Regional Program Manager at Elizabeth Glaser Pediatric AIDS Foundation [EGPAF]

Regional Program Manager
Elizabeth Glaser Pediatric AIDS Foundation [EGPAF]
Area: Tabora
Position Description:
The Elizabeth Glaser Pediatric AIDS Foundation [EGPAF] supports Tanzania's Ministry of Health and Social Welfare and other stakeholders in the roll out and strengthening of a broad scale up of HIV programs through a District approach. Supported programs include comprehens~ and integrated Reproductive & Child Health and Prevention of Mother to Child Transmission of HIV (PMTCT) services in seven regions (Arusha, KilimanJaro, Shinyanga, Simiyu, Tabora, Lindi and Mtwara); HIV Care and Treatment services (C&T) in four regions (Arusha, Kilimanjaro, Tabora and Lindi); and community based HIV support services, including Home Based Care (HBC) in three regions on mainland Tanzania (Mwanza, Pwani and Tabora) and on Zanzibar.
Reports to:Associate Director of Field Programs
Job Summary
The Regional Program Manager has the main responsibility of promoting Elizabeth Glaser Pediatric AIDS Foundation's country strategic plan and provides specific programmatic / operational strategic direction to facilitate the work of EGPAF in respective region(s). RPM is responsible for day-to-day oversight of the implementation of activities in respective regions and supports project management with a focus on leadership and management, supervision of technical team and program activities, supervision of operations team and operational program activities, contracts and grants, communication and representation as well as capacity building and transition to local authorities. The RPM ensures that the program delivers the designed objectives and intended impact is realized.
Major Responsibilities and Tasks:
Leadership and management
Implement a country strategic plan and ensure that field office staffs are involved in the implementation of the country strategic plan.
Ensure that the foundation provides technical, financial and material inputs and assistance to local implementing health facilities/sub-grantees and ensure that their technical and financial performance is of a high standard.
Assure effective planning and coordination of program and operations activities in respective region (s).
Oversee program operations and reporting, ensuring compliance with Foundation policies, USG rules and regulations, MoHSW policies, and Tanzania law.
Oversee the preparation of annual work plans and budgets.
Supervise technical team and program activities
Supervise the Regional Program Coordinator (RPC) and ensure that the program meets the targets and deliverables outlined in the cooperative agreement and satisfies other program commitments.
Conduct quarterly joint supportive supervision with the RHMTs. Facilitate the implementation of the planned activities and work plans.
Facilitate the implementation of the sub grantees planned activities and work plans. Organize and conduct proposal renewal workshop.
Organize and conduct partners meeting.
Ensure that RPC prepare and submit monthly and quarterly technical reports to TA,TD, ATD and ADFP.
Supervision operations team and operational program activities:
Contracts and grants
Supervise the Finance and Administration Officer (FAO) in his/her responsibility for management of office space, communications, transportation, local procurement, general logistics, finance, human resources, IT, and contract and grants.
Ensure adequate supervision of EGPAF supported sub-grantees.
Assure timely and practical feedback to EGPAF's sub-grantees based on their submitted data and the findings from supervision.
Ensure proper communication with EGPAF partners and sites for smooth and effective implementation and monitoring of EGPAF program. Manages the process of establishing sub-agreements with partners.
Ensures sub grantees have available funding per their agreements at all times.
Ensures the implementation of sub agreements in line with all applicable policies, procedures and local laws. Ensures all documentation regarding the sub grantees is well maintained.
Interface with the compliance field team to ensure proper compliance with donor regulations.
Financial management
Ensures that all uses of the Foundation's funds are properly prepared, reviewed, approved, and documented, in line with all appropriate policies, procedures, authority levels and local laws, and ensures that this information is properly entered into the accounting system.
Lead the budget development process and ensure activities are implemented in line with approved budgets.
Ensure monthly financial reports are prepared and submitted to the Dar es Salaam in a timely manner.
Ensures all Finance policies and procedures are properly adhered to.
Ensures compliance is adopted by the field office in accordance to all Donor, Foundation, and In-Country policies and procedures.
Human Resource Management
Oversee the implementation of the performance management and compensation systems at field office level. Oversee the recruitment process, management of leave, staff development and training.
Work with the operations and technical team to ensure appropriate staffing in field offices and participate in the recruitment process of technical and operations staff when appropriate.
Assure proper orientation of new staff at field office.
Ensure that FAO and RPC conduct performance evaluations to their staff in a professional and timely manner and submit the performance evaluations on time.
Promote team building among all staff in field offices
Procurement and Logistics       
Oversees all processes for identifying appropriate goods and se~'urchased in order to support the Foundation’s needs.
Manages relationships with key vendors and landlords, and ensures all procurement activities are properly documented and all appropriate pre- approvals are obtained.       
Oversee management of an inventory system of all Foundation property and equipment, ensures vehicles are properly maintained of the Foundation's sub awardees.
Application Instructions:
Submission may be sent to
The Human Resource Manager
P.O.Box 1628
Oysterbay, Haile Selaisie Road Plot 8&10
Dar es Salaam
Deadline:11 October 2013
Source:Daily News 2rd October,2013
Regional Program Manager at Elizabeth Glaser Pediatric AIDS Foundation [EGPAF] Regional Program Manager at Elizabeth Glaser Pediatric AIDS Foundation [EGPAF] Reviewed by Unknown on 12:25:00 AM Rating: 5
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