Logistics Coordinator - Kenya

Solidarités International is a French humanitarian organization which provides aid and assistance to victims of war or natural disaster. For over 30 years the association has focused on meeting three vital needs - water, food and shelter - by carrying out emergency programmes followed by longer-term reconstruction projects. Whilst fully respecting the assisted populations’ customs and culture, Solidarités International’s programmes are implemented through the joint expertise of around 180 expatriates and 1500 local managerial staff and employees. Solidarités International is currently present in Africa (Central African Republic, South Sudan, Kenya, Somalia, Liberia, Mauritania, Chad, Democratic Republic of the Congo, Republic of Côte d’Ivoire), in Asia (Afghanistan, Thailand, Bangladesh, Myanmar and Pakistan) and in Haiti.


In Kenya and Somalia, Solidarités International is implementing a WASH and Food Security / LVH assistance program to support: the drought-affected populations in Marsabit District (Kenya), the vulnerable urban population of Nairobi Slums (Kenya), the drought- and conflict-affected population in central and south Somalia. The projects are managed from the field offices with the support of the coordination office in Nairobi.

Current donors / funding partners for the mission include EC, ECHO, OFDA, French Cooperation and UN.

The Kenya / Somalia mission was opened in March 2007 and currently comprises 5 intervention areas.

Kenya: • Nairobi slum program (Urban context) • Marsabit program (Arid Lands/Pastoral context)

Somalia: • Bardera program (Gedo Region - Arid Lands/Riverine/Pastoral context – remote management) • Afmadow program (Lower Juba Region - Arid Lands/Pastoral context – remote management) • Adaado program (Galgaduud Region - Arid Lands/Pastoral context– remote management) • Almost no expat access to the field since 2009

The Logistics Coordinator will be based in Nairobi, and will conduct regular visits to the field (North Horr, Dadaab and Takaba).


Procurement: • To ensure the respect of SI / donors’ procurement guidelines and procedures • To identify good quality service providers at the Kenyan level • To monitor BCI / IOF processing by the Procurement Manager • To check the quality and conformity of the items purchased • To draft and update services contracts as well as tenders • To conduct regular market assessments of durable equipment in Nairobi and to ensure that market assessments are conducted regularly on each SI base

Management and Human Resources: • To supervise, advise and coordinate the Logistics Coordination team in Nairobi • To support the field Logisticians and program staff in terms of set-up and knowledge of procedures • To assess training needs for all Logistics staff and to organize the provision of required training • To analyze and report on the needs in terms of Logistics Human Resources in Nairobi and the field • To spearhead the recruitment of Logistics staff in Nairobi and participate in the recruitment of field staff • To validate all disciplinary procedures • To validate any changes to the structure of the Nairobi Logistics team with the Head of Mission

Vehicles Fleet Management: • To anticipate and plan for vehicle needs • To regularly assess the transporters market • To manage the drivers • To ensure a Log Book is kept for each vehicle • To ensure the follow up of the fuel, spare parts and regular technical check-up • To analyse cost and consumption of fuel • To be in charge of compiling the monthly Fuel Consumption follow up for Kenya and Somalia’s bases • To review all aspects of fleet management on each base at least twice a year

Transport/cargo Management: • Overall responsibility for the supply chain from Nairobi to the field (planes, trucks) for goods and supplies • Overall responsibility for the organization of timely, cost-efficient and safe transport for SI staff from Nairobi to the field and to external destinations

Stock Management: • To ensure that the mission Logisticians are aware of SI / donors’ procedures and requirements for stock storage • To ensure the compilation of monthly stock inventories for Kenya / Somalia bases

Supply: • To plan deliveries from Paris / Nairobi to the field in collaboration with the field Logisticians • To ensure the respect of SI internal procedures

Follow up of durable equipment: • To make and update the durable equipment list for Nairobi base • To train staff on the use and care of sensitive/delicate equipment such as Thuraya, HF, VHF, RBgan • To ensure the collection and compilation of monthly durable equipment inventories for Kenya / Somalia bases

IT Management: • To ensure a qualified IT person is available to support the mission • To monitor the proper use of laptops / desktops • To ensure the proper use of Antivirus and the systematic backup of data on all computers • To ensure that a cost-effective and functional internet access service is maintained

Security: The HoM and Deputy Country Directors have primary responsibility for security management on the Kenya and Somalia mission, but the Logistics Coordinator plays a key role by providing technical advice and supporting the implementation and monitoring of agreed security actions and procedures. • To help to collect and update information regarding the security environment • To inform visitors about the security rules and regulations on the mission • To set up the means of communication in the field and ensure that all staff know how to use them (VHF, HF, satellite phones) • To train all mission staff in the basic driving rules

Other tasks: • To ensure the proper management of the Nairobi Office and expatriate accommodation • To provide basic back-up logistical support to the South Sudan mission


Education: • Logistics & procurement, finance & accounting, project management, engineering or other areas related technically related to Humanitarian Logistics

Experience: • 3 to 5 years of experience within an International NGO • Minimum 2 years of experience in a similar position-at the country Head Office (coordination) • Previous experience of remote management contexts is an advantage • Experience in team management and planning

Transferable skills: • Good knowledge of procurement guidelines of the major institutional donors(EU, ECHO, DFID, OFDA) • Capacity to propose new ideas and put them into action • Good communication and training skills • Ability to motivate others to adopt new ideas and bring about change • Natural ability to connect with other stakeholders and team members • Strong capacity to work independently and with initiative • Good multi-tasking skills • Ability to manage a heavy workload, to delegate tasks/responsibilities and to constantly reassess priorities • Ability to work effectively in a multicultural team • Ability to meet deadlines

Languages: • A good level of written and spoken English is mandatory (French language skills would be an advantage for interaction with SI HQ but this is not a deciding factor for selection)

Other desirable qualities: • Patience • Sense of humour • Diplomatic


Salaried post: from 1700 euros gross per month, according to experience, plus 10% annual leave allowance paid monthly, and a monthly Per Diem of 600 USD.

Solidarités International will cover accommodation and travel expenses from the expatriate’s home country to the site of the assignment.

  • Social and medical cover: Expatriates benefit from an insurance package which reimburses all healthcare expenses (including medical and surgical expenses, dental care and ophthalmological expenses, repatriation) and a welfare system including war risks. Essential vaccination and antimalarial treatment costs are refunded.

  • Vacation: During the assignment, a system of alternation between work and time off is implemented at the rate of one break every three months. For a one-year assignment, the expatriate will have a break during the 3rd and the 9th month (with 500 euros allocated by Solidarités). He or she will also be entitled to go back to his or her home country for a 15-day period after six months spent on the mission (Solidarités will cover travel costs).

DURATION : 12 months, beginning July 2012.

How to apply:

Please send us a CV and cover letter, either through our website or via the following link: https://emea3.recruitmentplatform.com/syndicated/private/syd_apply.cfm?I....

Logistics Coordinator - Kenya Logistics Coordinator - Kenya Reviewed by Unknown on 5:46:00 AM Rating: 5

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