Banana Investments Cost Accountant

Area: Arusha
Application Deadline: Feb 28, 2013

Position Description:
 Accountable for the ongoing analysis of process constraintstarget costing projects, margin analysis, and tracing costs back to underlying activities, construct and monitor those cost-effective data accumulation systems needed to provide an appropriate level of costing information to management.

Application Instructions:
 Application in own handwriting must be accompanied by,
Curriculum Vitae (CV’s), Copies of Certificates and testimonials. 
Contact address or email address and telephones including those of referees, should reach the below contact before February 28th 2013.

The Managing Director.
Banana Investments Ltd.
P.O. Box 10123. Arusha – Tanzania.
Banana Investments Cost Accountant Banana Investments  Cost Accountant Reviewed by Unknown on 7:37:00 AM Rating: 5
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