SNV Senior Advisor WASH - Tanzania

Are you interested in joining an international organisation with a long term commitment to fighting poverty? Would you like to work in a challenging environment and develop a career while achieving lasting development results?

SNV Tanzania is looking for a:
Senior WASH Advisor, Dar es Salaam
(Local Contract)

SNV Netherlands Development Organisation is dedicated to a society where all people enjoy the freedom to pursue their own sustainable development. SNV focusses its work on issues related to food, energy and water – three global challenges that strongly impact the poor and are closely linked to climate change. Essential success factors in our work are inclusive development, systemic change, local ownership and contextualized solutions. We focus our work on three sectors: Agriculture, WASH (Water, Sanitation and Hygiene) and Renewable Energy. In these sectors we combine three specific roles: advisory services, knowledge networking and evidence-based advocacy. SNV works with actors in the private sector, public sector as well as civil society organisations, at national and sub-national level. An entrepreneurial way of working and professionalism characterise our organizational culture.

SNV operates in Tanzania since 1971; currently we are about 45 staff members, we work with a large network of local service providers and have offices in Dar es Salaam, Mwanza, Arusha and Morogoro. Our operations are funded through anchor funding of the government of The Netherlands and increasingly by other bilateral and multilateral development partners as well as private foundations.

The SNV Tanzania programme in the WASH sector develops and applies innovative solutions for increasing access to water and sanitation in rural and peri-urban Tanzania.

SNV focuses on four Programmatic areas:

• Rural Water Supply: supporting districts to (i) improve functionality of rural water facilities by strengthening capacities of local communities to manage their water supply; and (ii) develop the political and planning capacities of local government authorities for more effective monitoring and planning and equitable resources allocation (using of water point mapping data)
• WASH in Schools: working in partnership with UNICEF and other International and national organisations, supporting the Government to develop and pilot the National School WASH guidelines and working closely with LGAs and school communities to improve the situation of WASH in schools.
• Peri-urban and small town water supply program provides capacity building and technical back-up support to small utilities to improve their performance and outreach of their services (currently in pilot phase)
• Sustainable Sanitation and Hygiene for all: innovative approaches in sanitation and hygiene promotion that are technically suitable, culturally acceptable and economically sustainable (currently in identification phase).

By addressing the issues that obstruct access to WASH facilities and services, we aim to contribute to:
• Demand articulation: Strengthening local actors (government and communities) in formulating their needs into clear demands.
• Demand responsive WASH infrastructure and services: Increasing the availability of sustainable water and sanitation infrastructures and services, and ensuring sustainable operation and maintenance solutions for WASH infrastructures.
• Improved access to sanitation facilities; improved hygienic practices and behaviour changes
• An improved learning environment for children: Increasing the access of children (with a special focus on girls) to child-friendly WASH facilities at schools. This includes the provision of market-based solutions for the menstrual hygiene of girls.
• The up-scaling of interventions: Increasing WASH coverage by developing local capacity to up-scale WASH interventions and establish public/private partnerships.
• Knowledge based development: Creating a learning environment that enhances knowledge development, management and application. Knowledge-based decision making in the WASH sector.
• The implementation of national WASH policies and strategies: Locally trigger WASH development by supporting decentralisation and reform processes and structures.

Key themes of the SNV approach are localisation, i.e. strengthening capacity of local organisations (LCBs) through engaging them in our work to support local change agents and strengthen public accountability, i.e. building relations between citizens and government. An increasing part of our programme is implemented in partnership with (inter)national organisations.

Due to changes in the composition of the advisory team as well as an increase in workload, SNV Tanzania is now looking for a Senior Adviser to strengthen the WASH team. The Senior Adviser is based in Dar es Salaam, and will be linking the advisers operating in the field-based offices to national programmes and dynamics (and vice versa). This is a key strategic position within the team, demanding sector-wide networking and with the ability to link to and participate in international debates. The adviser will also form part of the national strategy team, working with the Country Director in coordinating positioning and resource mobilisation initiatives.


• Contribute in providing strategic direction to the SNV WASH sector program, improving relevance, efficiency and effectiveness of current and new SNV interventions in the sector.
• Strengthen SNV positioning in the WASH sector by developing and maintaining relationship with national level governmental bodies, private sector organisations, knowledge institutes and international development partners and with SNV regional and corporate knowledge networks.
• Ensure increased external funding of SNV interventions in the sector and taking a leading role in proposal development and interaction with (potential) funding and implementing partners.
• Support identification for meaningful initiatives in all the programmatic areas of SNV and support SNV teams in improving its services in these areas.
• Ensure updated information and analysis about national and international trends, government policies and major initiatives in relevant sub-sectors.
• Provide advisory services to clients and projects, especially at national level and in more complex institutional set-ups.
• Contribute to the SNV teams to further develop and fine-tune the results-based approach, including monitoring and evaluation, and provide technical backstopping; coaching and guidance to the SNV-Tanzania WASH advisors in the subnational offices and LCBs.

Candidate profile
• Master’s degree in water resources management, development studies or institutional development and capacity building linked to water and sanitation.
• Minimum of 10 years of relevant working experience, of which at least 3 years in a similar position.
• Proven experience in capacity building, facilitation of multi-stakeholder processes, organisational learning, change processes and governance for empowerment.
• Track record in pro-poor approaches taking into consideration social inclusion, gender and sustainability.
• State of the art knowledge and understandings of the indicated programmatic areas.
• Very good analytical skills combined with a practical and pragmatic approach oriented towards lasting results.
• Strong network in the WASH sector.
• Demonstrated results in knowledge development, partnership & resource mobilization, planning, monitoring & evaluation of programs.
Desired Skills and attitude
• Leadership, coaching and self-reflection skills.
• Innovative, entrepreneurial, business oriented.
• Good team player, pragmatic, negotiator with solution orientated approach.
• Readiness to work and travel frequently in the field
• Excellent listening skills combined with strong oral and written communication skills (in English).
• Proven skills in proposal writing.

Contract Duration: 2 years extendable

Desired start date: 1 July, 2012

How to apply

Please apply by clicking on and complete your application in our in-house recruitment system before 15 May 2012

More information about SNV
SNV is a non-profit international development organisation established in the Netherlands in 1965. For over 40 years, SNV has been at the forefront of development, helping to build local capacity and empower local families and communities to break the cycle of poverty. We are present on the ground in 36 developing countries in Africa, Asia, Latin America and the Balkans and operate in Agriculture, Renewable Energy, and Water, Sanitation & Hygiene. Our 900 advisors in the field come from a variety of cultural and technical backgrounds, and over 60 per cent are nationals of the countries where we work.
For more information, please refer to our website:

We do not appreciate third-party mediation based on this advertisement.

Closing date:
Tuesday, May 15, 2012
Type of contract:
SNV Senior Advisor WASH - Tanzania SNV Senior Advisor WASH - Tanzania Reviewed by Unknown on 8:07:00 AM Rating: 5

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