Regional Coordinator -Diagnosis and Management of Severe Febriel Illness in Children (Mara Region)

Position: Regional Coordinator -Diagnosis and Management of Severe Febriel Illness in Children (Mara Region)
Location: Mara Region
Deadline :Dec 2 2013
AMREF is an independent, non profit, non-governmental organization (NGO) whose mission is to “improve the health of disadvantaged people in Africa as a means for them to escape poverty and improve the quality of their lives”. AMREF has over 500 employees throughout Africa with its headquarters in Nairobi, Kenya. AMREF has offices in Ethiopia, Kenya, Uganda, South Africa and Tanzania. AMREF has thirteen National offices in Europe and North America for liaisons and fundraising. AMREF Tanzania, one of the fast expanding country office programmes is largely supported by multilateral , Bilateral and national donors, implementing several programmes including HIV/AIDS/TB/STI, Family Health, Water and sanitation, Malaria, Training, clinical outreach and disaster management. AMREF Tanzania is therefore seeking to recruit highly qualified , experienced and motivated individuals to fill the following positions:- Job Objectives: To assist the community advisor in programming and managing project activities, To participate in project, local/regional and national diagnosis and management of severe febrile illness in children activities
Qualification and Experience:
• Basic degree in Medicine preferably with a Masters in Medicine/Public Health or any other related Masters Degree.
• Experience in project management, monitoring and evaluation knowledge and skills.
• Experience and interest in Diagnosis and Management of Febrile Illness
• Experience and interest in working with local authorities and communities
• Networking skills with project staff, donors, partners and government leaders
• Good interpersonal and communication skills
• Experience in computer packages
• 3 years and above

Duties and Responsibilities: 
• Assist the community advisor in project planning and management;
• Work closely and create vibrant networks with local authorities, health facilities, communities and CSOs in project implementation;
• Conduct regular monitoring, supervision and reporting of project activities Support the community advisor in sustainable project growth;
• Organize and facilitate production and availability of information, Education and communication (IEC) materials relating to diagnosis and management of severe febrile illness in children in the project area, 
• Participate fully in identification, documentation and dissemination of goo,d practices and lessons learned, 
• Ensure adequate monitoring, timely reporting and evaluation of project activities
• Design operational research (OR) and conduct operational research for improvement of diagnosis and management of severe febrile illness in children programming and implementation
• Actively search for and participate in development of concept papers and proposals for funding opportunities;
• Perform any other duties as assigned
How to apply:
If you meet the criteria given above and are interested please send an application letter with CV indicating your present employer and position, daytime telephone contact, names and addresses of two referees. To be considered, your application must be received by 16.30 hrs on 2nd December 2013. All correspondence should be directed to: Email: 

From Daily news Nov 25,2013. 
Regional Coordinator -Diagnosis and Management of Severe Febriel Illness in Children (Mara Region) Regional Coordinator -Diagnosis and Management of Severe Febriel Illness in Children (Mara Region) Reviewed by Unknown on 6:37:00 AM Rating: 5
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