Community Case Management (CCM) Technical Advisor to support the CCM implementation.

Save the Children in South Sudan (SCiSS) is seeking to recruit a Community Case Management (CCM) Technical Advisor to support the CCM implementation.

The position will support the CCM implementation especially improving quality of trainings, supervision and reporting working closely with Project officers at Field level with major emphasis in Upper Nile and Jonglei Implementation areas but as and when needed cover Western Equatoria, Eastern Equatoria and Lakes States. Working in close link with Health project Managers in the field will strengthen integrated health care programming by linking Community Case Management activities with Facility based health care services at, state and county levels. We are looking for an enthusiastic, motivated and result oriented candidate with a strong commitment to the promotion of children’s rights!

The CCM Technical Specialist will work Technical Support from the CCM program Manager based in Juba and with logistical and Admin support from the Field Program Managers and Area program Managers as well as Field based Health Project Managers, CCM project Officers and Health facility staffs.

For a detailed Job Profile and information on how to apply for this position, please visit our website, job reference no. 6728.

Community Case Management (CCM) Technical Advisor to support the CCM implementation. Community Case Management (CCM) Technical Advisor to support the CCM implementation. Reviewed by Unknown on 4:00:00 AM Rating: 5

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