Community School Development and Construction Project - Monitoring, Reporting and Evaluation Consultancy

Community School Development and Construction Project - Monitoring, Reporting and Evaluation Consultancy

  1. Background and Context

The government of South Sudan, Ministry of Education has embarked on the development of the South Sudan Education Sector strategy and plan for 2012-2013. The key targets in the sector strategy include: increased access (NER of 62%); construction of additional 2,200 classrooms; and training/recruitment of 23,000 teachers. DFID, UNICEF and other development partners have made a commitment to support the Ministry of Education meet some of these targets through the development and construction of 30 primary schools and 4 secondary schools in 4 states using the child friendly school approach.

The overall aim of the project is increased access with a focus on participation of girls. The specific results for this initiative are as follows:

a) Increased capacity of communities, schools authorities and civil society partners to implement school improvement and increase access for girls. b) Establishment 30 primary and 4 secondary schools that are inclusive, demonstrate child friendly school standards with inter-sectoral linkages to WASH, and health. c) Increased capacity of national and state level partners to utilize evidence based approaches to planning and implementation of school development. d) Improved monitoring and evaluation through establishment of EMIS and learning assessment

  1. Purpose and Objective

Overall purpose is to support ROSS/SMOEs strengthen the monitoring reporting and evaluation of the Community School Development and Construction project to ensure precise results reporting.

Monitoring, reporting and Evaluation is particularly required in the short/medium term to assess project progress, limitations and challenges on an ongoing basis to adjust, and in the longer term replicability of key components such as quality education, partnerships with communities and civil society and the development of guidelines. All these are meant to inform evidence-based policy development in support of overall sector school development strategy.

Objectives are:

a) To produce an overall Integrated M&E plan which clearly articulates roles and responsibilities, data collection and analysis, core set of indicators and consolidated reporting mechanisms.

b) To support project evaluation activities including: baseline data collection, and the conduct of a mid-term and end of project evaluation studies;

c) To support project monitoring activities including: quarterly project monitoring, reviews and strategy adjustment; and review of partnership arrangements.

d) To strengthen skills and capacities of ROSS/MOE/SMoES, UNICEF/UNOPS and at least 6 NGO partners to: establish and implement individual M&E plans; to prepare results based reports; and to strengthen utilization of EMIS and the integration of learning assessment..

e) To provide evidence based reporting by the MOEI, UNICEF/UNOPS and partners. To facilitate the “real-time” highlights of progress, identification of gaps and lessons learned.

  1. Methodology and Technical Approach

The consultancy will;

a) Utilize both qualitative and quantitative approaches.

b) Utilize a joint, participatory, inclusive approach – engaging MOE, the 6 NGO partners, communities and schools. This is because findings will be used by project partners.

c) Building upon existing data collection initiatives—and the 2010 EMIS in particular.

d) Be Results Based focusing on project results matrix.

e) to facilitate implementation of the project, keeping the process of monitoring, reporting and evaluating relatively light

  1. Activities and Tasks:

a) In development of the overall Monitoring and Evaluation plan--develop and secure consensus around key priority indicators, means of verification and frequency of reporting (and appropriate means of validation for key indicators). In collaboration with partners, finalize the project log frame.

b) Coordinate and conduct a baseline data collection, and an ‘end of project’ evaluation utilizing the criteria of relevance, effectiveness, efficiency and sustainability. Ensure quality in planning, data collection, processing and analysis. To particularly focus on the project results: i) increased access—ensuring the gender and equity goals; ii) capacity development for communities & partners; and iii) decision making and policy impacts at national and state levels.

c) Develop and disseminate to partners a rapid assessment check lists, tools and reporting templates. To ensure quality and relevancy of data base, checklists to include priority indicators, to utilize relevant baseline data, define the means of verification and the frequency of data collection.

d) Plan and organize M&E training for the purpose of capacity building of key individuals at ROSS/MOEI, state levels and NGO partners in designing, collecting, validating data and/or reporting results.

e) Plan and organize quarterly site monitoring visits and facilitate quarterly project progress reviews against the results matrix, identifying lessons learned and making recommendations for project adjustments wherever necessary.

f) Assist members of the project Technical Committee to prepare regular (monthly and quarterly) reports and updates on priority indicators while developing a quality project database. To specifically write feature and human interest stories (with accompanying photographs) that highlights the impact of the project.

  1. Outputs and Deliverables

The key deliverables expected from the consultant are as follows:

a) Submission of the overall M& E work-plan that includes a results matrix with priority indicators, roles and responsibilities, etc. b) Assessment guidelines/tools and templates for a functional data collection and reporting system developed and disseminated. c) Two evaluation studies completed and shared with partners including; i) a baseline and; ii) ‘end of project’ study on key project indicators. d) Capacity training for ROSS/MOEI, State officials and partners on the project M&E framework, tools and database. e) Monthly and quarterly project updates/documentation (based on monitoring visits and project reviews) on project progress, lessons learned and recommendations.

  1. Management, Timeframe and conditions

7.1 Management a) Overall guidance and immediate supervision of the M& E consultant will be provided by of the MOEI Department of Partner Coordination. b) In the course of the assignment, the consultant will also work closely with the GOSS/MOEI Project Technical Committee. The committee provides overall project oversight and guidance.

7.2 Timeframe

a) Overall timeframe is: 10th December 2011 to 30 December 2012—with the possibility of an extension up until 30th March 2013 depending on performance.

Key activity    Scheduled Time 

1. Submission of the overall M& E work-plan 15th December 2. Assessment guidelines/tools and templates 15th December 3. Two evaluation studies completed and shared with partners • 15th Jan 2012 (baseline) • 30th March 2013 (evaluation) 4. Capacity training activities for GOSS/MOEI, State officials and partners • 10th January 2012(1st training) 5. Monthly and quarterly project updates/documentation (based on monitoring visits and project reviews) Quarterly basis (Dec 30th, March 30th, June 30th, Sept 30th, Dec 30th, March 30th.

7.3 Conditions of work

a) MOE with support from UNICEF will meet transport and related costs and DSA will be payable at the standard UN rate.

b) MOE with support from UNICEF will provide office space and will support with supplies for meetings, including photocopying, as required. Consultants are expected to bring their own laptop for this assignment.

  1. Budget and Remuneration

a) The contract will be processed and negotiated in accordance with UNICEF standard procedures for special service agreements (SSAs) at level 3, contracted and managed by partners (GOSS/MOEI). b) Fees will be payable according to the following schedule:

Deliverable Payment 

1. Submission of the overall M& E work-plan and Assessment tools and templates 20% 2. Baseline study report 20% 3. Capacity training for partners and submission of quarterly reports 20% 4. Monthly and quarterly project reports from field monitoring and project reviews. 20%. 5. End of project evaluation report and its dissemination 20%

  1. Qualifications and Specialized Knowledge

This opportunity is open to both International and National technical resources persons preferably based in South Sudan with the following qualifications:

a) Advanced (MA, etc.) University degree in Social Science, Demography, Development Planning, Statistics or a related technical field.

b) At least 5 years of progressively responsible professional ‘hands on’ experience at national and international levels in programme monitoring and evaluation , particularly in developing countries, including in chronic emergency

c) A range of specialized skills: i) Strong analytical, quantitative and qualitative research skills; ii) Excellent facilitation skills and ability to organize and implement training; iii) negotiation, oral and written communication skills including reports preparation; iv) interpersonal skills; and v) knowledge of computer management skills;

d) Fluency in English with working knowledge of any of the local languages in South Sudan is an asset;

  1. Exit and penalty provision

a) The consultant and GOSS/MOEI may agree to reschedule deadlines if unforeseen circumstances arise through exchange of letters. b) In the event GOSS/MOEI and UNICEF is unhappy with the work produced by the consultant, they may opt to terminate the contract on mutually agreeable terms. Likewise, if the consultant is unhappy with new conditions given by its client he/she may opt to withdraw on mutually agreeable terms.

How to apply:

Send application to: Human Resources Officer UNICEF Southern Sudan Office, Juba. OR PREFERABLY:

Deadline 02 December 2011

Community School Development and Construction Project - Monitoring, Reporting and Evaluation Consultancy Community School Development and Construction Project - Monitoring, Reporting and Evaluation Consultancy Reviewed by Unknown on 11:26:00 AM Rating: 5

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