
The objective of the SADC Revised Protocol on Shared Watercourses signed on 7 August 2000 is to foster closer cooperation for judicious, sustainable and coordinated management, protection and utilization of shared watercourses and advance the SADC agenda of regional integration and poverty alleviation. This Protocol entered into force in 2003. The Protocol calls for the need to establish river basin institutions, such as river basin commissions, joint water commissions and water sharing agreements.
It is within this framework that the riparian states of the Limpopo river basin, namely Botswana, Mozambique, South Africa and Zimbabwe, signed the Agreement for the Establishment of the Limpopo Watercourse Commission (LIMCOM) in 2003 to, among other objectives, advise the Members States and provide recommendations on the uses of the Limpopo, its tributaries and its waters for purposes and measures of protection, preservation and management of the river. Structurally, the LIMCOM Council is the highest body of the Commission.
In order to fully discharge its mandate, the LIMCOM took a decision on the 30th of November 2011 to establish a Secretariat as provided for in Article 4.2 of the LIMCOM Agreement, to assist in the implementation of the Council decisions. Once established, the Secretariat should act as a focal point for the Commission's activities and to provide administrative and secretarial support.
The LIMCOM secretariat is hosted by Mozambique and the physical offices are located at 24th July Avenue 370, Maputo.

Scope of Work

The Executive Secretary is expected to plan and develop strategies for the effective management of the Secretariat, funding and financial management, human resources management and liaison with its wide range of stakeholders.

Qualifications and Experience

The Executive Secretary should be an assertive and experienced individual with high level of integrity and ability to perform duties with diplomacy and reach decisions through consensus. In particular, the person must have a fair understanding of socio-political and economic dynamics of the four basin states related to integrated water resources management and trans-boundary cooperation.
  • The candidate must possess, at least, an appropriate post –graduate degree in one or more of relevant discipline including engineering, natural/environmental/social sciences, economics, law or business/public administration and at least 10 years experience in programme and/or organizational management of which most experience must be in water or natural resources management area.
  • Experience of transboundary cooperation, particularly working with river basin organization and demonstrated management capability.
  • Ability to cooperate with Member States, SADC Secretariat, International Cooperating Partners (ICP) and other stakeholders.
  • Excellent writing and presentation skills in English and/or Portuguese are essential.
  • Leadership ability, management, organizational, communication, interpersonal and good negotiating skills

Additional qualifications and experience that will be an advantage include:

  • Demonstrated experience in institutional development, managing dynamic and emerging institutions. Experience in developing financial, human resources management, data and information management systems;
  • Experience in fund raising and resource mobilization strategy development and co-ordination;
  • High-level experience in working closely with governments, donors, civil society and inter-governmental organizations;
  • Experience in coordinating/evaluating a portfolio of complex and multi-stakeholder development projects, preferably in natural resources management;
  • Profound understanding of the development needs aspirations and vision of each riparian member country. Experience from a number of the Member States would be an advantage;
  • Networking skills and the ability to facilitate participatory stakeholder management

Job Profile

The Executive Secretary is expected to guide the Secretariat in the following key functional areas in addition to carrying out any other tasks and responsibilities that the Council may identify and assign from time to time:
Strategy Programme Management
  • Provision of the strategic vision, planning expertise and operational leadership required to achieve the Secretariat's operating goals, within the context of the Agreement for Limpopo Watercourse Commission and SADC Protocol on Shared Watercourses.
  • Structuring of programmes and delegation of authority to ensure effective communication and efficient operations throughout the organization.
  • Coordination of the member states input to Council meetings and ensuring that the agendas and documentation are compiled and distributed well in advance of scheduled meetings.
  • Quality Assurance on all Secretariat's products, proposals and client services.
  • Development and maintenance of the project management systems required by task teams and implementing agencies to manage programmes and projects.
  • Implementation of all new projects in accordance with the development principles/policies/processes of the Secretariat
Funding and Financial Management
  • Cooperation with donors to ensure funding support is developed and maintained.
  • Initiation of and participation in the planning process for fund development and growth of the Secretariat's funding resources.
  • Assurance that the LIMCOM programs are implemented in compliance with the requirements of the funding agreements.
  • Overall responsibility for budget administration and control
  • Development and periodic update of an asset register and ensuring proper custodian and utilization of the Secretariat's property.
  • Proper upkeep of the Secretariat's books and records.
Organizational, Systems and Human Resources Management
  • Develop a functional and efficient LIMCOM Secretariat
  • Recruitment of support staff.
  • Assistance in the planning, implementation and evaluation of institutional strategies and procedures to give effect to the strategic direction outlined by the Commission.
  • Coordinate and facilitate LIMCOM's meetings.
  • Secretary to the LIMCOM Council, including taking and compiling minutes of meetings in a standard agreed format.
  • Designing and overseeing the implementation of organizational, human resources and procurement policies, systems and procedures, anticipating and addressing Secretariat's needs.
  • Review of information systems and software to ensure adequate infrastructure to facilitate compatibility, growth, database development and automation.
  • Overall staff supervision and performance monitoring and evaluation.
External Liaison
  • Raising national and international profile for the Secretariat through associations, forums, conferences and other appropriate events.
  • Liaison with international donors and funding agencies in order to promote the objectives of LIMCOM.
  • Collaboration with SADC Secretariat in ensuring the coherent implementation of the Revised Protocol on Shared Watercourses.
  • Promotion of relevant stakeholders' participation in LIMCOM projects and relevant member states' water resources management processes.
  • Promotion of LIMCOM through campaigns and road shows for dissemination of information to stakeholders.


The Executive Secretary reports to the Council who shall appraise personal performance annually based on a Contract approved by the Commission. Other employees of the secretariat will report to the Executive Secretary. The Executive Secretary is responsible for the day-to-day efficient running of the Secretariat under the Council's broad policy direction.


The Executive Secretariat is expected to deliver among others, the following outputs:
  • Implement the LIMCOM IWRM Plan
  • Work plans, budgets, periodic progress reports and any other reporting requirements requested by LIMCOM or donors
  • Quarterly and annual progress reports and audited annual financial statements
  • Clear policies for financial, information, communication and human resources management and development systems
  • Agendas and meeting proceedings from LIMCOM meetings
  • Strategies for coordinated implementation of projects in the basin
  • A sustainable fund raising programme for the LIMCOM


Only citizens of the Limpopo riparian States are eligible to apply excluding the host country.


Deadline for submission and receipt of application is close of business on the 22 October 2012. The successful candidate would be required to assume office in Maputo as early as 31 January 2013.


The term for this position is 3 (three) years renewable based on performance.

Remuneration Package

Competitive package by regional standards and in line with the position and qualification of the potential candidate

Instructions for applications

Applicants who meet the stipulated requirements should apply by sending a Curriculum Vitae and covering letter and certified copies of relevant academic certificates with contact telephone number/s to any of the following addresses:
  • Email:
  • Email:
  • Physical Address: Av. 24 de Julho 370, 20 Andar Esq, Maputo.
  • Tel: +258 21 490693
  • Fax: +258 21 490692
Only short-listed candidates will be contacted by email or telephone. If you don't receive any correspondence within 3 (three) months from the closing date please accept that your application was unsuccessful.
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