Partnerships Officer, Partnership for an HIV-Free Generation Project

PATH is an international nonprofit organization that creates sustainable, culturally relevant solutions, enabling communities worldwide to break longstanding cycles of poor health. PATH’s mission is to improve the health of people around the world by advancing technologies, strengthening systems, and encouraging healthy behaviors.

The Partnership for an HIV Free Generation - Kenya (HFG/K) is an initiative designed to achieve a 50% reduction in HIV incidence among youth aged 15-24 years in Kenya. The project is aligned within the PEPFAR prevention strategy and the country of Kenya’s prevention strategy. The aim is to cultivate a network of global and local partnerships among the private sector, government and implementing partners to define youth-focused HIV prevention interventions, increase collaboration, leverage resources and capabilities, increase youth access to knowledge, services, education, life skills and employment and reduce gender disparities, violence, drug and alcohol use. This work will be accomplished through national and regional mass media campaigns, coordination and participation of implementing partners for youth activities in Kenya and initiation of private-public partnerships (PPP) for enhanced impact. The project will generate an independent, self-sustainable entity called HIV Free Generation, Kenya.

PATH Kenya Country program seeks to recruit a Partnerships Adminstration Officer to design and oversee the partnership awards management system for the Partnership for an HIV-Free Generation Project, Kenya including sub-contractor compliance with partnership award rules, policies and financial reporting. S/he will review and analyze partnership awards expenses and advise the team on expenditure trends for each PPP on a monthly basis, assist in the PPP performance monitoring and evaluation in accordance to contractual requirements, and maintain independent files for each PPP with copies of all essential paperwork, contracts and reports. The incumbent will also discuss and manage any administrative and financial problems and ensure accurate PPP reporting is passed to the donor. The PArtenerships Administration Officer, in liaison with Finance Advisor, will assist in the administrative aspects of the initiation, execution, and monitoring of sub-contracts, respond to partner/contractor queries in relation to partnership awards/contracts and ensure full compliance with PATH, HFG, and donor requirements.

Specific responsibilities include:

  • Contribute in the development of the public-private partnership (PPP) award/contractor manual, including all templates for administrative and financial reports.
  • Prepare all contractual paperwork for PPPs and manage submission to PATH headquarters for contracting documentation; monitor timelines and delivery of documents from Grants and Contract Services at headquarters including key contacts of contractors and signatures.
  • Manage and supervise the financial and administrative components of the public-private partnerships (PPP) for the project, including follow up with partners to receive reports in timely manner, orienting partners on reporting templates and ensure correct information is collected and shared with HFG team; confirm deliverables met; manage payments to contractors.
  • Build the capacity of the HFG/K PPP team and other key colleagues to understand the PPP process for HFG and all administrative and financial requirements for contracting.
  • Coordinate and review each PPP budget with the team and ensure the budget follows USG, PATH & HFG/K rules and regulations, advise PPP team and subcontractor on required changes and ensure that HFG/K match is equivalent to partner(s) contribution.
  • Observe, monitor and manage all internal control issues relating to PPP awards.
  • Work with the Finance Advisor and the PATH audit department to coordinate audit and monitoring activities in support of PPP contractors finance accountability.
  • Prepare resource materials related to PPP financial and administrative accountability that can be used by staff and PPP contractors.
Required Skills
  • Knowledge of generally accepted accounting principles and a thorough knowledge of financial systems and internal financial controls.
  • Excellent communication and listening skills.
  • Wide working knowledge of major donor regulations, with particular bias to US Government contracts and sub-award management.
  • Familiarity with sub-contracts and required contracting regulations with PATH and USG. Ability to succinctly express required changes in writing and verbally for contractual agreements and negotiations.
  • Ability to comprehensively understand the technical components and streamline the administrative & financial elements to match.
  • Ability to work in diverse cultural contexts.
  • Good organizational and time management skills.
  • Ability to develop and lead appropriate training and orientation programs in grant/sub-award/contractual compliance.
  • Ability to work well with others, internal staff and external vendors, negotiate, be diplomatic and problem solve responsibly with a foresight to generating positive, quality relationships for the project.
  • Knowledgeable on sub-award/contracting requirements and USAID rules and regulations and able to be a resource for the HFG/K team to answer questions or issues concerning administrative and financial elements of any contract.
Required Experience

Bachelor's degree in Business Administration, Management, Accounting or Finance plus a minimum of 5 years of experience with government grant programs, partnerships management and procurement systems and processes, or an equivalent combination of education and experience. CPA qualification preferred.

Job Location
Nairobi, KENYA

Partnerships Officer, Partnership for an HIV-Free Generation Project
Partnerships Officer, Partnership for an HIV-Free Generation Project Partnerships Officer, Partnership for an HIV-Free Generation Project Reviewed by Unknown on 7:52:00 AM Rating: 5

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