Male Photography Model

Male Photography Model
Company:Carepoint Photoplus Studio
Location:Dar Es Salaam
Carepoint Photoplus studio, located at Makumbusho Simbakapakatwa, is seeking female model for photographic shooting. This opportunity provide mutual benefits. The studio will promote you as model to various modeling agencies. In return your photo will appear at our blog and facebook page.
to qualify for this opportunity, you should be aged 18 years and above, GOOD BODY BUILT and able to pose for modeling and fashion photo shoot. in addition, you should be innovative, energetic and eager to learn.
Our studio will reimburse your transport and/or time (we dont provide salary). As a start you should have outfits for modeling photo shoot which will take place as soon as possible. In case we get a contract with boutiques and other businesses then we will be able to offer you good contract.
If you are interested please send your application including SAMPLE PHOTOS to Please indicate your age and height.
in your email subject write: "application for Male Photography Model"
Deadline:31th March 2014
Phone: +255 (0) 713 134 030
Male Photography Model Male Photography Model Reviewed by Unknown on 3:29:00 AM Rating: 5
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