Preparation of a Communication Strategy and Implementation Plan for Regional Centers of Excellence (RCoE).
Preparation of a Communication Strategy and Implementation Plan for Regional Centers of Excellence (RCoE).
The Association for Strengthening Agricultural Research in Eastern and Central Africa (ASARECA) has received funds from four countries (Kenya, Uganda, Tanzania and Ethiopia) which are implementing EAAPP ,towards regional level planning and coordination roles which include convening, networking, technical backstopping, monitoring & evaluation, policy harmonization & advocacy, and capacity building.
ASARECA intends to apply part of the proceeds to payments for hire of a consultancy firm for preparation of a Communication Strategy and Implementation Plan for Regional Centers of Excellence (RCoE).
A RCoE is defined as a leading agricultural technology center that has established research, dissemination, and training capacity that distinguishes it as a leader in the region and beyond. A program designated as an RCoE should be in a position to spearhead regional initiatives because it has a highly qualified staff, is connected to the global system of research, has high-quality facilities and project management, has the ability to create partnerships, and can facilitate the processes of institutional learning and change that underpin a dynamic technology innovation system. The RCoEs are expected to provide leadership in the Eastern and Central Africa region, and beyond, in developing innovations and forging partnerships with relevant institutions such as private businesses, Community Based Organizations, Non Governmental Organizations, Government entities and universities. These are institutions that would enhance development of the cassava, rice, wheat and dairy subsectors and contribute to increased food security and economic growth. EAAPP activities focus on the following main areas: (i) improving skills, facilities, and equipment in the RCoEs (ii) agricultural research and training, including service providers and lead farmers (iii) greater availability of improved seeds and breeds (iv) coordination (national and regional) v) Monitoring &Evaluation vi) policy analysis and advocacy as needed. The program is being financed through facilities arranged by each of the four countries, with the International Development Association (IDA) of the World Bank.
The aim of this consultancy is to prepare a strategy that will build the reputation of the Regional Centers of Excellence (RCoEs) as a providers of quality agricultural data, information and knowledge pertaining to their respective commodities (dairy, wheat, cassava, rice) .
The strategy will include:
• A framework that links project level, through to RCoE level communications and knowledge dissemination.
• A description the approach/method to measure effectiveness of the strategy.
• Critical input and suggestions on the existing guidelines for project communications plans.
• A description of the communication, knowledge and data management roles and responsibilities for all organs of an RCoE including, management, staff and project implementing partners.
ASAREC A now invites eligible consultants to express their interest in providing the services. Interested consultants must provide information indicating that they are qualified to perform the services (brochures, description of similar assignments, experience in similar conditions, availability of appropriate skills among staff, etc.). Consultants may associate to enhance their qualifications.
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