Twaweza currently has the following vacancies, for positions based in Dar es Salaam and Nairobi.
Social Sectors Research Analyst, Uwazi
Based in Dar es Salaam
The responsibilities of the Social Sectors Research Analyst include producing information outputs, analysing data and designing monitoring exercises, as part of Twaweza's Uwazi program. 
The post requires a Master of Arts/Master of Science qualification in social sciences, finance or public policy, and at least 3 years of relevant work experience in policy research and advocacy/ policy dialogue engagements gained with civil society and public sector. Experience working on public health/health sector issues in the region will be an added advantage. 
Data Analyst, Uwezo Kenya
Based in Nairobi
The Data Analyst will support the Uwezo Regional and Country Offices and offer quality assurance and design advice throughout the survey process: sampling, survey design, data collection, processing, organisation and analysis. They will undertake further analysis and derive data for the thematic reports and policy papers. 
The post requires a masters (minimum) or PhD degree (preferred) in economics or social sciences, as well as extensive knowledge of micro-data and empirical analyses (including packages such as  STATA or SPSS), evidenced preferably by publications in refereed journals and/or books, reports or brochures.
Senior Program Officer
Based in Dar es Salaam
The Senior Program Officer will coordinate the Positive Deviance Program in Tanzania. The role involves developing the program in time for a launch by the end of 2014. 
The post requires a masters degree in a relevant field; minimum 7 years relevant working experience; a keen understanding of quantitative and qualitative research related to social change, analytical and conceptual skills, and ability to translate these into program development.
Learning Officer
Based in Dar es Salaam
The Learning Officer is responsible for developing and fostering a culture of learning and innovation within Twaweza, including Twaweza’s partners. Monitoring of programs and documenting lessons learned for internal and external use are also a key part of this role.
Communications Officer
Based in Dar es Salaam
The Communications Officer will support the communications needs of Twaweza (including Uwazi) across different mediums, including through the design, writing, production and distribution of communication materials. You will also support the Communications Unit to learn about effective communication that can spark social change.
Regional Communications Officer (Education)
Based in Nairobi
The Regional Communications Officer will coordinate Twaweza education communication activities across Kenya, Tanzania and Uganda. They will develop strategies and plans in line with Uwezo and Twaweza theories of change and will ensure implementation of those plans in the region to high quality which delivers impact. They will oversee the production of high quality communications materials and ensure that the standards are maintained across the region. 
The post requires a masters degree in a relevant field, a minimum 3 years working experience in Kenya/EastAfrica, and a keen understanding of country political and social dynamics. 
TWAWEZA JOBS , APRIL 2014 TWAWEZA JOBS , APRIL 2014 Reviewed by Unknown on 4:25:00 PM Rating: 5
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