Sales Executives , Dira NewsPaper Co. Ltd

Phone: 0759 007878
Position: Sales Executives
Location: Dar es Salaam
Deadline :Nov 30 2013
Dira NewsPaper Co. Ltd the Publisher of DIRA YA MTANZANIA, PATA HABARI AND HEKA HEKA UWANJANI Newspapers wishes to Recruit additional sales Executives to sell advertising space in its publications.
We are willing to hold discussion with individuals who possess the following qualifications:-
• Academic: Form Six level, Diploma in Marketing, Business Administration or Sales and above.
• Ability to achieve set targets and objectives.
• Identifies potential advertising the Clients, studies their business, Current and Potential Customers and to convince the Clients the value and benefits of advertising in newspapers published by the Company.
• Assists Clients in the Preparation of the advertising copy.
• Ability to effectively handle both allocated and potential clients.
• Communication skills-Excellent in both English and Swahili.
• Presentable and responsible 
• Not engaged in any other Similar Publisher Company.
• 1-2 years working experience

Attractive Commission and Salary will be offered to successful persons.
How to apply:
If you are the right person and have what it takes to perform in highly competitive environment , please send your application CV and Copies of Certificates. Addressed to Managing Director, Dira Newspaper Co. Ltd, P.O Box 105497, Dar es Salaam. Closing date: 30/11/2013 Or call 0759 007878, 0222 2669066: Fax 0222 2667900, Email: 

From Mwananchi Nov 27,2013.
Sales Executives , Dira NewsPaper Co. Ltd Sales Executives , Dira NewsPaper Co. Ltd Reviewed by Unknown on 6:19:00 AM Rating: 5
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