ToR for Baseline & Market Assessment in South Darfur State

  1. Overview

The United Methodist Committee on Relief (UMCOR) is currently implementing the Program for Promoting Self-Sufficiency and Recovery among Conflict Effected Persons in South Darfur State funded by OFDA. The program was launched in July 2011 and it includes activities for improving hygiene, camp coordination, shelter, peace building, livelihoods, and food security among the target communities. UMCOR Sudan is also implementing a two-year project to reduce conflict between communities and tribes in South Darfur State. This project works with communities to build consensus on improving equitable access to services and resources. It is funded by the Darfur Community Peace and Stability Fund (DCPSF).

Within the scope of the OFDA Program, UMCOR’s livelihoods activities will focus on providing training and inputs for youth and women. UMCOR has been providing vocational training for youth through three existing life skills centers in El Neem IDP Camp, El Daein Town, and Adilla Town. The centers in El Neem IDP Camp and Adilla are for girls, while the center in El Daein targets boys. Girls are trained in sewing, and food production / processing. Boys are commonly trained in basic construction of masonry, carpentry and basic electrical mechanics skills. In both El Neem and El Ferdous IDP Camps, UMCOR has been providing income generation opportunities for women on the production of grass mats as well as materials. In order to help inform the types of training offered at the life skills centers, which would be most beneficial to the targeted population, UMCOR is conducting an assessment of the livelihood needs and market opportunities of vulnerable women and youth in its areas of operations.

UMCOR is also conducting a baseline of required indicators for projects supported by OFDA and DCPSF. These indicators focus on inter-tribal relations, WASH, food security and camp management and will be used to better track the impact of UMCOR activities. Data for the baseline indicators will be collected in targeted communities in UMCOR’s areas of operation (see below).

As part of the consultancy, the selected consultant(s) should provide a brief training (2-3 days) to UMCOR staff in Darfur on data collection methods. These same staff will then assist in data collection for the baseline / market assessment.

  1. Purpose of the Assessment / Baseline

The purpose of the market assessment is to determine the types of livelihood interventions that would be most beneficial to vulnerable populations in El Neem IDP Camp, El Ferdous IDP Camp, El Daein Town, and Adilla Town. The principal goals of this assessment are: • To make recommendations for modifying the types of training received by youth and women through the life skills centers in order to strengthen their ability to generate income and obtain meaningful employment, • To conduct market assessments in each target location and highlight opportunities for service provision and/or the production of goods, which will create appropriate business opportunities for women, IDPs or youth, • To make other recommendations relevant to UMCOR’s planned apprenticeship program, whereby graduates of the skills centers will be linked with relevant small to medium-sized businesses in Adilla and El Daein towns for additional on-the-job training.

The purpose of the baseline is to collect data on OFDA and DCPSF indicators in the sectors of peace building, WASH, food security and camp management. The consultant(s) should also document examples / case studies of how UMCOR project activities to date have promoted cooperation between communities / tribes.

  1. Geographic Locations

The market assessment will target the following locations:

El Neem IDP Camp in El Daein Locality (including the life skills center) El Ferdous IDP Camp in El Daein Locality El Daein Town (including the life skills center) Adilla Town (including the life skills center)

The baseline assessments (peace building, WASH, food security & camp coordination) will take place in the following locations (communities to be targeted will be determined in cooperation with UMCOR on the basis of accessibility):

El Neem IDP Camp in El Daein Locality El Ferdous IDP Camp in El Ferdous Locality El Daein Locality Assalaya Locality Abu Karinka Locality Adilla Localiyu Abu Jabra Locality Bahr El Arab Locality

  1. Market Assessment Indicators

The assessment should collect quantitative and qualitative data on the following indicators: Additional indicators may be added at the discretion of the consultant(s)

Qualitative Indicators The assessment should also seek to answer the following qualitative questions. Additional qualitative questions may be added at the discretion of the consultant(s): • What are the primary barriers that prevent small businesses from offering on-the-job training to youth or adults? • What can UMCOR do to alleviate these barriers and promote an expanded traineeship / internship program in the target areas? • According to local businesses, what types of skills are youth / adults most in need of to successfully find work with local businesses? • What types of market information do small businesses need to increase production and how can UMCOR facilitate information sharing that would be useful to the local business community? • What types of assistance are currently available to entrepreneurs, who would like to establish their own small businesses (information, loans, start-up equipment / capital)? • Is there any type of business association that promotes entrepreneurship in the targeted communities? What are the current and planned activities of these association(s)? What are the capacity development needs of the association(s)?

Market Assessment The assessment should also determine what types of small businesses (production or services) would best generate income for women, youth or other vulnerable groups in the targeted communities or IDP camps. The consultant should then conduct market surveys for these business opportunities detailing: • The current level of availability of the identified service / product in the local marketplace • The average price for which the service / product is being sold • The types, quantities and price of the inputs needed to begin production / the service • Demand for the product / service and whether there is a need for it in the marketplace • Potential consumers of the product / service, location of the consumers, and their estimated buying power • Means for transporting the product to the potential consumers and associated transportation costs • The level of interest among youth or women in launching the specified type of business • Recommendations for UMCOR in providing training & inputs for the identified services / business. Should UMCOR target groups or individuals? What types of input should be provided? Etc.

  1. Baseline Indicators

The baseline should collect quantitative data on the following OFDA indicators: • Average water usage of target population in liters per person per day • Number and percent of water points with measurable chlorine residual exceeding 0.2 mg • Number and percent of household water supplies with 0 coliform bacteria per 100ml • Number and percent of households disposing of solid waste appropriately • Number and percent of household latrines completed that are clean and in use in compliance with Sphere standards • Percent of target population demonstrating correct water usage and storage • Percent of target population demonstrating good hand-washing practices • Estimated time used in water collection • Percent of farmers that report a decrease in the number of times per week that members of their families skipped meals due to a lack of food

The baseline should collect quantitative data on the following DCPSF indicators: • % of community members sampled declaring that trust & confidence exists between tribes / communities • % of conflicting tribal/civil society leaders agreeing to a common approach on how to address root causes of conflict
• Number of community based resolution mechanisms functioning effectively • Number of community based resolution mechanisms with adequate representation of vulnerable groups (women, youth, minorities) • % of community members with access to and satisfaction with reconciliation mechanisms • % in increase of commercial interactions between target communities • Number of markets that enable diverse communities to interact/cooperate • Number of joint (inter-community) WASH, education and health initiatives

  1. Case Studies / Documenting Stories of Inter-Community / Inter-Tribe Cooperation

As part of the study, the identified consultant(s) should document at least five (5) examples of how UMCOR’s peace-building activities to date have promoted inter-community / inter-tribal cooperation. These case studies will be presented to the project donor (DCPSF).

  1. Assessment / Baseline Methodology

The assessment methodology proposed by the consultant(s) should include a mix of quantitative and qualitative data collection methods.

  1. Accountabilities and Responsibilities

Overall coordination of the consultancy will be done by the Head of Mission in Khartoum and the Darfur Program Manager in El Daein Town, South Darfur State. The Head of Mission shall be responsible for the approval of all deliverables.

  1. Consultancy Deliverables

The main deliverable of the study will be a written report that will be prepared by the consultant and submitted to UMCOR by 31 October 2011. This report should be in English and should contain, at a minimum, the following elements:

• Title page, table of contents, and list of terms • Executive summary and recommendations (not more than 2 pages) • Methodology used • Description of findings (qualitative and quantitative) • Recommendations for general improvement in project performance, project impact, and sustainability • Annexes (sample data collection tools & any / all completed questionnaires)

The draft report will be reviewed by UMCOR, which can request and subsequent feedback, corrections or changes to the final report. The report must be submitted in one hard copy and one electronic version.

10. Proposed Timeframe   

Deadline for submission of bids 10 October 2011 at 16:00 Selection of consultant(s) 13 October 2011 Field Work 24 October – 7 November 2011 Submission of draft report 14 November 2011 Submission of final report based on any comments or requested changes from UMCOR 21 November 2011

  1. Instructions for Submission of Bid

• List of person(s) to be involved in the consultancy with a detailed CV for each • Description of the methodology to be used while conducting the survey, including sampling strategy, sample size, qualitative and quantitative data collection methods, and data analysis plan. • Proposed budget and timeline • Draft data collection instruments • Bids may be sent electronically to

  1. Selection Criteria for Consultant(s)

• Sound academic background such as a university degree or higher in a relevant field • Residence of South Darfur and / or knowledge of South Darfur localities, peoples livelihoods • Ability to travel freely within South Darfur State • Fluency in Arabic and excellent written English skills • Experience designing data collection instruments for both quantitative and qualitative data collection • Experience supervising similar evaluations / assessments • Experience conducting data entry and data analysis using SPSS software

  1. Other Terms and Conditions

As per UMCOR procurement and financial policies, a payment of 20% of the total contract will be made at the time of the signing of contract and 20% upon receipt of the first draft. The remaining 60% will be paid upon submission and approval of the final evaluation report.

ToR for Baseline & Market Assessment in South Darfur State ToR for Baseline & Market Assessment in South Darfur State Reviewed by Unknown on 3:42:00 AM Rating: 5

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