Project Manager - International Network for Bamboo and Rattan

INBAR Department: Global Programme 
Reports to: Director of Global Programme for programmatic issues and to Director of Regional Office for Africa for administrative and operational issues
Location: Addis Ababa, Ethiopia
Term of Employment: 3 year with one year trial period, renewal based on performance and fund availability; Basic salary with integrated housing allowance, ranging from US$48,000 – US$60,000 per annum, commensurate with skills and experience. 

The International Network for Bamboo and Rattan (INBAR) is an inter-governmental development organization committed to reducing poverty and protecting the environment through the use of bamboo and rattan. With headquarters in Beijing, China and offices in India, Ethiopia, Ghana and Ecuador, INBAR works with 40 member countries worldwide and has links with partners in over 50 international, regional, and national organizations. 

INBAR is currently seeking a highly capable Project Manager with a demonstrated track record in implementing large-scale livelihood, rural development or environment development projects, to oversee the project “South-South knowledge transfer strategies for scaling up pro-poor bamboo livelihoods, income generation and employment creation, and environmental management in Africa”. This is a 3-year project managed by INBAR and supported by the International Fund for Agriculture Development (IFAD) and the European Commission. The project will be implemented in Ethiopia, Tanzania and Madagascar, with links to India, and will be managed from the INBAR Regional Office for Africa in Addis Ababa. 

The successful candidate will:

• Be responsible for overall success of the project, including setting and delivering of yearly work plans and performance targets, managing project team and consultants. 
• Lead a project team of 4 permanent field staff, supervise short-term livestock, soil science, and GIS/remote sensing consultants, and liaise with project partners at both national and regional level to ensure all activities are implemented in accordance with the project’s result framework, work plan and budget
• Liaise with INBAR national focal points in Ethiopia, Madagascar and Tanzania and maintain good relations with relevant government institutions in all three countries 
• Work closely with the INBAR Communications, Membership Affairs and Programme teams to synthesize and share results and knowledge developed over the project.
• Provide policy support and scaling-up strategies to target countries that identify and support best practices on growing bamboo-based livelihood value chains.
• Work with target countries to design training materials and extension programmes in English and local languages.
• Provide technical support to project field staff and local project partners to establish large-scale bamboo demonstration nurseries, mass micro-nurseries at household level, bamboo farmer field schools/demonstration sites, micro-scale farm plantations, and large-scale ecological and commercial bamboo planting on community forests for watershed management, which can facilitate replication on private & public lands
• Provide oversight to field staff for the establishment of model demonstration common production and training centers/groups for value-added bamboo product manufacture
• Conduct or coordinate action research to develop and adopt proven appropriate planting protocols, tools/techniques for enterprise development, & bamboo biomass energy applications
• Author/coordinate frequent project updates to be used for public awareness of the project, publication of project results in peer reviewed scientific publications, presentations, & reports
• Work closely with the Director of the Regional Office and report to him on day-to-day administrative and operational issues
• Work closely with an INBAR Senior Advisor, based in our Regional Office for South Asia in New Delhi, on livelihoods issues, as well as knowledge and technology transfer to sites in East Africa from long-term, INBAR Action Research Sites in India, 
• Undertake other related tasks as required by INBAR Director of Global Programme, 

• A Minimum of 5 years of demonstrated experience in implementing large-scale livelihood and environment development projects, preferably with experience of working in East Africa
• Proven ability to develop agronomy and enterprise models, as well as business plans
• Demonstrated expertise on natural resource management, biomass renewable energy, and value chain development and marketing
• Strong knowledge of community development and participatory-based approaches, with a proven track-record of delivering livelihood impacts in previous projects 
• Experience of working on bamboo and, or, other related Non-Timber Forest Product (NTFP) value chains would be a strong advantage

A Postgraduate Degree in Environmental Science, Sustainable Resource Management or another related field.

Excellent Written & Spoken English required; French proficiency would be an advantage. 

The successful candidate should be willing to undertake extensive travel in East Africa, as well as to other INBAR offices as required 

To Apply: 
Applications will be accepted until 15 December, 2014 or until a suitable candidate is identified. All applications will be acknowledged, however, only short-listed candidates will be contacted. Send a cover letter that demonstrates your relevant experience as describe in the above job description with your CV by email to: Please use “Apply for Project Manager — NAME” as the subject of the e-mail.

Visit our web site at for more information on INBAR.
Project Manager - International Network for Bamboo and Rattan Project Manager - International Network for Bamboo and Rattan Reviewed by Unknown on 10:12:00 PM Rating: 5
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