Tender NO. AE-027/2010/2011/MZA/W/10



1. The Government of the United Republic of Tanzania has applied for a loan from the Arab Bank for

Economic Development in Africa (BADEA) and the OPEC Fund for International Development (OFID) towards the cost of upgrading Mwanza Airport. It is intended that part of the proceeds of this loan will be applied to eligible payments under contract for:-

Lot No.1: Construction of Terminal Building, Cargo Building, Power House and Completion of Control

Tower at Mwanza Airport.

Lot No. 2: Completion of Civil & Miscellaneous Work-Extension of Runway and Passenger Apron,

Construction of Cargo Apron, Sewerage System, Water Supply System, Road networks and Provision of
Fire Tenders at Mwanza Airport.

2. The Government of the United Republic of Tanzania represented by Tanzania Airports Authority, hereinafter called the Employer, now invites sealed bids from Tenderers for the construction and completion of the above works, the overall scope for each lot is as follows:-

Lot No.1: Construction of Terminal Building, Cargo Building, Power House and
Completion of Control Tower at Mwanza Airport, which consist of:-
• Cargo Building Area = 1,500 m2
• Control Tower Area = 2,360 m2
• Power House Block Area = 65 m2

• Terminal Building Area = 10,200 m2

• Including all Electrical, Mechanical and CCTV Works
Lot No. 2: Completion of Civil & Miscellaneous Works – Extension of Runway and Passenger Apron,

Construction of Cargo Apron, Sewerage System, Water Road networks and Provision of Fire Tenders at
Mwanza Airport which consist of:-
• Extension of Runway at End 30 with a total distance of 500 meters including:-
• Unclassified Excavation 150,000 m3
• 200 mm Crushed Stone Base Course 5,515 m3
• Granular Subbase Course 4,725 m3
• Crushed Stone Base Course 4,635 m3
• Granular Sub-Base Course 4,365 m3
• Granular Sub-Base Course 4,365 m3
• AGL System

• Diversion and dredging of existing water stream with a length of 1045 m with Reno Mattress protection.
• Construction of Cargo apron (157m x 150m) and taxiway (L= 300m W= 23.00 and shoulders

8.75m each) consisting of 60mm AC wearing course, 60mm AC binder course, supply of geogrid between both layers, 100mm crushed stone work with bitumen,400mm crushed stone base course, 200mm sand – gravel. An alternative design for this cargo aproan is also provided with 350mm reinforced concrete, 200mm cement stabilized base.
• Extension of passenger apron (97.5m x 96m) consisting of pioneer layer, sand screed, improved subgrade, crushed stone and Bituminous concrete of 100mm binder course. In addition to 100mm BC wearing course on the entire apron (247 x 178) plus the extension of (97.5 x 96m).

• Access Roads with a total length of 5150m, with a total width 9m with 5cm asphalt concrete surfacing, crushed aggregate base course 10,475 m3, natural gravel subbase of 15,475 m3.
• Water supply system with a total length of 7000m Ductile Iron Pipes with a water Treatment plant (Complete with service building with a min 20m2 in floor area along with office facilities and storage) and two reinforced concrete water storage tank 400m3 each.

• Sewerage System with a total length of 3000m UPVC pipes with 1 Nr. Biotreater capacity

800m3/day as per drawing.
• Surface water Drainage comprising of channels with various sizes protected with grouted rip-rap reinforced concrete and corrugated metal sheet pipes of various sizes and reinforced concrete box culverts.
• Construction of a fuel farm.

4. Bidding will be conducted through International Competitive Bidding. Interested Tenderers may obtain further information from the office of the Director General, Tanzania Airports Authority, P.O. Box 18000,
Dar es Salaam, Tanzania.

5. A complete set of the Tender Documents can be purchased at the office of the Secretary, Tanzania Airports Authority-Tender Board, TAA Head Office, Julius Nyerere International Airport, Terminal One,
Dar es Salaam between 07.30 to 15.30 hours local time on Monday to Friday on the submission of a written application to address given under paragraph 3 above and upon payment of non-refundable fee of Tshs. 300,000.00 (Three Hundred Thousand only) or an equivalent amount in a freely convertible currency, payment shall either be by Cash, Bankers Draft or Bankers Cheque, payable to the Director General, Tanzania Airports Authority, P.O. Box 18000, Dar es Salaam. Bidders who previously purchased the Old Bid Documents (Unrevised) shall contact the office for Clarifications.

6. All tenders must be accompanied by a tender security in the amount of Tshs. 2,000,000,000.00 for each lot or an equivalent amount in a freely convertible currency in the form prescribed in sub-clause 15.2 of the Instructions to Tenderers and must be delivered to: The Secretary, TAA Tender Board, Julius Nyerere International Airport (Terminal One), Dar es Salaam on or before 10.00 hours (local time) on Friday 6fh

June, 2011.

7. Tenders will be opened in public and in the presence of the Tenderers' representatives who choose to attend at the conference room of the Tanzania Airports Authority. A 10% Margin of Preference will be given to African and/or Arab Contractors who provide the required proof of eligibility as per Clause 30 of
Section 2 of the tender document.

8. The Pre-Tender meeting referred to in the Instructions to Tenderers will be held at the TAA Conference Room on Friday 13th May, 2011 at 10.00 hrs local time.

9. All bids in one original plus two (2) copies, properly filled in, and enclosed in plain envelopes must be delivered to the address below at or before 10.00 hrs local time. The deadline for submission of bids is at
10.0 hours local time on Monday 6th June, 2011. Bids will be opened in public and in the presence of bidders' representatives who chose to attend in the Conference Room of Tanzania Airports Authority, Head Office, Julius Nyerere International Airport, Terminal One. Bids sent by post must be registered. The outer cover shall be clearly marked: “TENDER NO: AE-027/2010-11/MZA/W/10 FOR UPGRADING OF MWANZA AIRPORT. DO NOT OPEN BEFORE 10.000 HOURS LOCAL TIME ON FRIDAY 6TH JUNE,


10. Telegraphic, Telex, Telefax, and late Non-telegraphic, telex and Telefaxwill not be accepted. Bids not received and not opened at the Public Bid Opening Ceremony shall not be accepted for evaluation irrespective of the circumstances.


Tel: +255 22 284 2402-3, Fax: +255 22 2844495,
E-mail: info@airports.go.tz

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