Jobs at The University of Dodoma - Nov 2014

The University of Dodoma invites applications from suitably qualified Tanzanians to fill the following positions.

1.         POSITION:  ESTATES MANAGER (1 Position) PGSS 21

Required qualifications
Masters Degree in Engineering (Civil, Electrical, Construction), Architecture, Environmental Engineering, Building Economics, Land Management and Valuation or any other related fields and must be registered with relevant professional Board with ICT skills. He/she must have at least twelve years work experience, at least five years of which must be at a senior management position in a reputable institution and must have strong background in Estates Management, Architecture, Civil or Construction Engineering.

Duties and Responsibilities

     To head the Estates Department.

     To formulate policy proposals related to estates activities.

     To coordinate consultancy services in estates management.

     To maintain and coordinates work contracts with building and maintenance staff of the Estates Unit.

     To prepare and compile budget estimates for Capital Development.

     To prepare training and development plans for Estates staff.

     To coordinate the effective maintenance and rehabilitation of the infrastructure.

     To prepare reports related to Estates Management

     To coordinate the preparation and reviews of the University Physical Master Plans.

     To supervise preparation of sketches and designs for major modification to the existing University owned buildings.

     To participate in the evaluation and selection of suitable cleaning and sanitation service providers.

     To coordinate and supervise consultancy service in Estates Management.

     To supervise feasibility studies and evaluation of viability of proposed projects on the University land.

     To coordinate and supervise security services

2.         POSITION: DIRECTOR OF ICT (1 position)

Required qualifications
Holder of a Masters Degree in Computer Science or Information Technology, and Microsoft Certified Systems Developer (MCSD) or Microsoft Certified Database Administrator (MCDBA) or Cisco Certified Network Administrator (CNA) qualification, plus at least ten years experience, five of which must be at a senior management position in a reputable institution. Should have a strong background of ICT systems.

Duties and responsibilities

(i)              Serves as the overall in charge of the ICT Unit
(ii)            Ensures that there is deployment of state of the art ICT for effectiveness and efficiency and that there is maximum application and utilization of ICT resources across the University;
(iii)          Coordinates the development, review and implementation of UDOM’s ICT Policies, Strategies and Master Plan;
(iv)          Prepares recommendations for ICT projects and coordinates their implementation and review;
(v)            Ensures security of ICT infrastructure in the University and ensures proper maintenance, support and functioning of ICT infrastructure across the University
(vi)         Performs any other duties and responsibilities as assigned by one’s reporting Officer


Required qualifications

Holder of a Masters degree in Planning, Economics, Finance, Statistics, or its equivalent plus at least ten years of relevant work experience, five of which must be at a senior management position in a reputable institution. He/she should have a strong background of strategic planning and project management. He/she should be computer literate with advanced knowledge of planning and investments management packages.

Duties and responsibilities:

(i)            Heads the Directorate and overall in-charge of Planning and Investments of the University
(ii)          Prepares budget speeches for submission to the Ministry responsible for Higher Education, investment plans and project documents, investment and planning policies and operational procedures

(iii)        Performs any other duties and responsibilities as assigned by one’s reporting Officer


Required qualifications
Possession of a University Degree in Accountancy or Advanced Diploma in Accountancy or Professional Level II or Module C and D

Basic Duties

Executes audit programmes and assist the Internal Auditor

5.                   POSITION: PERSONAL SECRETARY II (4 positions) PGSS 6

Required qualifications
Form IV/VI certificate PLUS a Diploma in secretarial services from a recognized Institution and must have passed shorthand either in Kiswahili or English at 80 w.p.m. Certificate in computer programs e.g. windows, Microsoft office Internet, E-mail and Publisher. Use of modern office equipment will be a necessary requirement.

Basic Duties
Performs secretarial duties including typing of all correspondence

6.         POSITION: OFFICE ASSISTANT II (5 positions)          POSS 3

Required qualifications
Holder of Form Four School Certificate or equivalent

Basic Duties:

After receiving appropriate orientation an Attendant will be assigned duties and responsibilities as per specific requirements of the area of deployment.

7.                   POSITION: DRIVER II (7 positions) POSS 3

Required qualifications
Secondary School Examination Certificate plus a combination of Driving Licence Class D and E, C1, C2 and C3 in a new system OR class “C” Driving License in old licensing system with a clean record in a reputable institution including of not causing an accident for at least the past three years. He/she must have attended and passed Advanced Drivers Course Grade II at the National Institute of Transport or any other recognized institution OR Driving Trade Test II from a recognised institution.

Basic Duties:
Drives and Maintains institutional vehicles

8.                 POSITION: HEALTH LAB ASSISTANTS II (1 Position) PMGSS 3

Required qualifications
National Form Four Examination Certificate with a Certificate in Medical Laboratory Technology or its equivalent from a recognized University/institution

Basic Duties
Performs specified health laboratory jobs under close supervision and takes care of instruments and equipment in the laboratory


Required qualifications
Diploma in Medical Lab Technology or its equivalent from a recognised University/institution

Basic Duties
Carries out, independently, specified routine medical laboratory duties which require a higher degree of technical knowledge and skills.

10.               POSITION: ENROLLED NURSE/MIDWIFE II (2 Positions) PMGSS 4

Required qualifications
Form IV certificate plus a Nurse/Midwife certificate or Public Health Nurse Certificate from a recognized institution. He/she must be registered with the relevant professional board.

Basic Duties
Administers drugs and treatment as prescribed by the Medical Officers and provides health education on family planning, nutrition, vaccination, sanitation and child spacing

11.               POSITION: ARTISAN II (1 Positions) POSS 3

Required qualifications
Secondary Education Certificates with Trade Test Grade III/level I with at least three years working experience in related field.

Basic Duties
Performs with minimum supervision-large technical jobs requiring high level of skills/craftsmanship

12.               POSITION: AUXILIARY POLICE II (3 Positions) POSS 3

Required qualifications
Form IV certificate with passes in English, Kiswahili, and History, Civics or Form VI certificate with National Service Training or People’s Militia Training Phase II and must be vetted by Police.

Basic Duties
Guards University property and ensures that peace and order at the University campus is highly maintained

13.       POSITION: LIBRARY OFFICER I          (1 positions) PGSS 12

Required qualifications
Bachelors Degree in Library Studies, Information Studies or its equivalent from a recognized University/Institution with at least four years working experience in similar position.

Basic Duties
Assist in the management and administration of library services

14.               POSITION: LIBRARY ASSISTANT II (1 position 2) PGSS 4

Required qualifications
Form IV certificate plus a Certificate in Library/Information studies or its equivalent from a recognized University/Institution

Basic Duties
Administers the library and library records, references and readers services


Required qualifications
Bachelor Degree in Fine Art, Music, Language, Chemistry, Physics, Engineering, Theatre Art, or its equivalent from any recognized university/institution.

Basic Duties
Assists teaching of relevant areas of specialization e.g. preparation of teaching materials, arrangement of the labs, studio etc.

16.       POSITION: SENIOR ACCOUNTS ASSISTANT II        (3 positions) PGSS 9

Required qualifications

Diploma in Accountancy with working experience of at least four years in a similar position

Basic Duties
Receives and keeps in proper custody all incoming bills and claims and maintains primary books of accounts

17.               POSITION: ASSISTANT ACCOUNTANT II (4 positions) PGSS 10

Required qualifications
Holder B.Com, BBA, Advanced Diploma in Accountancy, Professional Level II or its equivalent with working experience of four (4) years in that grade

Basic Duties
Maintains accurate accounts records and Custodian of accountable documents


Required qualifications
Form IV/VI with a certificate in procurement and logistics or its equivalent from a recognized Institution.

Basic Duties
Prepares purchase requisitions/orders upon approval by his/her supervisor

REMUNERATION: According to public service salary scales


i.           All applicants must be Citizens of Tanzania.
ii.           Applicants must be less that 45 Years i.e. they are must be born after 1st January 1970.
iii.           They must attach an up-to-date Curriculum Vitae (CV) having reliable contact postal address, e-mail address and telephone numbers.
iv.           They must attach dully filled and sealed referee report forms attached as Annex I.
v.           Applicants should apply on the strength of the information given in this advertisement
vi.           The title of the position applied for should be written in the subject of the application letter and marked on the envelope; short of which will make the application invalid.
vii.           Applicants must attach their relevant certified copies of Academic/Professional certificates i.e. Postgraduate/Degree/Advanced Diploma/Diploma/Certificates and transcripts; National Form IV and Form VI Examination Certificates; Computer Certificate; Professional certificates from respective boards; One recent passport size picture and birth certificate.
viii.           Form IV and VI results slips, Testimonials and Partial transcripts are strictly not accepted.
ix.           Applicants employed by public institutions must route their application letters through their respective employers.
x.           Certificates from foreign Universities should be verified by Tanzania Commission for Universities (TCU).
xi.           Women are highly encouraged to apply.

xii.           Application letters should be written in English.
xiii.           Only short listed candidates will be informed on a date for interview.

xiv.           Presentation of forged academic certificates and other information in the CV will necessitate to legal action.


Complete application package that consists of application letter supported with detailed Curriculum Vitae, relevant copies of certificates i.e. Degree/Diploma certificates /testimonials, academic transcripts plus Secondary School Certificates and dully filled referee report form should be submitted to:


DEADLINE: 8th December, 2014
Jobs at The University of Dodoma - Nov 2014 Jobs at The University of Dodoma - Nov 2014 Reviewed by Unknown on 10:47:00 PM Rating: 5
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