Consultant, Programme Evaluation - South Sudan

MAG is presently seeking bids from an independent expert and external evaluator to undertake an evaluation of a 22-month project, started on 1st September 2009 and completed on 30th June 2011. The evaluation is to be undertaken between January 2012 and March 2012 with the final report to be submitted to MAG no later than 15th May 2012.

The project funding from the Spanish Ministry of Foreign Affairs and Cooperation (AECID), totalling €1,288,876 funded a project entitled "Assistance to Sustainable Development in South Sudan through Demining and Mine Risk Education," and provides for Humanitarian Mine Action activities in Eastern Equatoria State in South Sudan. The overall objectives of the evaluation are to provide a clear response on the following areas:

• To what extent have the activities undertaken by MAG under the remit of this project met:
o the overall objective and
o the specific objective of this grant?

• Making reference to each of the outputs and related activities listed in the proposal evaluate their:
o Relevance
o Effectiveness
o Efficiency
o Impact
o Viability

The methodology to be used is to be defined by the evaluator as part of their submission of an Expression of Interest, and should be designed to effectively respond to the questions raised above. Activities are expected to include, but not be limited to:

• Desk top review of all relevant documents provided by MAG and available from other sources
• Primary data collection from staff teams and key stakeholders
• Review and discussion of initial findings with MAG management
• Submission of draft / final report

Experts expressing an interest in doing this work should be able to demonstrate expertise and experience in the following areas:

• Experience of successfully undertaking similar evaluations for international NGOs in conflict/post-conflict countries;
• Research skills and knowledge of good practice in evaluation;
• Interpersonal skills that evoke trust and are gender and culturally sensitive;
• Strong verbal and written English language skills;
• A knowledge of the mine-action sector and how it links with development

• Professional experience in South Sudan;
• Experience of carrying out evaluations for AECID;
• Ability to read Spanish

The evaluator must be free of any conflict of interests as regards the writing and submission of this evaluation and must be prepared to confirm that they are evaluating independently of external influences. Full details in relation to this opportunity are available in the Terms of Reference documents, available below.

Click for the Terms of Reference (short)

Click for the Terms of Reference (detailed)

MAG invites submissions of a technical proposal in response to this ToR. Proposals will be assessed in terms of:

• The methodology proposed, including the candidate's understanding of MAG's requirements under the TOR
• The experience and qualifications of the proposed evaluator
• The budget

Expressions of interest should be submitted by 14 December 2011. You can also use this email should you have any questions in relation to this opportunity, or wish to request any further information.
Consultant, Programme Evaluation - South Sudan Consultant, Programme Evaluation - South Sudan Reviewed by Unknown on 11:10:00 AM Rating: 5

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