Project Officer - Agricultural Non State Actors Forum (ANSAF)

Job Title: Project Officer
Reports to: Head of Programs
Links with:
Job Location:
Media & Communication depts., M & E & Learning Coordinator,
Policy & Budget Analyst Coordinator

Project Background

The Agricultural Non State Actors Forum (ANSAF) is a member-led forum, made up of smallholder
farmers’ umbrella organizations, national and international NGOs as well as the commercial
(agribusiness) sector organizations in Tanzania. ANSAF provides a platform to discuss solutions to
improve the country’s agriculture sector for men and women currently living in poverty. In its
mission, ANSAF seeks to work with members and non-members to orchestrate collaborative
efforts to influence policy and practice change on crucial issues affecting marginal, smallholder
farmers (men and women) and other stakeholders through research, learning, communicating and

In partnership with HELVETAS, ANSAF is implementing a five years Grain Postharvest Loss
Prevention Project (GPLP) in the central corridor of Tanzania with the ultimate goal of improving
small holder farmers’ food security and income situation. This project is implemented through
partnership with other stakeholders (local government, CSOs, private sector, farmer groups, etc
including ANSAF). The project has several interventions grouped into 4 clusters which are; multi
stakeholders dialogues which aim to improve PHM business environment by advocating for
policies improvement. The second cluster is awareness, communication and farmers training aim
to improve income and food security of farmers’ household as result of reducing postharvest loss.
Another cluster is looking on artisan coaching and logistics which aim to increase employment and
income to SMEs. The last cluster is on market linkage and access to finance aim to increased
interest in strengthen financial schemes. The role of ANSAF in this project is to lead the advocacy
related work by being custodian of the PHM stakeholders platform (Tanzania Postharvest
Management Platform (TPMP) which comprises of actors along the agriculture value chain and are
affected by postharvest management challenges.

The project is implemented using ‘Making Markets Work for the Poor’ approach. It is guided by
four underlying principles: Systemic changes in market system, Sustainability by involving
actors with incentives to contribute to long-term change, Large-scale impact on the lives of poor
farmers, and taking a Facilitative role by the project; it builds on existing experience and applies
good practice more systematically to realize change in the community.

Coordinate the implementation of the GPLP activities which include:
1. Preparing PHM, National strategy development task force and TPMP Steering Committee
2. Act as secretary of the above two bodies s meetings and ensure timely sharing of minutes,
tracking and updating implementation of the resolutions
3. Coordinate communications among Steering committee and task force members
4. Create and manage internal and external relationships for TPMP.
5. To Identify and put down steps towards making the platform autonomous in the next five or
so years.
6. Update PHM stakeholders inventory
7. Share project progress/ highlights to TPMP members on quarterly basis and with Task
Force on monthly basis
8. Coordinate annual TPMP members meeting
9. Plan and coordinate lobbying and advocacy meetings with decision makers/ oversight
bodies including agricultural led ministries, Parliament committees, etc
10. Attend any PHM related meeting organized by other stakeholders and where ANSAF is
invited and do the presentation (if required)
11. Conduct related field visit –to district where GPLP is implemented to discuss and collect
evidence for advocacy agenda relating to PHM
12. Develop and implement the resource mobilization strategy
13. To Share relevant studies and research findings to the members and widely through
website and other sources
14. Facilitate preparation of the information education communication materials for the platform
15. Collect and analyse PHM news covered into media channels in particular printing media/
selected news papers
16. Prepare quarterly and annual progress/ project narrative report
17. Work on any other task assigned by line manager
1. Respond to project expenditure reports (whenever required)
2. With support from Head of Programs, review the project budget as per budget review
requirements and schedule

Qualifications and capacities:
Academic requirements:
o Degree on agricultural –( Agricultural Economics & agribusiness, and related sectors
o Supporting studies related to Post-harvest management, Policy analysis and advocacy)

o 2-5 years experience with Policy analysis in agriculture related sectors
o 2 working experience in the agriculture sector
o 2 working experience with dealing with government
o 2 working experience working with NGOs

o Strategic vision and insight in agricultural business sector
o Knowledge of government policy process regarding the agricultural environment
o Knowledge on economic and social trends in agricultural and business and implications for
different groups
o Knowledge on Post harvest management

o Ability to motivate Private Sector to participate in dialogues and to explore opportunities to
work with Small and Medium Enterprises and Small Holder Farmers
o Ability to conduct agricultural business development / stakeholder analysis to assess
consequences of initiatives for Small and Medium Enterprises and Small Holder Farmers
o Ability/skills in networking and mobilizing people around common focus (at national level)
This is a contractual job for 8 months with Gross payment of 3.3 million.

Interested parties are to applying via by sending in their CV’s &
application letter indicating why they qualify for this post. Deadline for this post is on 06th July 2016
Project Officer - Agricultural Non State Actors Forum (ANSAF)  Project Officer - Agricultural Non State Actors Forum (ANSAF) Reviewed by Unknown on 8:15:00 AM Rating: 5
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