Results-based Financing Advisor

The objective of this consultancy is to provide technical and strategic support to the Tanzanian health authorities (MOHSW and PMORALG) on the design, preparation and implementation of the Results Based Financing (RBF) mechanism in Tanzania. Continuous development of the RBF mechanism that will is furthermore to be assured.
The Advisor will play a vital role to ensure momentum is maintained for the (continuous) development and operationalisation of the RBF pilot.
This is a one-year position to support the RBF pre-pilot implementation in Shinyanga region of Tanzania. It is based in Dar Es Salaam, with frequent travel to Sinhyanga.
A full job description is available on our website in the careers center, and in the link to apply.

Results-based Financing Advisor Results-based Financing Advisor Reviewed by Unknown on 11:51:00 AM Rating: 5
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