall be submitted by e-mail to the following addresses:;;; 

6. Method of selection

Consultants will be selected in accordance with the World Bank's Guidelines: Selection and Employment of Consultants by World Bank Borrowers of May 2004, and revised in October 2006 and May 2010. The method of selection will be "Comparison of cvs'.

Anatole Bavugiruhoze
Procurement Specialist
Arusha International Conference Center(AICC), PO BOX 1096
Arusha, Tanzania
Tel: 0 753 994 224
Technical Assistance for Establishing the Securities Market Institutional Framework for the Republic of Burundi Technical Assistance for Establishing the Securities Market Institutional Framework for the Republic of Burundi Reviewed by Unknown on 3:54:00 AM Rating: 5
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