Our partner specialises in research, development and support relating to health and health systems among ethnic minority communities in Mondulkiri province, ensuring that their programmes are sensitive and appropriate to the needs and cultures of the local people. They have three main projects: improving child and maternal health and livelihoods through the creation of self-help groups; a resource centre to document and preserve local customs, culture and identities; and a sustainable bamboo shoot production enterprise aimed at improving local incomes and nutrition, whilst being environmentally friendly.
You would be the first AfID volunteer, and your role would be akin to undertaking an internal audit; carrying out a general assessment of their accounting processes and controls, and making recommendations, or implementing changes as you deem necessary. Given the nature of their programmes, they would like support incorporating the accounting of the bamboo shoot production into the NGO operations. Additionally, they would like support setting up appropriate systems and processes for the microloans they provide to the self-help groups, training them on basic bookkeeping and financial management.
This placement will be for 3-4 weeks during April, May or June.
For more information please send your CV to info@afid.org.uk or contact us on +44 (0) 208 741 7000. Please forward our details to any accountants in your network that you think would be interested in our work.
How to apply:
For more information please send your CV to info@afid.org.uk or contact us on +44 (0) 208 741 7000. Please forward our details to any accountants in your network that you think would be interested in our work.
Volunteer Accountant for Tanzanians
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11:06:00 AM