Important Notes: All necessary information including Complete Terms of Reference, Selection Criteria, and Annexes are found on the following link under Procurement Notice Number IC-93/12: Proposals should be submitted to the following e-mail address no later than COB 4th of October 2012 (Amman Time +3GMT):
UNDP support for the E-Governance is part of its ongoing assistance to the Iraq in the framework of public sector moderinisation support, which aims at providing an integrated approach to e-governance for development within Iraq at the national, regional and local level in line with the Iraqi National Development Strategy, Iraqi Millennium Development Goals and National Development Plan and the United Nations Development Assistance Framework (UNDAF) for Iraq. The e-Governance Programme is considered a vital component for reforming and moderinising Iraq’s public sector. The GoI has formulated the national e-Governance Strategic Action Plan that aims to harnesses ICT tools to improve basic services to all and to promote all-round good governance, including increased public participation, better social equity and justice as well as a general enhancement of the transparency and effectiveness of public institutions in order to build the necessary platform for a competitive, robust and knowledge-based economy. Several initiatives were taken place since the launched of the first version of the e-Governance Strategic Action Plan in April 2010.
Building on the results achieved from developing the Iraq Government Inter-operability Framework and the National Enterprise Architecture, and as agreed in the e-governance work plan between UNDP and the Iraqi e-Governance Ministerial Steering Committee, UNDP will support the delivery of Data Policy and standardisation components under the national strategic plan. In the Iraqi context, there are several aspects related to data or information requirements and they relate to achieve the different phases of the e-Governance transformation process. In the first phase, internal automation of systems has proven to be a difficult task requiring substantial transformation. Over time, standards have evolved with regard to data collection, coding and processing within Iraq and government sectors. At present, mainly processing of quantitative data already occurs using computer technology. However, data collected may still be used for the purpose of a single entity. Reporting to other entities in the system only occurs on an aggregated basis. This practice led inevitably to duplication and redundancy in the government system. Data standardization then becomes a huge issue, as it points to the main source of reduction of transaction costs, that is re-use of information across the system. e-Governance provides the opportunity to government agencies to have their individual systems talk to each other. The importance is not on the internal standard of the individual authority, but on an agreed standard across agencies and mandatory posting of agency owned data that can be used by others. This means that they will have to work on a common language to share data. At first, this may simply involve reaching agreement on some key identifiers, like geographic location or personal or institutional identifiers. As the e-Governance system evolves, more and more information could be shared. The idea is to be able to depend on as little repetition as possible in the data capturing and maintenance process and re-use the same data as often as possible among different agencies and other users, guaranteeing security and safety issues. In this light, standards regarding data collection, coding and processing will have to be reviewed together with the roles and responsibilities of the individual institutions. Other aspects related to data requirements refer more to the content provision of government information and become highly relevant in the publishing, interaction and transaction phases. This also refers to standards on security, safety and standards on identification or authentication. These aspects, data standardization, institutional coordination and merging of databases, information provision and the types of interaction and transaction that can take place, tend to be all highly contested by the same public administration. The e-Governance Ministerial Steering Committee chaired by HE the Minister of Science and Technology were recommended the following interventions in the support of e-Governance as possible action points for Data and information systems:
Duties and Responsibilities |
Scope and Expected Outputs: Taking into account the importance of this event, UNDP is seeking to engage a short term specialist in Data Analysis and Visualisation. The professional senior e-governance specialist is required to work in close consultation with Government of Iraq counterparts and the UNDP governance team and the Senior Data Policy Expert; the specialist will perform the following tasks related to the specific module(s) assigned to him/here: Developing effective and illustrative data visualisations and data use cases for supporting decision making by various Ministries and Departments of the Government of Iraq:
To address the data policy and data-set scenario, two workshops will be organized with the different stakeholders in the process across Iraq (expected 30-35 participants for 6 working days each workshop) to transfer the knowledge on the subject. The first one should be targeted the policy-decision of e-governance programme in Iraq, to formulate the required data policy, the second one would target in addition to the senior officials the technicians of the target datasets to build the scenarios of the datasets. The selected specialist will help in.
While UNDP will be responsible for the logistic costs of the participants. The Consultant under the direct supervision of the requesting unit, is requested to produce for the following deliverables:
Competencies |
Key Performance Indicators during implementation of Services:
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Required Skills and Experience |
Documents to be included when submitting the Proposal: Technical Proposal: (Which will include the following):
The financial proposal will specify a total lump sum amount and payment terms around specific and measurable (qualitative and quantitative) deliverables. Payments are based upon output, i.e. upon delivery of the services specified in the TOR. A breakdown of this lump sum amount is to be provided by the IC candidate. Total Fees: Please use Annex 3 – Financial proposal form. All necessary information including: Complete Terms of Reference, The Selection Criteria, and Annexes are found on the following link under Procurement Notice Number IC-093/12: Proposals should be submitted to the following e-mail address no later than COB 4ht of October 2012 (Amman Time +3GMT): |
UNDP E - Governance Data Analysis and Visualisation Specialist
Reviewed by Unknown
2:00:00 AM