From the Daily News of 26th March
SOS Children's Village Zanzibar is Local Non- Government Organization (NGO) affiliated to SOS Children's1 ~ Villages International, a worldwide child care organisation that provides orphaned and destitute children with a permanent home and educational opportunities. Established 64 years ago, SOS Children's Villages International the umbrella organisation, currently has Children's Villages and other projects in 135 countries around the world. Globally, it runs two major programmes i.e Family Based Care based at SOS Children's Villages and Family Strengthening Programmes supporting families in local communities. SOS has been working in the United Republic of Tanzania since 1991, and runs Children's Villages and other projects in Tanzania, the organisation runs three Children's Villages in Arusha, Dar es Salaam and Zanzibar and a Family Strengthening Programme in Mwanza & Pemba.
SOS Children's Villages Zanzibar is looking for highly qualified & competent candidates to fill the following position
Mama watoto/msaidizi
Sehemu ya kazi: Zanzibar(nafasi 2)
Anaripoti: Mkurugenzi wa Kijiji
Sifa za Mwombaji:
Awe na umri kati ya miaka 33 na 40. Awe na elimu si chini ya Sekondari
Awe hana majukumu makubwa ya kifamilia kama vile hana mume, asiwe na watoto wenye umri chini ya miaka 12
Awe yuko tayari kuishi katika Kijiji cha SOS kama mama wa watoto wanaohitaji malezi. Uwezo wa kuongea kwa lugha ya Kiingereza ni sifa ya ziada.
Kama hana cheti cha sekondari awe na cheti chochote cha malezi ya watoto Umri kuanzia miaka 33 usizidi miaka 40 (Kigezo hiki ni lazima).
NB: Waombaji watakaofanikiwa watapatiwa mafunzo maalum ya malezi ya kwa muda uslopunguwa mlezl mitatu . Zingatia slfa ya umri kama i1ivyoainishwa hapo juu.

Kuhakikisha ustawi wa mtoto kupitia malezi
Mama ana wajibu kwa ajili ya usimamizi wa nyu mba yake na shughuli muhimu ndani ya nyumba yake
Mama ana wajibu wa kuwajengea fursa watoto kuwa huru zaidi na kuwajibika.
Kuendeleza familia kwa upendo, ulinzi, ualJlinifu na usalama kwa wototo atakaokabidhiwa kwa muda wote.
Kumjenga mtoto katika familia na kumsaidia kiafya, kimwili, kiakili, kijamii kiutamaduni na ustawi wa kiroho wa kila mtoto.


To apply for this position, send your application by letter or email describing how your experience, qualifications and competencies making you the right candidate for this position, Enclose a detailed updated_ CV, telephone contacts and details of at least 3 referees with their emails, address & phone numbers. The contacted Candidates for the interview must bring the original certificates and copies of each for attachment. Closing date is two weeks after the first Advert. Addressed to:-

The National Director
SOS Children's Villages Tanzania
P. O. Box 80462 Dar es Salaam, Tanzania
MAMA WATOTO/MSAIDIZI MAMA WATOTO/MSAIDIZI Reviewed by Unknown on 8:58:00 AM Rating: 5
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