Consultancy To Undertake A Study On Business Services In The Common Market For Eastern And Southern Africa

Country: COMESA
Name of Project: Enhancing COMESA Capacity in Economic and Trade Policy Analysis and Research
Consulting Services: Undertake a Study on Business Services in the Common Market for 
Eastern and Southern Africa 
Grant No.: 280
Expression of Interest: CS/ADM/SBS/18.09/1

COMESA has received a grant from the African Capacity Building Foundation (the ACBF) in an amount equivalent to USD 3,000,000 toward the cost of enhancing COMESA capacity in economic and trade policy analysis and research and intends to apply a portion of the proceeds of this grant to eligible payments under the contract for Consultancy Services to undertake a study on business services in COMESA.

The objective of the study is to compile and complement existing information on trade in business services with the view of assisting COMESA Member States’ participation in the regional negotiations on trade in services. 

The study will cover business services, as covered in the WTO W/120 classification and the UN CPC Version 2 for a detailed classification. Given that there are many subsectors under the business services sector, there may be need for the study to focus on selected subsectors.

The consultant will be expected to cover the following sections: Regulatory regime and trade openness, structure of the sector and level of competition, and level of liberalization across the region.

The consultant is expected to carry out the following activities in order to deliver the expected results of the assignment: 

a. Undertake desk research of relevant literature on business services, in the region;
b. In order to complement, update and verify any missing information, prepare a data collection tool (such as a questionnaire or discussion questions), collect and analyze the data; and
c. Based on the outcome of the above activities prepare a draft report. Submit the draft report for stakeholder validation and for comments by the Secretariat. Refine the draft report based on the comments from the sectoral stakeholders and the Secretariat; submit a final report (in soft and hardcopy) after taking into account comments from stakeholders and the Secretariat. 

The study should be finalized within 3 calendar months with an effort of 55 man days.

COMESA now invites eligible and qualified Individual Consultants to indicate their interest in providing the services. Interested consultants must provide information indicating that they are qualified to perform the services giving a description of similar assignments undertaken. 

The successful Individual Consultant will have: At least 7 years of professional experience in economic analysis and regional economic integration with a specific focus on trade in services in the COMESA or comparable region; and research experience with business services markets in the COMESA region. The consultant must have at least a Master’s degree in Economics, Law, or equivalent; A PhD in the specified fields will be an added advantage. He or she should be fluent in written and spoken English and be computer literate. Fluency in French and/or Arabic would be an asset. 

A Consultant will be selected in accordance with the Selection for Individual Consultant procedures set out in the African capacity Building Foundation’s Procurement Guidelines for Grant Recipients (July 2011) which can be downloaded from the ACBF website: Expression of Interest clearly marked “Expression of Interest for Consultancy to Undertake a Study on Business Services in the Common Market for Eastern and Southern Africa” can be submitted as hard copies at the address below on or before 1700 hours local time on 3rd December 2014. 

The Chairman – Procurement Committee
P.o. Box 30051
Lusaka, Zambia
Tel: +260 211 229725-31
Fax: +260 211 227318
Attn: Procurement Unit

Or through email using the following address
Consultancy To Undertake A Study On Business Services In The Common Market For Eastern And Southern Africa Consultancy To Undertake A Study On Business Services In The Common Market For Eastern And Southern Africa Reviewed by Unknown on 10:10:00 PM Rating: 5
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