TITLE: Individual Consultancy Services for collection and analysis of existing literature on TVET in Rwanda
Project ID: P118101
Borrower/Bid No: Contract Ref: 004/S/IC/SDP/WDA/12/2012
1. Introduction and Background
The Government of Rwanda through the Workforce Development Authority has received a Credit from the World Bank for the implementation of its Skills Development strategy. This Credit has been provided under the Skills Development Project (SDP).
The project supports three components which all focus on skills development by matching demand and supply. Component 1 targets medium-term systems building that would provide competency-based and demand-driven training in selected priority occupations in selected vocational training centers (VTCs). Component 2 supports the overall TVET system strengthening while component 3 addresses the Rapid Skills Delivery by acting as a quick delivery financing mechanism in response to priority skill needs.
As a first step, the Workforce Development Authority would like to hire an individual consultant to identify skills bottlenecks by collecting and analyzing the existing literature that are related to the economic growth in the country, and design a clear plan of action for further studies.
2. Objective of the Assignment
The purpose of this consultancy is to carry out a deep review and analysis of the existing literature on TVET-related skills in Rwanda which are identified as critical bottlenecks to sustain and improve the competitiveness of the Rwandan economy.
This will include:
i. The collection and analysis of data and information on the economic trends, qualitative and quantitative labor demand for TVET trained workers and extent to which the training system produces demanded skills.
ii. Identification of areas which need to be further analyzed and areas for which additional information needs to be collected to inform WDA and partners to better align their activities to resolve key skills bottlenecks.
iii. Design a Plan of Action for WDA to fill these information gaps and develop terms of reference for further data collection and analysis.
3. Scope of the Consultancy Services
i. Collection and review of existing literature on demand and supply of TVET-related skills in Rwanda, from WDA, relevant public and private institutions as well as non-governmental organizations including Rwanda's development partners.
ii. Collection and review of existing literature on economic trends and its relation to skills gaps from the same stakeholders
iii. Presentation of draft and final report to WDA and relevant stakeholders
iv. Development of a Plan of Action for further analytical studies and discussion with WDA and its stakeholders and development partners.
4. Competences
Interested individual consultants must have required qualifications and proven experience in:
- Research methodology with a minimum of 5 years practical experience in analytical work in areas related to this nature of work i.e. related to demand for and supply of labor/skills, preferably with a focus on TVET.
- Knowledge of micro and macro level economic research methodology (including quantitative, qualitative and participatory approaches
- Minimum Master's degree in economics or any related field; relevant professional certifications will be an added advantage;
- Strong analytical skills and a record of achieving results.
- Provide concrete evidence of his previous experiences on similar assignments;
- Be able to meet deadlines, excellent verbal and written communication skills in English are crucial;
- Communication skills in French and/or Kinyarwanda will be an added advantage;
The consultants are required to submit a brief summary of proven experience in similar work with referees for consultation if need arises.
5. Selection Procedures
The Workforce Development Authority now invites eligible individual consultants to indicate their interest in providing the above mentioned services. Interested consultants must provide information indicating that they are qualified to perform the services. Consultants will be selected in accordance with the procedures set out in the World Bank Guidelines for Selection and Employment of Consultants by World Bank Borrowers http://go.worldbank.org/U9IPSLUDC0, January 2011, following Selection using "Individual Consultants' Method".
6. Deadline Date and Time
Expressions of Interest must be received at the address indicated below by or before Tuesday 12th of February, 2013, 10:00hrs local time clearly marked "Consultancy services for collection and analysis of existing literature on TVET in Rwanda".
7. Submission Address
Expressions of interest must be delivered to the Project Manager, Skills Development Project, Workforce Development Authority, Remera, Former PSCBS offices, opposite Rwanda Education Board Offices, by hand or email to wmuyenzi@yahoo.com with a copy to leo@wda.gov.rw. Acknowledgement will only be made valid by a "read confirmation" receipt from the Skills Development Project.
Project Manager, Skills Development Project
Workforce Development Authority, Remera, Former PSCBS offices, opposite Rwanda Education Board Offices
E-mail: wmuyenzi@yahoo.com with a copy to leo@wda.gov.rw
Consultancy Services for collection and analysis of existing literature on TVET in Rwanda
Reviewed by Unknown
5:21:00 AM