BACKGROUND: The Baylor College of Medicine Children’s Foundation – Uganda (Baylor -Uganda) headquartered at Mulago hospital, is a comprehensive HIV/AIDS care and treatment organization that supports the treatment and care of HIV infected and affected Children and Adults. Baylor – Uganda has four operational areas: HIV/AIDS care, treatment and prevention services; maternal child health services; Health Professional training and Clinical Research. Baylor-Uganda is in receipt of PEPFAR grant through CDC, and is looking for knowledgeable, enthusiastic and compassionate individuals to become part of its team.
Manager Prevention - 1 position (Head office)
Role defi nition: Develop and monitor the implementation of systems, and procedures for HIV prevention in all Baylor supported regions in line with Baylor Uganda Prevention policy and National prevention strategy.
Key result areas
1. Develop and monitor the implementation of ‘HIV prevention’ annual & quarterly work Plans, and manage the budget and as well the integration of prevention activities in the district plans and budgets in line with the Baylor Uganda Prevention policy
2. Review and monitor the implementation of HIV prevention capacity buildingplan based on clear identifi ed needs i.e. training, mentorship and support supervision as well as a retooling plan in line with the Baylor Uganda prevention objectives
3. Review and monitor the implementation of a strategy for enhancing increased adoption of safer sexual behavior & male involvement in prevention interventions and as well as reduction of risk taking behavior
inclusive prevention with positives packages in line with the Baylor Uganda Prevention policy
4. Develop HIV prevention program procurement plans and provide technical support in procurement evaluation of related oriented bids then monitor distribution of HIV prevention products to the various Baylor supported regions in line with the Baylor procurement policy
5. Develop an approach for mapping geographical areas and monitor the implementation of related appropriate prevention strategies inclusive of safe male circumcisions to increase their coverage, quality and utilization in line with the Baylor Uganda Prevention policy
6. Identify research opportunities and monitor the Conduction of research and presentation of fi ndings based on documented related lessons leant plus experiences in conferences, journals and medical related literature in line with Baylor Uganda clinical research objectives
7. Monitor the implementation of strategies to strengthen regional and community Health related structures to have a more coordinated HIV prevention response at all levels in line with the Baylor Uganda Prevention policy
8. Develop and maintain partnerships & networks with district key stakeholders & other partner organization and advocate for a coordinated and harmonized HIV prevention interventions in Baylor supported regions in line with the Baylor Uganda Prevention policy
9. Prepare fundable proposals in collaboration with other key stakeholders for sustainability and continuity of various prevention projects in line with Baylor Uganda Prevention policy and resource mobilization policy
10. Develop and monitor the implementation of HIV prevention program performance targets and write and submit periodic reports to key stakeholders in line with the Baylor Uganda Prevention objectives
11. Review and monitor the implementation of HR support activities to enhance a competent & motivated “team of Baylor Prevention staff” in accordance with Baylor Uganda human resources manual.
Job specifications
The job holder should have; 1) A Masters in public health with a background of a degree in medicine and bachelor of surgery and must be registered with the Uganda Medical and Dental Practitioners Council or A Masters in public health with a background of a degree in Nursing from a recognized institution and must be registered with the Uganda Nurses and midwifes council. (2) 3 years of experience in managing prevention programs/projects and must have solid working knowledge (practical skills) in the following areas: clinical management of HIV/AIDS, Safe Male Circumcisions, PMTCT, EID, PWP, HCT, AB and provision of ART (3) 2 years relevant working experience preferably in health development at a senior management position, with a reputable international NGO, and direct experience with government and donor representatives (4) have Key personal competences in Team and communication skills, Must be dynamic, Persuasive & convincing, self- motivated and able to demonstrate high initiative (5) Should be willing to travel to up country for up to 60% of his/her time.
Counselling Coordinator - 1 position (Head office)
Role defi nition Develop and monitor the implementation of systems and guidelines for providing counselling services at Center & other Baylor-Uganda supported sites in line with counselling professional standards and Baylor Uganda counselling mission
Key Result Areas
1. Develop and monitor the implementation systems and operating guidelines for the counselling unit line with Baylor Uganda’s psychosocial guidelines
2. Develop and monitor the implementation of annual and quarterly Baylor Uganda counselling work plan, procurement plan and manage the budget in line with Baylor Uganda counselling mission and fi nancial guidelines
3. Develop and monitor the implementation of counselling Unit targets (BSC) and write quarterly and annually report in regard to the performance of counseling at Center and in the regions in line with Baylor-Uganda Mission
4. Develop an activity plan for facilitating in the study camps and peer support group activities, conduct VCT outreach and carry out the ‘Know your Child Status’ campaigns in line with the counselling unit mission
5. Identify research opportunities and monitor the Conduction of research and presentation of fi ndings based on documented related lessons leant plus experiences in conferences, journals and medical related literature in line with Baylor Uganda clinical research objectives
6. Review and monitor the implementation of the capacity building plan (in terms of training, mentorship and coaching) at COE, and Baylor Uganda supported health facilities in line with the counselling SOPs and Baylor Uganda capacity building guidelines
7. Review and implementation of HR support activities to enhance a competent & motivated “counselling team” in line with the Human resources manual.
Job specifi cations
The job holder should have; 1) A Masters Degree in Counselling with medical related HIV knowledge. (2) 5 years of experience in Counselling and 3 years at a senior management position preferably in health development, with a reputable international NGO, and direct experience with government and donor
representatives (3) Trainer of Trainers in PMTCT and Early Infant Diagnosis and must have solid working knowledge (practical skills) in the following areas: PMTCT, PWP, HCT, AB and ART (4) have Key personal competences in Team and communication skills, Must be dynamic, Persuasive &convincing, selfmotivated
and able to demonstrate high initiative. (5) Should be willing to travel to up country for up to 35% of his/her time.
Program M & E Coordinator- 1 position (Head Office)
Role defi nition: develop and monitor the implementation of system, policies and procedures to align with Baylor Uganda’s strategic objectives to the functional level and as well monitor the implementation of M & E/data management systems and guidelines as per WESTNILE, UNICEF and KOICA projects in line
with Baylor Uganda’s mission
Key result areas
1. Conduct periodic surveys (baselines, mid-term, and end of program) to establish the progress level of programs in relation to the set performance indicators in line with the departmental mission
2. Build the capacity of data teams in facilities supported by Baylor – Uganda and programme implementers in M & E and data management issues in line with the departmental mission
3. Review and monitor the implementation of HR support activities to enhance a competent & motivated “M & E offi cer team” in line with the Human resources manual.
4. Review and monitor the developing of BSCs at departmental and unit level so as to enhance the integration of organizational objectives with functional goals in line with Baylor Uganda’s mission.
5. Design, update and modify Project/programs databases for capturing project related information on programme indicators, progress and impact according to established MIS guidelines in line with the departmental mission.
6. Provide BSC orientation to new staff and Training users in relation to BSC management gaps & developing a BSC and monitor the performance of supervisors in regard to managing functional performance as a continuous process in line with performance management guidelines.
7. Provide technical support to Electronic Medical Record (EMR) users and monitor the implementation of staff training programmes to use data collection tools& evidence generated for planning and decision making processes in line with M&E procedure
8. Prepare periodic M&E reports with appropriate recommendations in regard to the various project performance as per the set performance indicators and give feedback to the project implementers in lessons learnt meetings/CMEs and other foras in line with M&E reporting guidelines of MoH and Baylor
9. Develop a system for monitoring data capture & cleaning process and conduct statistical analysis of the data collected to support program activities and research studies in the organization in line with the departmental mission.
10. Prepare quarterly and annually BSC oriented/functional performance reports to be submitted to management and other key stakeholders in line with Baylor Uganda reporting guidelines.
Job specifi cations
The job holder should have; 1) A Bachelor’s (honours) degree in statistics. (2) Postgraduate diploma in project planning & management or statistics or demography or community based course or public health with a BSC related training `(3) at least 2 years experience in managing the BSC and 3 years of
experience in Log Frame Approach in planning, monitoring and evaluation; application of qualitative and quantitative M&E methods; with a reputable international NGO, and direct experience with government and donor representatives (4) have Key personal competences in Team and communication skills, networking and partnership skills. Must be dynamic, Persuasive & convincing, self- motivated and able to demonstrate high initiative (5) ability to manage M & E systems for various programs / projects for WESTNILE, UNICEF and KOICA (6) Should be willing to travel to up country for up to 60% of his/
her time.
PMTCT Officer – 2 positions
Role defi nition: Review and monitor the implementation of Baylor Uganda PMTCT objectives in alignment with up to date MoH guidelines for PMTCT/EID to health facility service programs, system and structure Work station: Rwenzori
Key result areas
1. Prepare and monitor the implementation of annual & quarterly regional PMTCT/EID work plans & budgets and as well the integration of PMTCT/ EID activities in the health facility plans and budgets in the attached districts in line with approved project proposal.
2. Build the capacity of health workers and community key stakeholders in PMTCT/EID services as per identifi ed training needs through training, mentorships and support supervision in the attached districts in line with PMTCT project objectives & MOH guidelines for PMTCT/EID
3. Provide technical support when monitoring the timely forecasting and ordering process for PMTCT supplies by the health facilities key stakeholders as well as distribution and usage of these items in the attached districts line with Baylor and MoH logistics chain management system
4. Provide technical support when monitoring the distribution and usage of ‘all data tools and the new or updated national policies/guidelines for PMTCT/ EID’ as well as the updating of related information in the HIMS system by the districts/ health facilities key stakeholders in the attached districts in with MoH HIMS objectives
5. Review and monitor the conducting home-based follow-up of PMTCT pregnant mothers and lactating mother-baby pairs for continued PMTCT care and support in line with the MOH PMTCT guidelines
6. Develop and maintain collaborations with key stakeholders in the district and advocate for a coordinated and harmonized PMTCT interventions in region in line with the project objectives.
7. Review and implement referral strategies for internal and external linkages of infected clients and exposed infants to care and support for continued use of prevention, care & treatment services in line with PMTCT project objectives.
8. Monitor the implementation of strategies to increase the male involvement in PMTCT services and as well as the integration and implementation of ‘prevention with positives packages’, HCT, ABC and AB into the health facility structures and systems in line with PMTCT project objectives & MOH prevention guidelines
9. Review and monitor the implementation of periodic performance targets for PMTCT programs then write and submit periodic reports to key stakeholders in line with Baylor Uganda PMTCT program objectives.
10. Carry out operational PMTCT related research and presentation of fi ndings based on documented related lessons leant plus experiences in conferences, journals and medical related literature in line with Baylor Uganda research and MOH guidelines
Job specifi cations
The job holder should have; 1) A degree in Nursing (reproductive health) or degree in public health or ‘Diploma in Clinical medicine and community health’ from a recognized institution and must be registered with the relevant professional body. (2) Trainer of Trainers in PMTCT and Early Infant Diagnosis and must have solid working knowledge (practical skills) in the following areas: PMTCT, PWP, HCT, AB and ART (3) 3 years of related experience in PMTCT/ EID Programs, with a reputable international NGO, and direct experience with government and donor representatives (4) have Key personal competences in
Team and communication skills, Must be dynamic, Persuasive &convincing, self- motivated and able to demonstrate high initiative. If you have the relevant qualifi cations and experience, please send your application to the address below not later than 4.00 p.m., Monday 10th September 2012. Provide a detailed CV demonstrating possession of the job requirements, current position, names and addresses of three referees, copies of professional/Academic documents, email address, and day time telephone
NB: Only shortlisted candidates will be contacted for interviews
Tel: +256-417-119200/100,
Baylor College of Medicine Uganda Jobs Sep 2012
Reviewed by Unknown
5:32:00 AM
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