Local Investment Climate Reform Advisers

Local Investment Climate (LIC) sub-component, Business Sector Programme Support (BSPS) Phase IV, Tanzania
Deadline 10 December 2013
KPMG is a leading provider of professional services, which include audit, tax and advisory. KPMG’s International Development Advisory Services Unit (IDAS) is based in Nairobi, Kenya and has adopted a pan-African approach to development work, employing full-time experienced development experts within the KPMG Africa team at our headquarters in Nairobi, together with a network of champions across the twenty countries of KPMG in sub-Saharan Africa. Our clients include international development agencies, international lending institutions, private corporations and foundation and national governments.
KPMG seeks Local Investment Climate Reform Advisers for the Local Investment Climate (LIC) sub-component, Business Sector Programme Support Phase IV in Tanzania. KPMG has been shortlisted by Danida to submit a tender as the Management Contractor (MC) of Local Investment Climate (LIC) sub-component. The four-year programme with a possible extension of up to 24 months will support Tanzania achieve improved conditions for sustained growth and investment in selected local government authorities.
The LIC sub-component will focus geographically on Kigoma and Dodoma regions to address the critical constraints to business growth and economic development at the district level. It shall encourage practical responses to the challenges faced by government and business when seeking to improve the conditions for private sector development and economic development at the district level, and facilitate the creation of district-level Public-Private Dialogue. LIC will establish a Small Industrial Facilities Fund (SIFF), which will facilitate investments in public infrastructure and private business facilities with public-good characteristics to unlock critical constraints in local markets and strategic value chains (clusters), and create new business opportunities for local business women and men. The investments will be targeting key agribusiness value chains in the region.
LIC shall closely coordinate activities with other BSPS IV programmes, in particular the Agricultural Markets Development Trust, the BEST-dialogue and Private Agricultural Sector Support Programme (PASS) Trust. In addition, working with strategic national partners such as Prime Minister’s Office – Regional Administration and Local Government (PMO-RALG), Association of Local Authorities in Tanzania (ALAT), Tanzania Private Sector Foundation (TPSF) and Tanzania Chamber of Commerce, Industries and Agriculture (TCCIA) the sub-component shall disseminate lessons learnt by government and the business community with other regions across the country. The sub-component will support four outcomes: • Outcome 1: Agreement and collaboration among public and private actors on addressing the priorities for local business growth and economic development. • Outcome 2: Improved local and sector-specific business environments. assessments • Outcome 3: Increased investment in selected regions and value chains. • Outcome 4: Improved practices across all regions and districts.
Specific roles and responsibilities:
The Local Investment Climate Reform Advisers will be responsible for supporting, coordinating and facilitating business environment reforms within participating district councils. Based on business environment assessments, he/she will develop and implement an action plan based on the identified needs to support business growth and create a competitive local economy. He/she will report to the Programme Manager. Additional responsibilities will include: • Establishment of public private dialogue mechanisms. • Engage public and private sector organizations to develop funding proposals. • Support the development of Local Business Environment Reform Plans and Local Business Advocacy agendas. • Participate in the identification, selection and supervision of any short term technical advisors that will be procured to deliver technical assistance needs identified in the capacity strengthening action plan. • Working with the Programme Manager and SIFF Manager, define specific, quantifiable indicators for addressing the priorities for local business growth and economic development. • Ensure that lessons learnt are shared with the steering committee. • Prepare narrative reports on capacity strengthening actions for submission to LIC Steering Committee. • Together with Programme Manager, support the development of the annual work plans for the LIC Sub-component. General qualifications required: • University degree or equivalent training in economics, business management, political science or other relevant field. • At least 5 years of relevant professional experience. • Project management/coordination experience. Adequacy for the assignment: • Proven knowledge in business environment reforms and competitiveness matters. • Experience in private sector development and preferably Public-Private Dialogue. • Experience working with the government preferably at sub-national (district) level. • Experience with capacity building of private and public sector organisations. • Preferably experience with development of funding proposals. • Fluent in English and Swahili.
Duty Station: one position Dodoma and one position Kigoma, Tanzania
Tanzanian nationals are strongly encouraged to apply
Position is contingent upon project award and funding
Estimated start date: early 2014
© 2013 KPMG, the Kenya member firm of KPMG International, a Swiss cooperative. All rights reserved. Printed in Kenya
How to apply:
If your career aspirations match this exciting opportunity, please forward your curriculum vitae giving details of your qualifications and experience quoting the job code IDAS/2013/LIC/LICRA and indicating your selected duty station on or before 10 December 2013 to skieti@kpmg.co.ke
Local Investment Climate Reform Advisers Local Investment Climate Reform Advisers Reviewed by Unknown on 2:51:00 AM Rating: 5
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