Senior Economist and Financial Specialist

Republic of Kenya
Ministry of Water and Irrigation
Enhancing Water Security and Climate Resilience Project
Project No. P117635
Expression of Interest

MOWI / EWSCR /04/2011-2012

Senior Economist and Financial Specialist
The Government of Kenya has received financing from the International Development Association (World Bank) towards a Project Preparation Advance (PPA) for preparation of the Water Security and Climate Resilience Project, and it intends to apply part of the proceeds to payments for consulting services to be
procured under this Advance.
The PPA will include the following activities:

1) Preparation of core technical documents including;

i) a project implementation manual and; ii) an environmental, social and resettlement framework,

2) Provision of technical assistance for:

i) analyzing the water sector’s legal, institutional and operational framework;

ii) reviewing the water sector knowledge base and analytical tools;

iii) preparation of economic and financial framework;

iv) reviewing and enhancing the technical and environmental and social safeguard related documents and;

v) supporting the management and implementation of the project including procurement and financial management functions,

3) Carrying out preparatory studies for potential sub-projects,

4) Strengthening the capacity of the project coordination office through provision of goods required for that
purpose including office equipment, supplies and vehicles,

5) Carrying out training and workshops.
To coordinate and support the implementation of the PPA, the Government of Kenya wishes to hire a Senior Economist and Financial Specialist for a period of one (1) year.
A. Objectives and Scope of Work of the Consultancy
The objective of this Consultancy is to support the Ministry of Water and Irrigation (MWI) in the development of the economic and financial aspects of the overall Investment Framework and related
activities by, and not limited to:

1) Establishing economic and financial eligibility criteria,

2) Detailing separate methodologies for assessing the economic benefits and costs of possible investments,

3) Undertaking a scoping level review,

4) Preparing Terms of Reference for the economic and financial analysis of initial investments,

5) Preparing training modules and provide training sessions,

6) Contributing to the design of a broader water investment pipeline planning and readiness tool.
The consultant will work closely with MWI and other implementing agencies, as well as the consultants developing other components under the Project.
B. Deliverables
Deliverables will be agreed upon during negotiation and will include but not limited to: Inception Report, Scoping Level Analysis, Progress Reports, User Guide/Training Modules, Investment Planning and Readiness Tool.
C. Work station
  • Office space will be provided by the project.
D. Qualifications and Experience
  • An advanced degree in water/natural resources economics, or a comparable field.
  • At least 15 years of relevant work experience in the economic and financial analysis of development projects. Experience in water resources development and related investment projects is strongly desired.
  • Direct experience working in Kenya would be an advantage.
  • Direct experience in working on World Bank/IDA financed development projects and knowledge of WB requirements for economic and financial analysis are strongly desired.
  • Excellent oral and written communication skills.
  • A proficient working knowledge of MS office and other software for economic and financial analysis is essential.
  • Fluency in English is essential and fluency in Swahili is desirable.
E. Remuneration
Remuneration will be based on international competitive rates and will reflect the selected
candidate’s area of expertise and relevant work experience.
F. Selection Method
Selection of an Individual Consultant will be in accordance with World Bank’s Guidelines for Selection and Employment of Consultants by World Bank Borrowers dated January 2011.

The selection criteria will be solely based on individual experience and qualifications.
The Ministry of Water and Irrigation (the client) now invites eligible consultants to forward their Expressions of Interest (EOI) in providing these services.

Interested consultants must provide their CVs and information indicating that they are qualified to perform the services (e.g. description of similar assignments, experience in similar conditions, availability of appropriate skills, etc).
G. Invitation for EOI
Interested consultants may obtain further information at the address below during office hours between 0900 – 1630 hours from Monday – Friday inclusive, except public holidays in Kenya, before the deadline for submission of Expression of Interest.
The completed expression of interest documents in writing in three (3) copies must be delivered to the Tender Box on Ground Floor or send to the address below so as to be received on or before 14th May,
2012 at 1200 hours Kenyan Local time.

The expression of interest must be in plain sealed envelopes and clearly marked “REF: MOWI / EWSCR /04/2011-2012 – “EOI SENIOR ECONOMIST AND FINANCIAL SPECIALIST” addressed to:
The Project Manager,
Enhancing Climate Resilience and Water Security Project,
Ministry of Water & Irrigation, Maji House, Ngong Road,
P.O. Box 49720-00100, Nairobi.
Tel: +254 02 2716103,

Senior Economist and Financial Specialist Senior Economist and Financial Specialist Reviewed by Unknown on 5:30:00 AM Rating: 5

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