Switzerland Archivist (Reference), P-3

The Archives of the United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees exists to make the experience of UNHCR, as embodied in its records and related materials, available to guide and assist the Organization in planning and conducting its activities, and to provide information to meet the research needs of the persons of interest to UNHCR, the scholarly community, and the general public. Established in 1996, the UNHCR Archives includes material from more than half a century of field operations around the world as well as material from headquarters, predecessor agencies and from individual donors. It occupies about 10 kilometres of shelving space on two basement floors in Geneva's headquarters. Electronic archives, comprising some 8 million documents, are stored and managed in a document management system accessible to authorized staff through Internet.

The UNHCR Archives is committed to promoting the knowledge of UNHCR history, and to making research materials available not only to internal users, but also to external users while balancing researchers' need for access with the needs for confidentiality of persons and institutions whose activities are reflected in the records.

Under the supervision of the Senior Archivist, the Archivist (Reference) is responsible for the appraisal, accession, preservation, arrangement and description of UNHCR archives, the reference services for both staffers and external researchers and the promotion of the Archives contents.

How to apply:

For details on how to apply for this vacancy, please consult the UNHCR website at www.unhcr.org. – Employment -Career Opportunities – International Professional Category.

UNHCR aims for workforce diversity. Women are encouraged to apply for positions

Closing date for receipt of applications: 3 January 2012

Switzerland Archivist (Reference), P-3 Switzerland Archivist (Reference), P-3 Reviewed by Unknown on 9:12:00 AM Rating: 5

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