MUVI (Muunganisho Ujasiriamali Vijijini) is a 7 years’ Programme (2007-2014) funded by the International Fund for Agricultural development (IFAD) through Ministry of Industries Trade (MIT). It operates in six pilot regions of Tanzania mainland, namely Iringa, Manyara, Mwanza, Pwani, Ruvuma and Tanga. Small Industries Development Organization (SIDO) is appointed as an implementing agency by MIT. PricewaterhouseCoopers Limited (PwC) has been contracted by SIDO initially to implement the program in Mwanza and Ruvuma Regions for 3 years of 2011-2013. The contract has then been extended up to September 2014.

Although several groups/associations have been mobilized and supported; there is a need to develop appropriate intervention strategies to support their engagement with the market. Hence, the need for a Marketing Officer in Mwanza and Ruvuma. The position holder will be on a contract of 6 Months.

Main Duties and Responsibilities:
The Marketing Officer will be accountable and responsible for, among others to:
• Revise the MUVI Mwanza/Ruvuma market linkages strategy and be a lead person during the implementation stage.
• Develop the detailed market linkage activities and workplan for each of the value chains
• Assess markets (size, key players and critical success factors) of the different products from for the target value chains.
• Quantify the range of quantities of commodities available with participating groups
• Determine the needs of the selected key market players and then work backwards to work out a strategy with producer groups to enhance the quality and quantity of the timely production.
• Provide brokerage services that will link identified groups with marketing intermediaries. This includes brokering supply contracts where relevant
• Ascertain the local demand of processed commodities and advise on the viability of thresholds of the small-scale processing units within the existing enterprises and the marketing strategy for the processed products
• Prepare the MoU between the producer groups and the buyers for each of the value chains.
• Work with the LG to produce a model for managing the public market infrastructure established by MUVI and ensure a system for its implementation is in place.
• Provide training and mentoring to enterprise groups participating in the programme.
• Collect market information relevant to enterprises under support; produce regular marketing information bulletin for dissemination through local information boards and local radio stations.
• Prepare an inception report detailing out a revised marketing strategy for each crop and action plan for carrying out the whole assignment
• Prepare weekly plan and report covering all relevant elements of the assignment to be consolidated into monthly report
• Prepare end of assignment report

Qualification and experience required:
• Bachelor’s degree from a recognized University with specialization in Marketing, Agribusiness, business administration, or management sciences.
• At least 5 years practical experience as a field officer in private sector on inputs and or marketing of agricultural commodities
• Experience as a business/marketing facilitator working for value chain facilitating organizations; relevant practical experience in organization of farmers/producer organizations.
• A good understanding of the target value chains.
• An added advantage to a candidate who has done similar work in the sunflower, cassava, rice and/or maize value chains
• Strong communication skills, to be able to make one understood by the target farmers and groups as well as private sector companies at CEO levels

Applicants should be residents of Mwanza and Ruvuma, respectively.
A competitive rate will be paid to the candidate commensurate with qualifications and experience. MUVI will also meet the logistical costs of office space, communication, transport and per diems within the project area. The Marketing Officer will be responsible for all tax liabilities with regards to this assignment including 15% withholding Tax if applicable.


The application should be submitted via email ( or to the address below, before 04 April 2014. All applications including a detailed CV, one coloured passport size photograph, certified copies of certificates, and names and addresses of three work related referees with title marked “Marketing Officer MUVI” on the top of the envelope should be addressed to:

PricewaterhouseCoopers Limited,
Pemba House, 369 Toure Drive, Oyster Bay,
PO Box 45, Dar es Salaam, Tanzania
T: +255(0)22 219 2000,
F: +255(0)22 219 2200,
MARKETING OFFICER MARKETING OFFICER Reviewed by Unknown on 2:23:00 AM Rating: 5
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