Technical Assistant to the Aid Effectiveness Secretariat (AES)

Republic of Kenya

Office of the Deputy Prime Minister and Ministry of Finance

Tender No. MOF/3/2011-2012

Job Opportunity:

Technical Assistant to the Aid Effectiveness Secretariat (AES)


Kenya is a signatory of the Paris Declaration (2005) on Aid Effectiveness together with over one hundred countries both developing and developed.

As a followup on commitments made in Paris, the Government of Kenya (GOK) has been working on strengthening the delivery of Official Development Assistance (ODA) and improving the cooperation with Development Partners (DPs).

In 2007, GOK signed the Kenya Joint Assistance Strategy (KJAS) together with seventeen (17)
DPs with the objective of improving harmonization, alignment and coordination of its activities.

During a Harmonization, Alignment and Coordination (HAC) Group retreat held in 2009, the aid coordination structure in Kenya was reviewed to include an Aid Effectiveness Secretariat (AES) to support Aid Effectiveness Group (AEG) formerly the HAC Group.

Harmonization in Kenya exists on three tier structure: the AEG which is co-chaired by GOK and DPS; Government Coordination Group (GCG) and the Development Partner Coordination Group (DCG); and the Development Partnership Forum (DPF) at the highest level.

The AES was established to serve as a focal point for AEG related matters, to manage the daily work, and to coordinate AEG-related activities of members.

The objectives of the AEG are:

To increase the effectiveness and efficiency of Development Assistance to Kenya in line with the Paris Declaration (2005), Accra Agenda for Action (AAA, 2008) and the Strategic priorities put forth by GOK in the Vision 2030 and its subsequent Medium Term Plans.
To reduce transaction costs to GOK by streamlining systems for delivering aid, standardizing procedures, eliminating duplication, managing for development results and upholding mutual accountability.

The Aid Effectiveness Secretariat

The Aid Effectiveness Secretariat (AES) is a new unit in Extemal Resources Department within the Ministry of Finance that is responsible for the Aid Effectiveness Agenda in the Country.

The Unit handles harmonization, alignment and coordination of Official Development Assistance (ODA) by ensuring effectiveness and efficiency in line with the Paris Declaration (2005), Accra Agenda for Action (AAA, 2008) and the National priorities in the Vision 2030.

Key Activities of the Aid Effectiveness Secretariat

The AES is also responsible for the coordination of the Aid Effectiveness Agenda in the Country.

The main activities of the AES are:

Coordinating the preparation and implementation of the Kenya Joint Assistance Strategy (KJAS)
Promoting division of labour among DPs engaged across all sectors and monitor the Division of labour process
Development of a communication Strategy/outreach programme including civil society relations between donors and government across sectors
Sector standardization and monitor alignment to Medium Term Plan (MTP) sector grouping
Support for the implementation of Vision 2030 and the MTP
Promoting involvement of non-AEG members in the Harmonization agenda
Maintain the AEG website
Coordinate the AEG and DPF meetings
Support all ad hock AEG activities

Scope of Work

Provision of Technical Assistance to Ministry of Finance, External Resources Department in General Programme Coordination and Management including but not limited to the following tasks:

Participate and coordinate all inputs to the Development Partner Forums
Participate in all AEG meetings and help in preparation of minutes and provide other administrative support functions for AEG in line with the terms of reference for AEG
Monitor and report on progress of the sector groups in implementing the AEG agenda
Monitor Development Partners coordination, harmonization and alignment work, including the formulation and implementation of a Development Partnership Assessment Framework document
Assist in the follow-up of progress in implementing actions agreed at the AEG and DPF meetings
Assist in monitoring the implementation of the resolutions of the High Level Forums on Aid Effectiveness
Prepare the quarterly progress reports of the AEG work plan


Have at least a Masters degree in Development Economics, Statistics, Social Sciences or related Discipline with at least two years professional experience;
A strong background in Development or economic planning and Policy Analysis as well as knowledge of development or public sector financing is required
Be conversant with the Paris Declaration and the Accra Agenda for Action, and how GOK and DPs implements these agenda.
Working experience with Development Partner - Government ministries in charge of aid management is a comparative advantage
Demonstrate a significant experience with the design of institutional development projects
Good knowledge of the Government of Kenya procedures is an advantage
Good communication, excellent analytical and report writing skills
Must be fluent in written and oral English

Reporting and Terms

The Technical Assistant will report to the Head, Aid Effectiveness Secretariat in the day to day activities of the AES, and will work closely with the staff of the AES and ERD.

The contract term will be one year renewable.

Interested Persons should deposit their applications in the tender box provided at Office of the Deputy Prime Minister and Ministry of Finance, Treasury Building, Harambee Avenue, 6th floor on or before Friday 14th October, 2011 and be addressed to:

The Financial Secretary
Office of the Deputy Prime Minister and
Ministry of Finance
P.O. Box 30007-00100

Head, Supply Chain Management
For: Financial Secretary
Technical Assistant to the Aid Effectiveness Secretariat (AES) Technical Assistant to the Aid Effectiveness Secretariat (AES) Reviewed by Unknown on 3:30:00 AM Rating: 5

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