Teaching Positions at Aga Khan Education Services , April 2014

Teaching Positions
Aga Khan Education Services
Social Development
Aga Khan Education Services: (AKES) currently operates more than 300 schools and advanced educational programmes that provide quality pre-school, primary, secondary, and higher secondary education services to students in Pakistan, India, Bangladesh, Kenya, Uganda, Tanzania, and Tajikistan. More information....
AKES,T is currently seeking qualified, dynamic, open-minded, committed, effective and experienced candidates to fill the following positions from August 2014:
Teaching Positions
Aga Khan Primary School:

  • IT Teacher 
  • SEN Coordinator
Aga Khan Mzizima Secondary School:

  • IBDP Coordinator 
  • SEN Coordinator 
  • Teacher Librarian 
  • IBDP and IGCSE experienced teachers of Theory of Knowledge, English Literature, History, Mathematics HL
The ideal candidates will:

  • model the attributes of the IB Learner Profile, 
  • be able to teach at least one IB subject at HL, with flexibility to teach across 2-3 different subjects/levels, 
  • be willing to supervise one CAS activity after school, 3-4pm once a week, and sometimes at weekends, 
  • be willing to supervise at least one Extended Essay, 
  • have a university degree in subject specialism, and a teaching qualification with certification, 
  • have experience teaching in a culturally diverse and economically disparate environment, 
  • have demonstrated skills of EAL support and inclusion strategies in the mainstream classroom, 
  • have engaged commitment to our co-curricular and pastoral programmes, 
  • be willing to work in a collaborative environment and to participate in our mentoring programme.
Salary and package to attract the best candidate
Teaching Positions at Aga Khan Education Services , April 2014 Teaching Positions at Aga Khan Education Services , April 2014 Reviewed by Unknown on 7:50:00 AM Rating: 5
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