Human Resources for Health Data Analyst in Tanzania

Elizabeth Glaser Pediatric AIDS Foundation RFP #985523
Human Resources for Health Data Analyst in Tanzania
Human Resources for Health Data Analyst in Tanzania
in support of
Dar es Salaam, Tanzania
Firm Deadline: July 8, 2016
12:00pm Eastern Daylight Time (GMT-4)
The Elizabeth Glaser Pediatric AIDS Foundation, a non-profit organization, is the world leader in
the fight to eliminate pediatric AIDS. Our mission is to prevent pediatric HIV infection and to
eliminate pediatric AIDS through research, advocacy, and prevention and treatment programs.
For more information, please visit
CDC Tanzania and PEPFAR have been providing technical and financial support to the Tanzania
Ministry of Health, Community Development, Gender, Elderly and Children (MOHCDGEC) and
National AIDS Control Program (NACP) to establish and continuously improve monitoring and
evaluation (M&E) data systems, health information systems and business processes related to use
of health information. CDC Tanzania has been supporting short-term and embedded technical
experts to work closely with MOHCDGEC and NACP to strengthen national data systems and
processes that are required to deliver quality HIV services and collect and manage information for
evidence-based decisions.
In close collaboration with the MOHCDGEC, EGPAF will conduct an analysis of various Human
Resources for Health (HRH) systems to inform planning and decision making. EGPAF will also
conduct a spatial analysis of HRH data and its correlation with other key indicators to contribute
to optimal coverage and quality of health care services.
Reporting to Jane Macha, Technical Advisor for Health Systems Strengthening, and in close
partnership with EGPAF Headquarters (HQ) and CDC Tanzania, the HRH Data Analyst will be
primarily responsible for completion of the processes and deliverables in‐country that are outlined
below. The HRH Data Analyst will also serve as a communication backstop for all in-country
activities related to this activity, liaising between EGPAF HQ, MOHCDGEC, CDC Tanzania and
other stakeholders.
Consultant Activities:
The consultant will work closely with EGPAF HQ and the EGPAF Tanzania Technical Advisor
for Health Systems Strengthening to ensure the following activities are conducted:
  1. Organize and participate in planning meetings with MOHCDGEC and CDC Tanzania to
review current HRH data management systems and to determine the necessary steps to
proceed with analysis.
  1. Lead biweekly progress conference calls with EGPAF HQ and EGPAF Tanzania and
provide monthly written progress reports to EGPAF HQ and EGPAF Tanzania to inform
project quarterly reports.
  1. Working closely with HRH staff from MOHCDGEC, CDC Tanzania and other US and
Tanzania government agencies as needed, determine the necessary data elements (in
addition to GIS information) to conduct a meaningful analysis for presentation to
MOHCDGEC and CDC. As needed, clean the outputs of the three systems in order to
make the data usable.
  1. Conduct data cleaning, analysis, and prepare findings. Include key MOHCDGEC staff
and provide hands-on mentoring during this phase in order to build capacity around HRH
data analysis.
  1. Review any existing MOHCDGEC HRH data analysis and use plans and advise on
operationalizing them. Work with MOHCDGEC to develop plan to align/integrate
various HRH data systems for future analysis and use.
  1. Build capacity of MOHCDGEC on data analysis and use and how to follow analysis/use
plans. This may involve designing and facilitating onsite training/mentorship to ensure
continued HRH data use.
  1. Act in an advisory role to MOHCDGEC in preparation for the 2016 HRH country profile.
  2. Other activities as negotiated with EGPAF HQ and EGPAF Tanzania.
Consultant Deliverables:
The consultant will ensure that the following deliverables are met:
  1. Agendas and meeting summaries to support planning meetings with MOHCDGEC
  2. Agendas and meeting summaries as necessary for EGPAF HQ/Tanzania conference calls
  3. Monthly written progress reports submitted to EGPAF HQ and EGPAF Tanzania Health
Systems Strengthening Advisor by the 5th of each month
  1. A written report and presentation containing the results of the HRH data cleaning and
analysis exercise (a mapping document of all HRH system in TZ that MOHCDGEC or
implementing partners are using, their use, and a feasible plan for integrating these
system to reduce duplication and align the systems.)
  1. Produce an onsite data analysis and one mentorship report (to be replicated by
  1. Presentation of spatial analysis results to MOHCDGEC and CDC Tanzania
  2. Final assignment report (template and table of contents to be provided by EGPAF HQ)
  3. Revised data analysis and use plan for MOHCDGEC
 Fluent in both written and spoken English
 At least a Master’s Degree in Public Health, Biostatistics or Computer Science, or a
related field
 Able to work legally in Tanzania as a resident or through a valid work visa (must provide
documentation of work visa)
 Currently reside in, or be willing to temporarily relocate to, Dar es Salaam, Tanzania for
the duration of the contract period
 Able to begin work on or before July 31, 2016
 Speaking ability in Swahili
 Previous experience working in Tanzania
 Knowledge of programming languages, relational databases, statistical packages, GIS
applications, interactive data dashboards, and Windows programs
Elizabeth Glaser Pediatric AIDS Foundation RFP #985523
Human Resources for Health Data Analyst in Tanzania
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 Experience working with senior-level representatives from donors, implementing
partners, and government agencies
 A minimum of 5 years’ experience in Public Health with at least 2 years’ demonstrated
practice in national level data management and analysis
 A strong background in data management systems, capacity building, and project
management and implementation
The HRH Data Analyst will provide all deliverables to EGPAF HQ, which assumes ultimate
responsibility for all documents and deliverables submitted to CDC. EGPAF HQ will directly
liaise with CDC Atlanta and provide direction and support to the Consultant in the
implementation of all project-related activities. All deliverables will be submitted to EGPAF HQ
for review and further dissemination.
Equipment and/or Materials Required
The consultant will provide their own laptop and mobile phone for use on project-related
Specific Timeframe
The period of performance for this agreement is three (3) months from the date of a signed
consultant contract. Projected start date is July 31, 2016, but is subject to change. Contract may
be extended at EGPAF’s option.
Location of Work
Consultant will perform all tasks in Dar es Salaam, Tanzania. Office space with access to the
internet and printing facilities will be provided at the Ministry of Health offices.
The anticipated contract type is fixed price plus approved expenses. The following expenses will
be reimbursed by the Foundation: air travel to Tanzania (one round-trip, if Consultant not
currently located in Tanzania); housing allowance in Dar es Salaam; monthly living stipend; and
local transportation to support work-related activities. All other projected costs must be included
in the fixed price proposed by the Offeror.
Unless stated otherwise in this RFP, the Consultant is responsible for providing equipment and/or
supplies required to perform the services.
All deliverables provided to the Foundation must be furnished for the use of the Foundation
without royalty or any additional fees.
“Materials” will include everything prepared by Consultant pursuant to this Contract, including
without limitation, the Deliverables, reports, creative and other materials, manuals, studies,
photographs, negatives and all other documents. All Materials developed under this Contract will
be owned exclusively by the Foundation. Consultant will not use or allow the use of the Materials
for any purpose other than Consultant’s performance of the Contract without the prior written
consent of the Foundation.
The Consultant will be responsible for obtaining all applicable visas and/or work permits.
The Foundation will provide supplemental business traveler medical coverage and security and
natural disaster evacuation coverage for a non-local Consultant for the duration of the
consultancy spent in Tanzania, at no cost to the Consultant, if desired. The medical coverage is
supplemental only, and will only cover persons who already have general medical insurance
coverage. The Offeror should indicate in the financial proposal if this coverage is requested. Note
that the supplemental medical coverage is a standard benefit. The consultant therefore is not
required to quote the cost of this supplemental insurance in the financial proposal, and request of
this supplemental insurance will have no influence on the evaluation of proposals.
The Foundation will accept the proposal that presents the best value. All proposals will be
evaluated against the following Evaluation Criteria. Each proposal must contain the items listed
in the Submission Requirements column in the following chart. Please submit your Submission
Requirements in the order that they appear below, and label each with the RFP # (985523).
Evaluation Criteria Submission Requirements Weight
Past performance of similar work
  1. One or more samples of prior similar work (e.g., project reports, GIS assignments, consultancy reports, reports or evidence of prior data cleaning and analysis exercises, evidence of prior experience with HRH data/projects, etc. for which the Offeror has led the process)
  2. Three (3) professional references from similar past projects with current phone and email contact information 35% Consultant’s proposed process and approach to meet project needs efficiently
  3. A maximum 5-page written proposal explaining Offeror’s specific process for completion of activities and deliverables listed in this RFP 35% Total fixed price
  4. A brief financial proposal detailing the total fixed price for all activities, as stated in Key Contract Terms above 15% Qualifications of proposed Consultant
  5. Cover letter
  6. CV/Resume of Offer or 15%
Total 100%
All applicants are required to be registered and authorized to perform the scope of work in the
place of performance.
17 June 2016 – Release of RFP
24 June 2016 – Submission of Contractual and Technical Inquiries to: Shauna Eisenberg, Senior
Operations Officer, No phone calls please.
28 June 2016 – Question and Answer Response Document posted on EGPAF website at
Elizabeth Glaser Pediatric AIDS Foundation RFP #985523
Human Resources for Health Data Analyst in Tanzania
8 July 2016 – Completed proposals must be delivered electronically by 12:00pm Eastern
Daylight Time to: Shauna Eisenberg, Senior Operations Officer,
22 July 2016 – Final decision announced and Offerors notified
31 July 2016 – Contract executed and Services begin.
Please note it is our best intent to comply with the above timeline but unavoidable delays
may occur.
All proposals and communications must be identified by the unique RFP# reflected on the
first page of this document. Failure to comply with this requirement may result in nonconsideration
of your proposal.
Any proposal not addressing each of the foregoing items may be considered non-responsive. Any
exceptions to the requirements or terms of the RFP must be noted in the proposal. The
Foundation reserves the right to consider any exceptions to the RFP to be non-responsive.
Late proposals may be rejected without being considered.
This RFP is not an offer to enter into agreement with any party, but rather a request to receive
proposals from persons interested in providing the services outlined below. Such proposals shall
be considered and treated by the Foundation as offers to enter into an agreement. The Foundation
reserves the right to reject all proposals, in whole or in part, enter into negotiations with any
party, and/or award multiple contracts.
The Foundation shall not be obligated for the payment of any sums whatsoever to any recipient of
this RFP until and unless a written contract between the parties is executed.
Equal Opportunity Notice. The Elizabeth Glaser Pediatric AIDS Foundation is an Equal
Employment Opportunity employer and represents that all qualified bidders will receive
consideration without regard to race, gender, color, religion, sex, or national origin.
As a core value to help achieve our mission, the Foundation embraces a culture of honesty,
integrity, and ethical business practices and expects its business partners to do the same.
Specifically, our procurement processes are fair and open and allow all vendors/consultants equal
opportunity to win our business. We will not tolerate fraud or corruption, including kickbacks,
bribes, undisclosed familial or close personal relationships between vendors and Foundation
employees, or other unethical practices. If you experience of suspect unethical behavior by a
Foundation employee, please contact the Foundation’s Ethics Hotline at Any vendor/consultant who attempts to engage, or engages,
in corrupt practices with the Foundation will have their proposal disqualified and will not be
solicited for future work.

Submission of Contractual and Technical Inquiries to: Shauna Eisenberg, Senior Operations Officer, No phone calls please.
Human Resources for Health Data Analyst in Tanzania Human Resources for Health Data Analyst in Tanzania Reviewed by Unknown on 1:06:00 AM Rating: 5
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