Careers at British Council Tanzania


Purpose of job: To manage the Skills for Oil and Gas Africa (SOGA) pilot project within Tanzania in support of the British Council’s overall purpose.

Context and environment: The UK’s Department for International Development (DFID) and the German Federal Ministry for Economic Cooperation and Development (BMZ) have established the Skills for Oil and Gas Africa (SOGA) initiative, which aims to:
1. Address skills gaps in the oil and gas industry and associated sectors in East Africa
2. Assist partner governments in preparing their workforces for upcoming opportunities in the private sector

The initiative will be implemented by Deutsche Gesellschaft für Internationale Zusammenarbeit GmbH (GIZ). The British Council has an agreement with GIZ to design and deliver a pilot project focusing on English and Communication skills to support the wider SOGA programme in Tanzania.

Accountabilities, responsibilities and main duties:
The post holder will be responsible for managing an important English language project within the British Council Tanzania Teaching Centre portfolio. Specific duties will include:
1. financial accounting and planning, using the following tools:
- SAP financial reports to verify charges and identify / correct mis-charges / omissions promptly, as part of risk control procedure
- monthly cash flow estimates which accurately reflect project expenditure requirements over the next quarter
- high level and detailed excel spreadsheets for overall budgets, quarterly activity budgets and individual activity planning

2. project planning, reporting, monitoring and evaluation:
- planning using GIZ project planning templates
- gantt charts to reflect planned activity
- mapping British Council planning cycle against GIZ planning cycle
- quarterly and annual report management against log frame and activity plan using GIZ financial and activity reporting templates
- Liaising with Finance Manager and Teaching Centre Registrar to prepare and submit annual audited financial statements
- ensuring project inventories are maintained
- Adapting scorecard instruments (audience forecasts and actuals, quality of service questionnaires)
- Implementing qualitative project monitoring and evaluation plan

3. managing relationships with project partners, and representing the project to other external stakeholders
a) GIZ
- day-to-day liaison with GIZ project officers
- quarterly reporting (narrative and financial)

b) Vocational Education Training Authority of Tanzania (VETA):
- maintaining relationships at different levels of VETA
- technical group meetings and actions
- steering group meetings and actions
- joint monitoring and evaluation visits

c) Morogoro Vocational Teacher Training Centre (MVTTC):
- ongoing communication with College management team (trainer placements, logistics)
- participation in College meetings

d) events management
- managing a range of complex events, including some nationwide multi-site activity
- planning, implementing, evaluating and reporting meetings, conferences, residential workshops nationwide
- arranging media coverage
- procuring and contracting human and material resources in line with British Council compliance standards

e) ensuring that all project activity reflects key child protection, equal opportunities and diversity issues

f) exploring and developing partnerships with other INGOs and NGOs who can add value to British Council work in Tanzania and the region

g) working on the understanding that you are part of a larger team who all have a collective responsibility to deliver British Council programmes to the highest standard

The post holder will be accountable to the Academic Manager for the successful progress and implementation of the project.

Key relationships:
- coordination and cooperation with project colleagues: management, admin and academic/technical team members
- liaison with the project finance team to ensure that all financial tasks and deadlines are fully met
- support to senior managers in representing the British Council’s programme to partners and external stakeholders
- general team working with colleagues across the directorate

- coordination and cooperation with project partners and beneficiaries
- developing and maintaining key relationships with government Ministries, officials and staff

Other important features or requirements of the job
Ensure safeguarding and guidelines are applied and upheld in line with standards and policy for the following areas:

- Child protection
- Equal Opportunity and Diversity
- Health and Safety
- Information Knowledge Management

Operational project work requires occasional work outside conditioned hours, for example in the evenings or at weekends. TOIL should be agreed with the line manager in advance to maintain an adequate work-life balance. Post holder may be required to travel within Tanzania or abroad on British Council business and should therefore hold valid travel documents.

Please specify any passport/visa and/or nationality requirement. Right to live and work in Tanzania Police/criminal records check

Careers at British Council Tanzania Careers at British Council Tanzania Reviewed by Unknown on 4:58:00 AM Rating: 5
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