Zanzibar Capacity Needs Assessment Consultancy

Location :
Application Deadline :
Additional Category
Poverty Reduction
Type of Contract :
Individual Contract
Post Level :
National Consultant
Languages Required :
Duration of Initial Contract :
25 working days
Expected Duration of Assignment :
25 working days
The Ministry of Industry and Trade in collaboration with UNDP and the EIF Secretariat, is implementing a project for strengthening capacity to mainstream Trade in national plans and programmes as a way of increasing incomes and reduce poverty. Benefits of trade for majority of ordinary small farmers and small enterprises are often no fully realized because trade takes place in a situation where value chains are either lacking or not properly developed. Hence the link between trade development and poverty reduction has not been fully appreciated and at best is given a secondary consideration in formulation of development plans and programmes.
Deliverable 1: To assess existing capacities to mainstream trade development in formulation of programmes, annual plans and budgets at different relevant levels in the MITM and trade related ministries and departments.
Deliverable 2: To establish capacity needs in MITM and the trade related MDAs and have a concise report with clear recommendations on short term and medium actions with estimated costs /budget required to improve the capacity situation.
Project Background:
Serious concerns remain in regard to the implementation capacity of the MDAs national and sub-national institutions in Tanzania and particularly in Zanzibar.  A number of critical capacity challenges need to be addressed, therefore this Capacity Needs Assessment will gauge the magnitude of the capacity challenges Zanzibar is facing in mainstreaming trade in development plans 
Duties and Responsibilities
·   Create the Inception report for policy review of bottlenecks and Ministry Capacity assessments
·   Submission of draft CNA report to UNDP and MITM
·   Organize stakeholders meeting to validate the draft report
·   Submission of final reports
·         Proven experience in carrying out capacity needs assessments
·         Experience in engaging government ministries
·         Excellent interpersonal skills and good team spirit;
·         Excellent report writing skills and research methodology
·         Knowledge in use of computer software packages for word-processing, databases and spreadsheets
·         Experience and skills in training and transfer of knowledge
  •  Excellent communication and facilitation skills;
  • Ability to follow deadlines, accuracy and attention
Required Skills and Experience
  • Minimum of a Masters degree in economics, commerce, Human resource. With at least 5 years working experience in institutional development, change management or capacity development
  • At least 5 years work experience in institutional development, change management or capacity development

Zanzibar Capacity Needs Assessment Consultancy Zanzibar Capacity Needs Assessment Consultancy Reviewed by Unknown on 4:06:00 AM Rating: 5
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