Curriculum Design Consultants TechnoServe

Develop training modules for the Strengthening Rural Youth Development through Enterprise (STRYDE) program, a regional youth enterprise development program designed to enable 15,000 rural youth aged 18 to 30 to have a more successful transition into economically independent adulthood, increasing their opportunity, ability and motivation to engage in income-generating activities. The training modules created will be part of a 3 month training program delivered to rural youth by rural youth trainers across East Africa. TechnoServe is seeking applications from interested and qualified consultants to design individual modules, which will be 12-16 hours in total and delivered as 3-4 hour sessions. All finalized modules need to include facilitator’s guides, participant workbooks and appropriate learning materials including interactive activities and games.Training Modules will be developed for:
o Personal Finance/Financial Education
o Career Skills
o Entrepreneurship
o Farming as a Business

Applications should be sent as ONE ATTACHMENT or as a zip file and need to include:
1) CV and company profile(if applicable)
2) Cover letter specifying which module/s you are interested in designing, experience in these area/s and stating desired compensation rate
3) A sample of a training module/curricula that you have developed
4) Three professional references

Job Email id: ekamau(at)
Curriculum Design Consultants TechnoServe Curriculum Design Consultants TechnoServe Reviewed by Unknown on 6:38:00 AM Rating: 5

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